Local Government TV

Friday, April 21, 2023

Mastriano: Will He or Won't He?

Failed gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano has reportedly reached a decision on whether he intends to challenge US Senator Bob Casey next year.  He claims polls show him "walking away with it."  

I hope he runs. If he does, it guarantees that Pennsylvania remains blue. 


  1. Casey is basically a do nothing, I got the job because of my name and PA voters can't get any further in their lives than a "D" senator.

    Mastriano is a maga cult puppet nut job.

    Like the feterman/oz mess - lousy choices.

  2. PA is never going red again. Ballot stuffing drop boxes and no independent observers in several key counties will insure this. Game over. And Rs agreed to the vote stealing. They deserve blue for the rest of their days.

    1. Vote early and often Democrats! Harvest votes plentiful, too. Republicans: don't vote because Dominion will just change your vote to the D candidate.

      You'd think that a week after Fox News paid $757 million to settle a libel lawsuit for promoting election lies, dopes like 8:00 would realized that they've been duped about election fraud, but judging by his/her comment, obviously not.

  3. Maybe if Mastriano wears a hoodie, starts a debate by saying "goodnight" and hides in the basement he has a chance.

  4. 8:00 AM makes an excellent point. It might no longer be possible for citizens to determine how they are governed simply by showing up at the polls and casting a vote. Yes, Republicans have pretty much joined together with Democrats when it comes to ‘protecting’ each other from being discovered and held personally accountable.

  5. "PA is never going red again. Ballot stuffing drop boxes and no independent observers in several key counties will insure this. Game over. And Rs agreed to the vote stealing. They deserve blue for the rest of their days."

    Glad to see you've already conceded all elections to the Democrats. Now, instead of voting on election day, you can stay home and watch a little more of the liars on Fox "News" explain to you how the election is being stolen. B e sure to tell all your MAGA-loving friends to do the same!

  6. Shame we never got a Mastriano-Shapiro debate. That sniveling little coward Shapiro, who perfectly represents his party, would have pissed down his short, scrawny little legs if asked a single challenging question. Mastriano would have debated anywhere. Shapiro ran away and hid like the little sawed-off cowardly bitch he is. And then Bernie endorsed him. Lol.

    1. That would be like having a member from a debate team in a match with someone with serious big boy issues. Mastriano does not deserve a debate. And isnt it fascinating that the shrimp nerd won. It can be likened to Lynch against anyone grounded in a sense of reality with manners and decorum .

  7. Mastriano cost the republicans a senate seat IMO. He lost by 14 but Oz only lost by 4. It’s not far fetched to think if Rs ran a decent gubernatorial candidate Oz would have won. Fetterman isn’t up to the job at this point. Sad.

  8. How can we be sure the commenters on FOX News were liars? FOX didn’t give anyone a chance to benefit from the knowledge gained through cross examination of evidence in a real trial by an independent jury. I’m not aware of ANY trial of this type ever being held to deal with this same matter. If someone knows of one that did take place and run to its completion, please tell us.

    1. 11:56am -: HahahaHa! We know, because Fox news settled. They settled because they knew they would lose and not only would Dominion get their asking price of 1.6 Billion dollars, they could have also received punitive damages of a lot more. Also, Fox News admitted that they lied, though they "spun" their lies in their "no spin zone" by using softer language.

      You obviously didn't follow they trial (yes, there was a preliminary hearing). Dominion had text messages, emails, voicemails and taped conversations between several Fox News pundits and MAGA representatives like Sidney Powell, Giuliani, Pillow Guy, etc...where they admit that there was no election fraud and that they were knowingly putting lies on the air.

      Rupert Murdoch, himself, even testified under oath that their decision to report these lies had nothing to do with Republican Red or Democrat Blue, but rather Money Green.

      His defense? The first Amendment. Hahaha.

      Oh, and nevermind that Trump's Justice Department investigated Dominion after the election and found no fraud.

      The hearing found that even Donald Trump knew that he lost and there was no election fraud.

      Stay in your fact free zone. Don't vote. Democrats will only cheat and win anyway, you pathetic dope.

  9. First, Mastriano's entire strategy was, and I quote, "40 days of prayer." In the meantime, Shapiro's plan was to blanket the state in ads touting support for police as well as his work with the Catholic church abuse. Shapiro played the race like a fiddle and won because there was nothing from the other side. I frankly was stunned it was even 14 points close.

    Oz frankly did too little, too late. I watch ABC-6 out of Philly each evening and the entire summer and fall was blanketed by ads from Fetterman (who I did NOT vote for). Where was Oz? Fetterman is frankly a clown right now in the senate and clearly incapable of the job.

    Also, remember... Mastriano VOTED for the election "scheme" of mail-in ballots, etc.

    In an election that Republicans SHOULD have won, they blew it.

  10. You will get your wish a blue state a blue country and the end of this country.

  11. Research NBC News and the exploding Chevy pick ups they staged. Washington Post settled with MAGA hat-wearing teenager Nick Sandman for $250M before their reporters and editors had to testify. Dirty reporters and outlets transcend ideological boundaries.

    1. 12:42- Can you please find me an article that confirms the $250 settlement. Don't copy/paste a headline. Find the exact dollar settlement. For all we know, they settled for $10.00. it's probably more, but either way, my guess is that pompous tool will be identifying as Trans in a year or two and will be the Queen Bee leading the Gay Pride float.

  12. "How can we be sure the commenters on FOX News were liars? FOX didn’t give anyone a chance to benefit from the knowledge gained through cross examination of evidence in a real trial by an independent jury. I’m not aware of ANY trial of this type ever being held to deal with this same matter. If someone knows of one that did take place and run to its completion, please tell us."

    Most of the Fox News personalities (Bartiromo is the one exception that I recall; she said that she was confused by it all) admitted, under oath, that they believed the accusations against Dominion were false but aired them anyway in order to keep up their ratings, because the MAGA crowd wouldn't accept hearing the truth. Proof doesn't get much better than a clear and uncoerced confession.

    P.S. Juries don't ask questions of witnesses at a trial, if that's what you're saying.

    1. And the democratic press never lies? Give me a break

    2. 10:49- That's your defense? Sad and pathetic. The Democratic press is definitely biased as the Republican press is, but the Dominion Lawsuit transcends [honest] inaccuracies in reporting that, if mistakes are made, retractions are made...on both sides. Fox News outright lied, paid bigly for it and fired three on air personalities the next day. Good bye Jeanine Pirro . Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

      Just as and FYI: the average settlement for a serious injury is $250K. The average settlement for a wrongful death is 1 million. Fox News settled for $757 million.

  13. "You will get your wish a blue state a blue country and the end of this country."

    That's not a fair statement. We'll let you stay here if you behave yourself.

  14. Ruh roh. Looks like slipping dentures Casey will be hiding in his basement for the next 18 months. He's more terrified of Mastriano than wimpy little mama's boy Shapiro. Do we have proof that Casey is still alive? I thought there were complications with his recent transition surgery or something?

    1. You bullies ruled the lunch table in school, however you'll never win an election.

  15. THE SOB should be in jail for being a fake electorate. He should be given the chance to partake in any democratic activity. He is a treasons individual like several others in the valley who should join him in GITMO.

  16. Yes keep the democrats in office because they are doing such a great job--If you believe that you are a complete idiot. The democrats on all levels are running the country into the ground and that is a fact, Bernie. Unless you want to tell us where your democrats are doing a good job.

  17. 2:25 - yes, I know juries don’t ask questions of persons who provide data. What juries do (Duh!) is evaluate evidence presented and determine its validity. But first, Evidence needs to be placed before them!

    Evidence presented in a regular courtroom setting where attorneys for both viewpoints ask questions from careful examination of each witness who provides information related to the case. Those answers are made under Oath and under a threat of Perjury for lying. To my knowledge, comprehensive data in proof of election result manipulation was never provided an opportunity to be heard before an independent jury sitting in a traditional courtroom.

    1. Foxnews just paid 787 million for pushing that bs. Smartmatic will prevail for 2.7 billion. Rudy Mr Pillow Maria Lou will all be paupers. And they want a complete retraction on air and an apology from the slanderers.Fox will remain on air, I dont think those other channels OAN and Newsmax can sustain that big of a hit.

    2. 6:13- you obviously don't know how Court proceedings work. Years ago, I was working nights in downtown Allentown and came across a woman who was being raped at gunpoint in a parking garage. The armed attacker was scared off by my car as cars normally weren't there at that time of night. I called the police from my cell phone with a description of the attacker and comforted the victim until police arrived. The police found the attacker running away from the parking garage who was armed with a gun, wearing the identifiable Nike head band, silky blue shirt , basketball shorts and white sneakers with socks up to his knees, as described. The police brought the suspect to us and we identified him as the attacker. Aside from the other evidence from the victim, I had to testify at a preliminary hearing, where there was no jury. The victim testified first, then me, the the police, then the rest of the witnesses.

      Afterwards, the judge told the defendant's attorney that if he didn't take the plea bargain and he goes to trial instead where he's convicted, his sentence will be at least 20-40 years. The defendant settled and took the plea deal. By your "logic" the defendant was treated unfairly and was never proven to be a rapist. I think his victim believes otherwise.

  18. No worry for the Democrats. AS long as the Republicans keep trying to shut down abortion access they have no way of winning a national/state-wide election. I hope Trump is the nominee and he selections Marjorie Taylor Greene as his running mate,

    1. So our country will go down because the biggest issue to voters is being able to kill. I'm sorry abort babies. How about using contraceptives. Birth control pills etc as a means of preventing pregnancy. Then we can have a civil discussion about abortion where necessary

  19. You're underestimating how many people are deeply grateful for his leadership during the lockdown hoax.

    While thugs like State Rep Michael "Snitchline Mike" Schlossberg were exhorting traitors to anonymously inform on their neighbors in the Nazi Gestapo fashion, Mastriano was demonstrating what it means to be an American.

  20. 7:52 he same fools who would follow Mastriano into the gas are the same ones that would follow trump into a gas chamber and just think it was ok that he walked out the door. Mastriano believes in natzism and would much prefer to have the gestapo hunt you and your family then ever associate with you. But believe the cult coolaid your drink. Mastriano should be tried for treason and then him and his followers should be given the ultimate opportunity to give all for their beliefs..

  21. Casey =Empty Suit !

  22. "Mastriano was demonstrating what it means to be an American."

    Walk-a-doodle, far right religious nutjob? nah, not my kind of real american

  23. Doug Mastriano is an outstanding citizen, had a long military career, and has been a proven leader in Pennsylvania government. Yes, he is a deeply religious man of strong conviction. I voted for him before and would certainly do so again. Despite his many qualities, Mastriano will be unfairly attacked and smeared again if he chooses to seek office.

  24. He should be in jail for the big lies. This man does not belong in any office only prison

  25. 2:25 the only places Mastriano is religious is in his god complex and his Sunday go to meeting holier then though way of life. Otherwise he would gladly lie, cheat, steal, and take advantage of anyone for the purpose of his elitism. In his mind it is only by his rules or you deserve to be degenerated to indentured servitude. You mistake him for someone who cares anything about you other them being empowered to destroy this state and country. He plays you and uses you like Trump plays his cult.

    1. You ought to go into standup comedy 🤣

  26. 2:25 he should not be allowed to ever be involved with any part of the government and the military should strip him of his rank and service and seek to court-martial him for his acts of treason against the united states. Although TRUMP pardoned Flynn even though he admitted to taking money from Russia while he was an active duty general. So I guess in the Rump Cult mindset there is no crime against this country to heinous. Even if he was the person who aided and abetted the false electorate from Pennsylvania.

  27. Hey 2:25 you should stop writing about yourself douggie or maybe it is douggies mommy trying to make him sound all nice nice.

  28. 11:38 am: You can’t honestly think that Oz was a decent candidate. He was nothing more than a celebrity hack trying to buy a seat. Fetterman is definitely in over his head. After his stroke, he should have dropped out and allowed the dems to put Connor Lamb, who was moderate, in his place. I don’t fell like PA is well-represented in the Senate. Casey is a drip without a backbone (having a conversation with him cures insomnia) and Fetterman is not healthy enough for the stress of the job.

  29. try
    "He gained increasingly extreme followers; last June, at a gun-rights protest on the steps of the state capitol, he posed for pictures with white men in fatigues carrying AR-15s and several others in Hawaiian shirts, a hallmark of the Boogaloo Bois, a white-nationalist militia. In July, Mastriano attended a rally on the Gettysburg battlefield, where militia members gathered in response to a hoax circulated on social media that Antifa was going to topple Confederate statues. “A lot of people here just keeping an eye on stuff,” he said."
    Seems he likes to pal around with seditionists.

  30. Breaking News: Tucker Carlson ousted from Fox News!

    I'm betting that Sean Hannity will be next.

    Fox News is like the Bible or WWE wrestling. Just because they sell you a bunch of made up stories that you like, doesn't mean that it's true.

  31. 12.06
    "I'm betting that Sean Hannity will be next."
    Possible but Tuck was on record saying he hated trump also there is a lawsuit
    "In one of the suits, Grossberg accused Carlson and Fox of sexism and harassment, alleging that his show's workplace was replete with examples of misogyny. and that staffers were polled — on two separate occasions — on which of two female candidates for Michigan governor they would rather have sex with."
    Also murdoch needs to suck up to trump as Desantis is circling the drain.
    murdoch needs Hannity as trump and Hannity are besties. murdoch gets to tell trump that he fired Tuck for insulting him and murdoch gets the maga folks to stay watching Fox.
    It's all about the Benjamin's

  32. I guess he's a true Trump guy. Just keep running, keep your party losing, keep blaming election fraud for your loss without ever thinking that people just don't like you. I am a lifelong republican and voted for Shapiro (only dem in many years) because this guy is just terrible. Every guy in a uniform is not a patriotic hero. I'm living proof.


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