Local Government TV

Friday, April 21, 2023

Politically Inspired Lawsuit Against NorCo DA and Colonial Regional Police Dismissed

In my recap of the candidates' night in Easton, I decided the fairest way to tell you about the DA's race was to let the candidates do it themselves. Without any editorial observations, I posted videos of what Steve Baratta and Terry Houck had to say. For doing so, I was attacked by the Baratta camp. One of their numerous complaints was my failure to tell you more about the Sikh temple in Nazareth, which I've written about here and here.  

The Sikh Temple controversy involves two factions fighting for control of that church. It is essentially a civil matter. In fact a civil suit seeking a declaratory judgment was filed by one faction in 2014. It was  dismissed by then Judge Baratta in 2015 because the faction that brought the suit had failed to do anything.

As a judge, Baratta dismissed the suit between two Sikh factions. As a candidate for DA, he's pandering to one side. During the debate in Nazareth, he even told the Sikhs in the audience that Houck "doesn't care because you guys don't look like him ... ."  

Houck had met both factions twice and refused to act because he correctly concluded the matter is civil. It had nothing to do with the way Sikhs look. One could just as easily conclude that then Judge Baratta dismissed their lawsuit because they don't look like him. 

The fighting has continued. Police have been called over 20 times and have responded every time, although Baratta has incorrectly claimed at a protest and in statements that they refuse to do anything.  There were a few times when harassment charges were filed and two incidents are under criminal investigation.  When someone complains that he doesn't like the way someone else is looking at him, that's no basis for police action. Maybe Mommy or Daddy, but not the cops. 

In February, a new declaratory judgment was filed by one faction against the other by Attorney John Alexander Short, an associate who interestingly works directly under Ray Lahoud at Lahoud's law firm. Lahoud is a big Baratta backer, as evidenced by his Facebook page. That matter is pending. 

One of the attacks launched at me involve the Sikh temple dispute. 

"The police still maintain possession of the monetary collections circulated at the religious event they were called to months ago. Why hasn't Terry returned the religious donations seized by police that day? Those donations are not evidence of any crime and should be returned to the organization immediately. When will you report on the lawsuits filed against the police and Houck by the Sikhs?"

Actually, I was unaware that Baratta backer Ray Lahoud actually had used his law firm to sue, not just another faction of Sikhs, but District Attorney Terry Houck and  Colonial Regional Police Department as well. I was unaware because this lawsuit, if it can be called a lawsuit, was actually filed in criminal court. I suspect that nobody, outside of Lahoud's law firm and the DA's office, would have known about this action. 

Among the numerous visits police made to the Sikh Temple was one occasion in which the two factions were arguing over the $1500 take in that week's collection box. Both sides agreed to turn it over to police until the civil dispute over control is resolved. 

In an effort to embarrass District Attorney Houck. Lahoud's associate then filed a motion in criminal court, naming Houck and the police as defendants. He claims his Sikh factrion has been aggrieved by a "search and seizure" and want that money. 

In a hearing on Wednesday, in which County Solicitor Melissa Rudas represented the DA and Attorney Ron Corkery represented police, body cam footage showed clearly that no one was aggrieved and there was no search and seizure. There was instead a consensual handover of the money until the civil dispute is resolved. 

President Judge Michael J. Koury, Jr., dismissed the petition. 

So I've now reported on this politically inspired litigation. 

Sikh Temple Property Return Order 4-19-23 by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. Ray Lahoud and Steve Baratta are slithering reptiles. They are liars who cannot be trusted. Lahoud's been like that since I knew him as a kid. You could see he was a lowlife in training. He has skeletons that should be exposed. Both candidates are disgusting. Baratta, however, is in a disgusting class by himself. And his lying ethically greasy friends .... please. The best part will be seeing Baratta's long career go down in the coming embarrassing bitch slap. He's going to be retired by voters with a hearty, "fuck you!" for his entire career. Good riddance to rancid, steaming garbage. Go far away Steve. Take rotten Ray with you.

  2. Baratta is his own worst enemy. I really have no idea how he has made it this far in life.

  3. To insinuate that Houk is a racist is a new low for Baratta. It’s disgraceful but not surprising. This is the democrat playbook these days. Instead of having a fact based debate just accuse your opponent of racism. It’s one of the reasons I switched to Independent im sick of all the racism garbage.

  4. Ray Lahoud is a hunk.

  5. I ordinarily would reject the anonymous personal attack at Lahoud bc he is not a candidate and my own personal experiences with him have been good. But he has injected himself into this race, even to the point of filing an obviously political (and baseless) action in criminal court. It is also quite clear to me that the complaint about my failure to report this matter comes from him bc he is one of very few people who would know about it. So you have your report. It shows that Baratta, as judge, rejected a lawsuit by one faction of Sikhs. It also shows that Baratta, as candidate, has pandered to that same faction. It shows this faction went back on its word that it wanted police to hold collection box money, and filed a lawsuit for its return without even bothering to notify the other faction. It shows there was no seizure. It shows a group of adults acting like little children. If anyone looks bad, it is the Sikhs, Baratta and Lahoud. They are embarrassing themselves.

  6. "It’s one of the reasons I switched to Independent im sick of all the racism garbage."

    Well, if you want to stop this nonsense, I urge you to return to whatever fold you were in and vote Houck.

  7. Ya don't have to write 50 paragraphs to let us know which you prefer. Just say Houck. Sheesh.

  8. Normally I wouldn't chime in but if you're a Republican just write in Terry Houck's name. I got a flyer in the mail suggesting this and that's exactly what my wife & I are going to do. I know negative campaigning is the norm but I that doesn't mean we have to stand for it...

    1. Same here. I’ll be writing in Terry Houck. My wife is still a registered democrat but I don’t think she’s voted for one since Obama in 2008 lol. So she’ll get the D ballot. She’s voting for Houk also.

  9. I have rejected a comment that now moves from attacking Houck to attacking a secretary in his office. Leave the civilians out of this, please.

  10. 10:51, Baratta is using this as a basis for yet another attack at Houck, but it is actually amazingly stupid to let the R party go by when no one has filed to run. I know that most Dems will try to get write-ins from Rs in primaries when no one is on the ballot and vice versa. A District Attorney should represent ALL the people, not just one party.

  11. Ray Lahoud is aight.

    Sometimes his enthusiasms get the better of him.

  12. 8:50 am: I believe Bernie has been quite upfront from the start by saying he prefers Terry Houck be elected to a second term. I don’t think his reporting has been unfair, rather he has just pointed out the half truths that Baratta continues to espouse. For Baratta to continue to hammer home the same points — points that have been discredited — shows he either doesn’t care about facts (dangerous for a county’s head prosecutor) or that he is a lazy campaigner who doesn’t want to clarify/own up to a mistake. I’m sure he would gain some votes by admitting that “I made statements based on the facts I was given.”

    Baratta has disappointed me a great deal. I expected a lot from a former judge, but now realize that he is just another egotistical politician who wants the job (probably just the title; he’ll leave the work to the scrubs), no matter the cost.

  13. The primaries need to be opened up to Independents. In an open primary Houk would run away with it. Opening the primaries would be one simple solution to make politics less polarized.

  14. I am registered republican, Terry will be getting my write in vote!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.