Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Remember the Holodomor

Today is Ukraine Independence Day, in recognition of the date in 1991 that Ukraine declared its independence from the former Soviet Union. These are the bloodlands of the last century. It's where most of the Holocaust occurred. It's where most of  both Nazi and Soviet atrocities were committed during WWII. Over 20 million people were murdered in the black soil of the most fecund farmland on this planet.  This includes the holodomor - the deliberate starvation of 3.9 million Ukranians on orders from the Soviets during 1931-1932. Putin, a Stalinist who embraces the Soviet cult of fear and control, is doing what he can to continue what Stalin started.

Anne Applebaum, a Pulitzer Prize winning historian and journalist, exposed the Soviet starvation of the Ukraine in Red Famine, a meticulously researched book. She found these details when the archives of the former Soviet Union were opened for the first time. She was even able to view some records of the KGB until Putin slammed the door. Her book was published in 2018, four years before the current invasion. It explains a lot. The best way to understand the present, whether it is local or national, is to study our past. 

Ukraine's life as an independent nation has been brief, but it has existed as a culture for hundreds of years. At times, it has been part of the Polish-Lithuanian, the Austo-Hungarian and the Russian Empires. Despite its importance in feeding the world, its people have always been viewed derisively or paternalistically by the ruling class. There have been attempts to suppress the language, just as the English suppressed Gaelic or Americans suppressed native American tongues. Russians referred to Ukranian as peasant speech. No matter who was in overall control, there was always a strong national feeling. 

In 1917, Ukranians participated in the revolution against the Russian Tsar, They were viewed with suspicion, however, because these peasants were capitalists and refused to form collective farms.

In 1931, Stalin forced the people of the Ukraine to work in farming collectives instead of on their own. More prosperous farmers - called kulaks - were evicted from their homes. To make matters worse, party apparatchiks stripped the cupboards bare. All food was taken. All livestock appropriated. Roads leaving villages were blocked so that it was impossible to flee. The result was a slow starvation.

This is much worse than the Irish Famine. No one prevented the Irish from emigrating to the US. As disgusting as the Trail of Tears was in America, the government was at least making a half-hearted effort to care for people displaced. 

What happened in Ukraine was genocide, the attempted destruction of not just the people, but its culture and nation. 

Putin now is picking up where Stalin left off.  So when I read reports of cluster bombsand atrocities in Bucha, they ring true to me. 

Unlike Tucker Carlson an d tyhe MAGAs, I am not rooting for Pution. I am rooting for "We, the People."  

I stand with Ukraine. 


  1. Are you going to fight to the last Ukrainian?

    Do you support the AZOV Battalion? - Are they not real Nazis? Or they freedom fighters now.

    The west is not clean in this matter and the Ukraine people are going to suffer because of our "Involvement"

    The 2014 revolution may have been initiated by the CIA - Didn't John Bolton admit to overthrowing governments recently? Didn't Joe Biden pressure the Ukraine Government to "Fire" a prosecutor that was investigating the gas firm that Hunter was a board member of? What a farce!

    We are playing a dangerous game which should be a border issue between 2 countries.
    Europe is going to freeze because of their stupid green policies, and the US will keep sending money so in turn the defense contractors are happy.

    Hopefully American blood is not spilled over this, but no one cares about that.

  2. Ukraine has idiots like Azov and we have right wing lunatics like you. It is the price we pay for freedom. Far right militant groups have had far less success in Ukraine than they;'ve had here in the US. We elected a fascist as President, and some Trump supporters are definitely fascists.

  3. I refuse to publish Russian propaganda being spouted by Putin mouthpieces like GOP state committee members Steve Lynch and Melanie Heilman. They have posted outright lies about Ukraine, who exemplify "We, the People," far better than any of those flag-waving fascists pretend. As this post makes clear, the Russian aggression is primarily the result of Putin's desire to subjugate UIkranians, whom he considers inferior. Millions of them were callously starved to death by their Russian neighbors, so they have no desire to be put under the yoke once again. You can post your Putin propaganda elsewhere.

  4. People forget that the majority of Russian citizens, especially the younger ones who experienced a more "open" Russia following the collapse of the Berlin Wall, are against the war. Putin has made it a crime to protest the war, or express dissent toward the invasion of Ukraine.
    Ukraine was the vacation destination for many Russians.

    This is a land grab operation by Putin, who wants to return to the days of the old USSR, complete with ruling as a dictator. It's sad to say, because of the loss of life, but the longer Ukraine can keep fighting, the more it favors Ukraine. Russian casualties are mounting, and at some point, the Russian populace won't tolerate it.

  5. Perhaps we are missing the Forrest for he trees. This is purely conspiracy theory extreme

    1) Fred Trump (DJT's Daddy) had deep ties to the Russian Mob - FACT
    2) DJT was raised with a definite slant to Russian ways - FACT
    3) Fred Trump was often backed with Russian money - Cannot confirm although it was often speculated.
    4) DJT envied and idolized the Russian oligarchy - FACT - he has said it numerous times
    5) DJT spent most of his life With a Russian mindset environment debatable but seemingly apparent
    6) DJT fancied and married soviet block women
    7) DJT Spent regular times with Russian individuals and in Russia -Somewhat true
    8) DJT was played and manipulated by Russia through use of his vanity - Seemingly true
    9) Russia aided Trump in being elected as President - This does not mean there was collusions allow there could have been.
    10) Because of past dealing with Russia and his idolization of Putin he was manipulated into doing things which were detrimental to the USA. And there could be so many reasons and or promises.
    11) When DJT was not successful in completing what was expected of him he took documents for a safety net. I don't think he openly intended to utilize them for bad purpose however he very easily could have to protect his family, and more more importantly his image, his money, and his family.
    12) Now he is being hung out to dry by so many who egged him on thinking he would be the one that would give them power and money beyond their dreams.
    13) And this has less to do with the Democrats then it does the inner workings of the Republican Party and certain other groups who banked on him becoming KING so they could jump to the forefront.

  6. Great post except having to include trump. No reason except ongoing dislike. The issue was Ukraine and good information. I admire the people there! Bless them all

  7. from a tv program
    ""No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand."

  8. @7:20 Trump was include in the post because he was the catalyst and false profit to help Putin reunite the Soviet block. His efforts in so many ways supported Putin's wants. But now that he is not in place Putin is struggling to do what he thought he could just walk into.


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