Local Government TV

Thursday, August 25, 2022

President Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Program

President Joe Biden yesterday unveiled his long awaited student loan forgiveness program. This will affect 43 million Americans who have student debt. About half that number owe under $20,000, Penn Wharton estimates this will cost the government about $300 billion,, about the same amount of money that the $1,200 stimulus check cost. Some Democrats say more debt should be forgiven. Some Republicans argue the plan penalizes those who already repaid loans without government assistance and burden those who chose against goiong to college.  Here are the details: 

    - The program cancels $10,000 in student debt owed by individuals earning under $125,000 or married couples who make less than $250,000. 

    - Students who received Pell grants will have up to $20,000 forgiven. 

    - The amount forgiven will be exempt from federal income tax.

    - Loan repayments have been paused until 12/31. (These were initially frozen during the pandemic, and the freeze has been extended six times)

                - Repayments are capped at 5% of monthly income.  

Biden's previous actions: He's already canceled $31 billion in student debt (1.6 million people) for the disabled, public sector employees, defrauded students and students enrolled at schools that stopped operating (like Trump U).

Government by Executive Order? Biden plans to make these changes via Executive Order. Did Congress give the President this authority? Senator Mitch McConnell has said there will be a legal challenge to the President's authority. The Department of Education insists this action is authorized, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes this change needs congressional action. President Biden himself at one time viewed his authority as more limited. 

What do economists say?  Democrats and Republicans agree this will add to inflation by giving consumers more spending power. They worry that colleges will raise tuitions even more than the astronomical figures already charged. 

I am still thinking about whether this is a good or bad idea. What do you think? What I do know is that there really needs  to be a clawback from colleges and educations that encourage students to get these loans, but provide a subpar education and provide no placement. 


  1. Dear Grandchildren and great Grandchildren,

    Bend over and grab your ankles.

  2. UNFAIR UNFAIR UNFAIR.......My wife and I both worked all our lives and lived off of one income. The other income went into the bank to pay for our two children's college educations. We sacrificed so we could give our children the necessary education needed to be successful in this life. We insisted they attend public funded colleges because they are about half the cost of private institutions, and they came out of college "debt free" We never owned a brand=new car until our children were out of college. We bought secondhand furniture and put those savings in the kids "education fund". Now the government wants me to pay for other people's children to go to college and let them off the hook. They want me to pay again for what should be the parent's financial responsibility. Our children went to a public school paid for out of property and income taxes, and I am willing to pay for other children to use the public school system but that's where I draw the line. IF THE GOVERNMENT IS GIVING REBATES TO KIDS AND ADULTS FOR TUITION DEBT. THEN WHAT ABOUT US WHO ARE NOW IN OUR EIGHTIES AND SACRIFICED VACATIONS, ETC., AND PAID FOR OUR CHILDREN'S COLLEGE EDUCATION? Where is our rebate? Lord only knows my wife and I could really use it.
    Higher Education should be the responsibility of the individuals who benefit from it. Higher Education is BIG BUSINESS and in most cases is already subsidized by public funds. Pay for your own kids or let them take loans. Higher Education should be their responsibility not mine. I did the responsible thing. Now you do yours.

  3. Like ALL government spending and giveaways, this money will be paid for by EVERY working family. There is no such thing as ‘government’ money. It’s your money! I think our government under Biden and this Congress is way out of control and the damage will be felt for many years.

  4. I wish I hadn't been diligent and paid mine off. Perhaps I can take $10k off my mortgage and send President Depends the bill? Complete bullshit. He should stick to groping young children and lying about his education and druggie kids. Economics escapes the creep.

  5. Just more election year vote buying, and a subsidy to the education industry.

  6. Interesting fact....the fed cant truly raise interest rates high enough to combat inflation. In the 80's the fed rate hit 14% to counter the high CPI. If they did that today, the highest budgetary item would be the interest on the debt we owe. Our interest payments would be 4 TRILLION a year on the over 30 trillion dollars of debt that we have amassed. We are a bankrupt nation but sure, might as well wipe some debt off the books before we go completely belly up. Our government is trash and we are all gonna pay for it.

    Ill leave you with a Thomas Sowell quote: "You can't subsidize irresponsibility and expect people to become more responsible."

    Bernie, let me help you out. Socialism is always a bad idea.

  7. This is an obvious political ploy to influence the mid-terms. The main thrust is to buy the votes of those whose loans are cancelled. If, however, the Republicans object and stop it, Biden will use that in political ads against Republicans to generate anger votes.

  8. This is a great idea and will help the economy in many ways. College graduates will have money to purchase their own house. They will have more discretionary money. They will have money for vacations. They will help this economy grow. Finally a President that we can count on. BIDEN the MAN.

  9. I am not an advocate for this at all. I’m tired of the bailouts, the excuses, the penalties on the working class. We are a society that doesn’t know how to save, budget, or live within its means. The recipients of this loan forgiveness don’t realize that they (and others) will pay far more than $10,000 in taxes for this “kindness.” It is time Congress and the current administration learn what most Americans already know — throwing money at a problem solves nothing.

  10. Corporations and the wealthy benefit greatly from tax loopholes used by their highly paid tax lawyers. The government providing some relief for the middle class so that they can afford to get ahead and buy a home, etc. bc they are not saddled with college debt for many years is a good use of my taxpayer money. I wish they'd pay for it with a higher tax on those making $500,000 or more a year though. But I'll suck it up bc its a productive use of our money for a change as opposed to the war machine making defense contractors even more dependent on never ending conflict.

  11. Know students who spent 20 years repaying loans @ 8% interest. Worked two jobs to do so.
    Recognized and accepted responsibility to repay loans. Now what.

  12. Biden and his liberals are ruining the country big time.

  13. This action by our president show why he is incompetent and unable to run the country. I am sick and tired of all the bailouts that are made available to those who can't or won't budget appropriately. It is a slap on the face to all those who responsibly pay their bills and will without doubt add to our current level of inflation.

  14. I'm a bit conflicted on this one, but feel its a good idea. I keep thinking about those families that did without and carefully saved for their children's educations. I think this program seems reasonable, however, I would demand colleges and universities tuition, fees and expenses reform since they are the worst culprits in the whole entire situation. I can remember attending a public university where the dorms resembled prison lodgings (we loved it!!) and the dining services as well. I also think the emphasis should be on reduced interest rates, programs to create reasonable monthly payments and loan forgiveness over time for public employees or non-profit employees earning lower salaries. I'm hoping this isn't an election year stunt, that has no real chance of passing.

  15. I do not expect the present Republican Party to do anything meaningful to prevent this abuse of tax dollars. If you have been keeping current in your reading, you now know both major political parties are the SAME animal. We are now in a one-party system.

    This is a UniParty political elite that does whatever it wants to satisfy big corporate interests who fund their campaigns. The goal of these people is to remain in power NOW . . . our own futures be damned.

    It should surprise no one, elements of both party leadership teams want no part of Donald Trump or anyone else who is willing to pull back the covers. I’ll be voting against ANY Incumbent. They are all either guilty or complicit.

  16. For those folks talking about the cost of state colleges, please know that they are no longer the bargain they once were. The sacrifices you made years ago would not be enough today. Those folks talking about irresponsible decisions have a point, but statistically those with college educations add more to our economy than those without. If fingers need to be pointed how about at the colleges themselves with their lavish spending on facilities and NOT investing in tenured professors but using more and more poorly paid adjuncts. They are depleting the core mission of higher education for glitzy facilities and more high paid administrators. FIX THAT (and no I do not work at a college, but have sent 2 kids through)

  17. Well, if you look at some of the student loans accrued, they are often the result of choosing a major with little job opportunity and then deciding to get "one more masters' in hope of then getting a dream job. No money should go to paying off debt for a "master's dream." What ever happened to "pay as you go". Tuitions will continue to soar as government fuels the money. Many of these colleges have very large endowment funds. They should be ashamed to encourage poor students to seek government money. In addition, if you did not complete your four-year degree, no loan forgiven.

  18. How about all of the businesses that received PPP monies and all that forgiveness? How many small local businesses committed fraud in their applications and no followup investigation? Former grifter in chief and the 1.9 trillion tax break for the 1%? STFU already...

  19. Free money ain't FREE money to those who have to cover this debt.....and I agree this is a political move to "buy" votes. The politics (on both sides) disgusts me...

    Might be best to address the exorbitant cost of a college education in this Country instead.

  20. If you make over $75-124K a year and are single and can't pay your bills, b--- me. You're smart enough to get a job that pays that well then you must be smart enough to figure out to budget your money and pay your debts.

    If you make less than $50K a year and are single and can't pay your bills, maybe you didn't choose the right major. I wonder how many of these cancellations are art majors, gender studies majors, et al. Methinks there aren't many engineering, computer science, nursing, et al, whom fall in the less than $50K range.

    The other part of this is the colleges and universities themselves. When it comes to price gouging, they make Big Oil and Big Pharma look like rank amateurs.

    And, lastly, this is totally 100% political by Biden. The president knows (or is told by his handlers) that he has no power unless the House and Senate are a majority Democrat. This debt relief is just buying votes to thwart the surge in support for Republican candidates in the fall.

    It is a disgraceful act that rewards capriciousness and lack of responsibility. "Who cares if I run up some debt, Ol' Joe will wipe it clean." Utter garbage.

  21. Unconstitutional, The President and his appointee’s, again intentionally trying to wreck this country. This is a move that will take care of upper middle class that should pay their way and hold off on driving BMW’s .About 1/4 of the loans were for graduate students.

  22. I went to college, my wife went to college. We paid off our loans and it was absolutely a drag on our lives. Never bought a new car and drove the ones we had into the ground. Didn't buy the biggest house in the neighborhood and never had the fanciest toys and equipment to go with it. We made do with what we had and what we could afford.

    That said, I don't begrudge nor mind seeing my tax money shave off debt for those currently buried by it, if it helps them buy a car or improve their lives in other ways. Its a different world today and that simply can't be denied.

    I don't own property that is conducive to growing oysters and other shell fish, and doubt many readers here do either, but the US Government gives tax breaks to those individuals that do. Is that fair?

    IRS Tax Code Section 179 says that I can deduct up to $1,040,000 of the purchase price of a yacht or airplane. Is that fair? Does that benefit me & my neighbors in anyway?

    This pearly clutching about what a waste of tax payer money this is, is pure BS. There are tons of examples out there and nobody seems to care about them.

  23. Comment #1: You can’t fix stupid. This is beyond stupid and unfair.
    Comment #2: If Congress tries to fix this abuse of executive action with legislation, see Comment #1.

  24. I'm not against loan forgiveness, but I do wish that as part of this program that we take a harder look at these colleges who benefit greatly from the student loan "industry" and the justification of their costs. Some schools have endowments in the BILLIONS. Yes, that money typically goes towards capitol projects for expansion and improvements, but does every campus really need a second Starbucks or Chick-Fil-A?

  25. I'm a D and support Biden on most issues except this one. I could see forgiving a loan to some outfit like Trump University and other BS institutions, or those who charged loan shark interest, but not every loan.
    A better solution would have been to forgive loans toward unaccredited education centers. For the others, a reduced interest percentage.

  26. A loan is a loan is a loan. If you take out a loan to buy a new home, a car or other expenses you’re expected to pay it back. A student loan shouldn’t be any different. I can’t support Biden on this one.

    I think 5:02am said it best!

  27. Ay, yi, yi. I am a liberal Democrat but haven't been the biggest fan of Biden. I think that this was a huge misstep for him and his administration. The blowhards on the right are already screaming Socialism and the moderate left seemed to be scratching their collective heads. Why now? $10,000? It seems disjointed and not well thought out.

    If Biden were to do something for higher education, he should have focused on making community college tuition free instead.

    That being said, Fck the corrupt Higher Education system who are charging students outrageous prices for an education. Most of these institutions have Billions of dollars in Endowments that they can easily and readily afford to offer free tuition, but they don't due to their own greed.

  28. Welcome to the world of socialism boys and girls. First win the heart of the people then that will change the brain of the people. And before you know it the body is now controlled by the government.
    First with Obama care, everyone thought free health care. And it has been a disaster. Now free college.

    It's like herding cattle start with this group get them together. Get another group and put them together and sometimes some of the cattle starts following. Then just keep putting them all together in small and different ways till you have them all then you control ALL of them.
    And of course you need the cutters for the ones that aren't behaving. They go off to the slaughter house.
    These Democrats had the door of capitalism kicked open by covid and saw the opportunity to do what they always wanted to do change the way our government works and the way of our lives. It has to stop.
    Its like taking that blanket from you child they will cry and say that is what protects them but learn it was never the blanket. But it has to stop.

  29. On one hand I agree with previous posters that I should not be feeling like a fool for sacrificing so my children will not have a huge college debt when they graduate. I believe those who meet the criteria of income levels should receive a tax credit of equal to or at least half of those receiving the debt break. On the other hand if colleges were to become free to students I could accept the sacrifice as the starting point for the betterment of our society, just as the public primary and secondary schools try to do today.

  30. On the surface the student loan forgiveness sounds unfair however when one realizes how many people in general are not fully paying their debts on credit cards, retail purchases, private loans etc and are given forgiveness by private financial institutions at the expense of those who do fully pay, the reality of overall financial irresponsibility in the current US society applies to far more individuals than just former college students.

  31. Let me propose an idea, lower the interest rate on the current loans which can range anywhere from 5% to 10%, to the then current mortgage rates for FHA loans (also backed by the federal government) when the loan was taken out. (5 years ago, the interest rate was 2.5%) Refund the interest overcharge to those who already paid their loans off. This will help current loan holders AND those who were responsible and paid their debt. The principle balances remain the same. Those who never received loans are not paying someone else's debt. Further, I would consider looking at the endowments of the colleges and universities that grew due to overcharging the student because of the government money, and have them help refund this money. Some are in the billions. Things to iron out would be how far back do you go to refund the interest? 10 years? More?

  32. Again, Why can't they simply make these zero interest loans and have the people who took them out (like my kid) pay for them in time without the obscene interest rates that they are paying? It will make this part of the banking industry less profitable but that does not hurt my feelings

  33. Wow, many people think $10,000. will erase someone’s college debt. The average undergrad leaves college with over $40,000. in debt. That’s average, not exceptional, not Lehigh, not Lafayette, not Muhlenberg, not Temple, not Penn State, and probably not even Kutztown or East Stroudsburg. But it will help serious community college students. Unfair? Is it unfair that your kid doesn’t qualify for any grants because your income is just over the limit, and your kid’s roommate is on a full basketball scholarship, barely attends class, makes minimal grades, and is sailing through with no student debt? Basketball is more important to the university than the average student. 8% loans on the future of our kids is unfair. This will help young people be able to buy a home sooner, but $10,000. isn’t going to wipe out much student debt.

  34. I've said for years that there should be a minimum wage for having a degree. If a company requires that you have a bachelor's degree, then they must pay a minimum of "X" dollars. A Masters degree, "XX" dollars, A Doctorate degree, "XXX" dollars. A Medical degree, "XXXX" dollars, and so forth.

    My first "real" full time job after college (1992) was a counselor for juvenile delinquents in a group home, I was required to have a bachelor's degree and my starting salary was $14, 500. Minimum wage at the time was $4.55. If I worked a full time minimum wage job in 1992, I would have made $9500, only $5000 less than what Kidspeace offered for a job requiring a bachelor's degree. I had to work 2 part time jobs and live at home. One of my part time jobs was a Youth Advocate for at risk teenagers. I made $7.50/hour because I had a degree. If I didn't have a degree, their pay rate was $6.50/hour. My other part time job was an advisor at a transitional group home for residents between 18-21yo who aged out of their group home. I was given a per diem if $20/day but used most of that money to drive the residents to their work places or buy miscellaneous expenses which weren't reimbursed.

    Yet, a few posts down, people are complaining that social workers in NCC&Y are greedy complainers.

    Social workers are the hardest working, lowest paid workers but are often required to have a bachelor's degree.

  35. 11:20, I get your point and largely agree withyour observations, but let me clarify something about sports scholarships.

    1) There are no athletic scholarships in D3 schools. The students there really are student athletes. If their grades drop, they don't play. If they fail courses, they are removed. The student athletes have a full course schedule and spend hours every day in practice, weight training or drills. As the grandfather of a D3 athlete, I can attest it was no picnic.

    2) D2 schools are allowed to offer some scholarships but they are very minimal.

    3) D1 schools are where there are full academic scholarships. Your kids will not be rooming with a D1 athlete. They are segregated from the rest of the student body.

    I believe college tuitions are ridiculously high. They should be required to return the tuition of any student with a 3.0 average who fails to find a job paying at least $25 per hour in his field of study within six months of graduation.

  36. I refuse to publish generalized condemnations. Be specific and on topic. People do not have the time to read garbage.

  37. Much talk about democracy, but actually this is a dictator who made these decisions. Congress should also have to approve forgiveness just like spending. it seems congress is now irrelevant if it interferes with the executive branch. The country is doomed, it is gone, prepare for the final mopup.

  38. 4 years of college is hardly better than high school of the past.

  39. Lehigh has a tax free endowment of $2.1 billion. They slopped at the government guarantee trough and jacked their tuition through the roof since the feds took over loans around '09. They should be sent the bill for what they've done. But Biden is sending the bill to 78% of us who never went to college and are struggling without apparently
    worthless degrees. This is a heartless dick move by Biden. He's a hateful POS college cheater who still lies about his college days and how he nearly flunked out- even after cheating!

  40. I am a first generation afro latino queer arts history major who greatly appreciate this generous program from Joe B, the satisfaction from white boomers foaming at the mouth is nearly as delish!

  41. What people do not realize is that none of the politicians on either side of the aisle really want to deal with the problem. The problem is not the debt it is e way that interest is compounded on student loans. They are compounded at ridiculous increments some monthly. IN any other industry compounding interest this way would be considered predatory. However in the educational loan industry it is common place. The way interest is compounded on theses loans never allows you to get ahead on paying your bill.

    I think that is what they should have done but no one wants to touch it. I believe it is an artificial way of bolstering the banking and financial industries. OF course why would a politician want to upset the people who bolster their coffers.

    I have talked to numerous previous students with debt. When you dig into the reality with many of them, they seemingly agree that they openly took on the debt and should pay for it however the interest was nothing that was ever openly identified in any of the documents. And the interest is what is screwing them. Me being me I did not fully believe them so I pulled my daughters original loan paperwork and found only a few lines about interest. It gave the interest rate but made no reference to the compounding process. I had to dig for a while and discovered that interest was being compounded weekly. That is a major FU situation for sure. Imagine if house Mortgage rates were compounded the same way. You end paying far more and often by 5 or 10 times in interest through the student loan processing then you do through simple interest.

  42. @10:31 look at your kids loans. The interest is relatively reasonable I would bet. However try to dig out the compounding process that is what is screwing them.

  43. 300 Billion dollars is an awful lot of money. I can think of other, more deserving places to use that amount. Put it all to helping the homeless, for example. If this government sees such great need to help with student college debit, why not make all payments from this point forward interest free? To simply gift away personal responsibility to repay any amount of this kind of debt is too much.

  44. I'm a Trump voter with 0 college debt and I fully support this. These are the kinds of policies I'd like to see supported by a more populist GOP. We'll see what the courts say about constitutionality, but Sleepy, Senile Joe found an acorn.

  45. There are a number of hard right Biden hating conservatives who despise socialism in any form, and have refused to accept the debt forgiveness.
    That number is 0.
    Seems "Socialism" is acceptable when it keeps money in their pockets.

  46. @1:14
    I didn't know anyone taught "queer arts history."

  47. "... queer arts history ..."

    Translation: "I have a vente half-caf soy pumpkin spice free trade latte for Trevor! Who's next?"

    1. Oh my gosh, this made me laugh and laugh. Thanks!

  48. Don't worry, this freebie will be covered by the bounty found by the new IRS agents being hired. Big BIG government in YOUR pocket. You think you got troubles now??? Just wait.

    Any transaction over 600 bucks is fair game..

  49. Hopefully this will be a start to continuing future programs for the thousands of young men coming across the Southern border daily .Programs like this will be assist them to becoming contributing US citizens further enabling them to having their families join them in the Land of the Free.

  50. I love asking college grads what jobs their $100K - $200K degrees qualify them for. If you're not a doctor or engineer, you should have learned to code before lighting those dollars on fire and leaving bus drivers and construction laborers with the bill for your college partying.

  51. When anyone borrows they pay interest. However I like the idea of controlling the interest for college loans. I however think it's ridiculous that executive order can be done here and cost us all this kind of money when social security is alleged to run out of money but we can spend this on the young who are capable to pay and aware of the responsibility as promised to pay it back. This is insanity and a slap in the face to all who have paid their way. And the Democrats aren't socialists....

  52. Just curious how much did the tax write off the Trumpster gave his millionaires friends cost our country over the four years the bastard was in office?

    I’ll bet it was substantially higher and did any of you complain? NO!

    There are two parties in this country, the have and the have not’s and I can tell that 90% on this blog are part of the have not’s.

    Let’s make America Great again, TRUMP for 20 years to life.

    1. All of your anger is about one man and you are missing the things being done now to destroy our country. Your obsession with the man will ruin this country when no one is paying attention.

  53. 5:03, it's not really costing you as much as you think. In many cases, even borrowers who have debt forgiven will end up paying back well over the principal that they were lent because of the absurd interest rates on these loans.

    By the way, you should take a look at some of congresspeople who took at PPP loans and then had them forgiven, that will really make you barf:

    Marjorie Taylor Green: $183,504 forgiven
    Vern Buchanan: $2.3 million forgiven
    Markwayne Mullin: $1.4 million forgiven
    Kevin Hern: >$1 million forgiven
    Mike Kelly: $987,237 forgiven
    Matt Gaetz: $482,321 forgiven

    Oh, and Dr. Oz: $365,745 forgiven

  54. Band aid on a bigger problem cost of higher education. Out of control in both public and private schools. Crazy demonstrative salaries and positions. Laon rates that are crazy. Higher education is out of control and actually means less and less. Useless degrees costing exorbitant amounts. Money should be channeled to community colleges and career and occupational training. I am very pro college for classical education as we are a nation with less and less understanding of our country the world and history.

  55. My auto loan identifies as a federal student loan

  56. Student Loan programs with federally backed, unsecured loans allowed the colleges to inflate tuition costs for decades now, raising the salaries of university presidents, deans and professors, expanding student life programs that have ZERO to do with educating students, and the list goes on, and on. Not to mention offering "majors" which have absolutely NO chance of getting you a job that will pay off your loans!
    Federal money caused this mess!
    And today, instead of fixing the mess, the federal government adds to it. What do you think this message gives to the universities out there?

  57. Screw you all. The hypocrisy of all you spazes.

    Lets not help with student loans. Let's not offer any government backed loans for people buying houses, Lets immediately stop all tax breaks for all businesses, let's stop social security, let's stop Medicare and Medicaid, lets stop unemployment. Let's stop the homestead tax break. Let's stop all tax breaks for churches, let's stop all tax loop holes for hospitals, Let's stop all personal deductions on your taxes, lets stop all governmental funding to all power companies, lets not subsidize an transportation (Railroads, ports, airports, etc) And there are thousands of other things that can be added to this list.

    If any of you self righteous F's take anyone of these (and I would be hard pressed to find any of you that do not benefit in any way some part of numerous items on the list) can honestly say you have never benefited from any government handout in your lifetime or might in the future of your lifetime then feel free to speak up.

    Otherwise life is unfair, it always has been, it always will. As long as humans are involved there is always someone who will get a benefit above someone else for some reason.

    I personally do not totally agree with the loan forgiveness as I think they took the loans they should pay them back what I do think should have been fixed is the predatory lending practices student loan organizations are allowed to get away with without making it clearly known how they operate. I think the loan organizations should have been the ones to forgive the predatory interest instead of the government stepping in. But you know what it is is a band aid on a much bigger problem no-one wants to address.

  58. There are several sites where you can search PPP loans and when they were forgiven. Now what we rally needs to see if those PPP loans actually tricked down to employees.



  59. @10:16. All those programs you mention. All have corruption. All should be fixed. All waste the taxpayer money and are endorsed by fat cat politicians who are on the take. So your argument of 'hey, look at all these poorly managed programs that waste taxpayer money, let's add one more" is very weak.
    Let's fix the problems, not add to them.
    When did Americans become such dependent, whiny people who rely on their government for handouts. Its shameful. Take responsibility for your life and choices.

  60. I have a hard right employee that goes on and on about how awful the Dems/socialist/antifa crowd is. But she is 100% behind this for her loans. Not going to change her "beliefs" or vote, but is more than happy to take the money and run. Some conservative principals eh?
    Way back when, I myself, took loans which were a great motivator to find a paying job. if we reward behavior expect more of it.

    1. Absolutely, 12pm. Even Tricia Mezzacappa posted on her Facebook page that she's turning a Democrat for one day and fully support Biden's tuition loan forgiveness plan. Her crazy base went even crazier for her taking this position. They want to lynch her.

  61. Hey 4:36, I hope you realize that a "classical education" is a liberal arts curriculum including philosophy, languages (including extinct ones!), and history. Most STEM (which can be obtained within a liberal arts curriculum) and business-oriented degree programs are in relatively new disciplines.

  62. @ 10:16

    You are correct!

    Medical cost are outrageously expensive and disgusting.

    We need socialized medicine for all.

  63. My 77 year old mother is the beneficiary of socialized medicine. It’s called Medicare.

    And she pays over $400 per month on a fixed income for supplemental health and prescription coverage.

    I wish she had the same “socialized medicine” that illegal immigrants get. That would make sense for someone who paid taxes for 57 years.

  64. 10:54 talk about being whiney. Sounds like you life hovers in that world regualrly. Burry you head in the chicken problem and be done with it,

    I guess you are one of the lessly educated many talk about in these blogs. 10:16 was saying if you benefit from any of the as you put "poorly managed things" not matter what shut the "F" because you are a pathetic hypocrite.

  65. Our system of Government is as corrupt as they come.

  66. 10:54 it is apparent that you have misread the post. Basically what I am saying is if you really want to do away with one let's do away with them all. And I mean all. Because you like so many do not realize how many you benefit from without even knowing because they are just what you have come to expect as part of your god given right. I say that anyone who is whining about the student loan situation should open up their system, become educated in what gifts government bestows upon them every day and decide do I accept the giveaways and shut up or am I just a whiney hypocrite. And i will make a wild assumption that most people choose the course of hypocrite.

  67. Thank you Joe Biden. Household income of 235k a year and this will pay off the last of my wife’s student loans. Thanks to all those plumbers and electricians who pay their taxes. I always thought Congress controlled the nations purse strings but I guess not.

  68. I know many young adults burdened with student loans! They struggle with this financial burden as they earn a salary, pay their debt, try to care for family! Costs of Education has skyrocketed over past 15 years! Not all are meant to go to college, some benefit from Vocational Schools too! But some families are able to help their children pay for their sons and daughters college bill or pay it all! But most can’t! Our country needs to support our young in their ability to go to higher education when we can! The way I feel about, even though I didn’t get a break on college costs and would have liked, is to be happy some got a little, and I mean a little help to get started in life rather than feel you missed out!

  69. I vote for 12:50 a. m. You said what I intended to say. And what about that $1.9 trillion dollar tax break in 2017? I noticed most of you folks said nothing about this. Why are you folks so narrow minded? These people actually should have been forgiven half of these obnoxious loans. And I paid my loans off years ago as I sacrificed too.

  70. Just think, instead of giving this money to people who took on this debt of their own free will, what if he paid off everyone who has medical debt that they didn't plan for and had no choice but to take on? That would have been the right thing to do! this is nothing more than an attempt to buy votes. Period!


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