Local Government TV

Friday, August 26, 2022

Allentown Offering MonkeyPox Vax

If you wanted to stand in the front of the line for a COVID vaccine when it was first available, it helped to be an old fart. If you'd like the monkey pox vaccine, it helps to be in sexual demand like myself.  Allentown's Health Bureau will offer the monkeypox vaccine September 1 from 4 to 6pm. But only to horny dudes. It was offered yesterday as well, but I only noticed the news release after 6 pm. The monkeypox vaccine is administered in two doses, with the second dose scheduled at the time an individual receives their first vaccine.

Distribution is limited to a rather select and promiscuous group.

You must be gay, bisexual, or an "other" man who has sex with men, and/or transgender, gender non-conforming, or gender non-binary persons who are age 18 or older who have had multiple (2+) or anonymous sex partners in the past 14 days. 

Not sure why the word "man" is used when it's apparent the vaccine is pretty much available to whomever wants it, depending on his/her/its orientation that day. 

IN Addition, you must 

- Have knowledge or suspicion of exposure to monkeypox or another STI in the past 14 days OR

- Have had any newly diagnosed STI in the past 3 months, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, early syphilis, or HIV OR
- Have attended an event, met sex partner(s) through online apps or social media platforms, or exchanged money or other goods/services for sex OR
- Have a condition that may increase the risk for severe disease if infected with monkeypox virus, such as HIV or another condition that weakens their immune system, or they have a history of atopic dermatitis or eczema OR
- Be on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) OR
- Sex workers of any sexual orientation or gender identity OR
- Be a blogger. 

The clinics are offering 30 appointments each day – a total of 60 first dose vaccines. Appointments can be scheduled by calling the Allentown Health Bureau at 610-437-7760 ext. 0. Once all appointment slots are filled up, names will be added to a waiting list for future availability.


  1. Another pox (pun intended) on the gay community. AIDS, now this. Promiscuous, unnatural sexual acts have their consequences.

  2. As a sis gender self-identifying male, I am upset by this discrimination. A heterosexual male who makes gay porn as a career choice is not eligible for the shots. What about the lesbians, what is in it for them? By th way is this not an STD?
    Asking for a Friend

    the bear man

  3. Of course you had to throw an ‘its’ in there just to poke at people who aren’t like you. Open your mind a bit. You’re a disaster, my guy.

  4. Bernie since the great Allentown fair will soon be here, will this be a prerequisite for vendors handling food services? You also mentioned blogger as first getting the shot will you be working on one of the back midway sideshows?

  5. It's essentially small pox being spread by gay guys' #3. Avoid those #3 situations and you should be all set. The stories of kids getting it are disturbing; especially when we're not supposed to talk about grooming.

  6. No worries Bernie
    I signed you and Lamont up yesterday. You should be receiving your scheduling call soon.

  7. We are so close to a place of known virus (NYC) Luckily the commuters to NYC have decreased in recent years. Imagine the transfer of things if passenger rail starts up again.

  8. In the 80s I was at The Little Big Horn with a group of male friends. During the conversations one of them said , did you hear about the disease the queers are getting?
    At that point I hadn't. I don't need to tell you the rest of the AIDS story.
    Just an observation about the comments, we've made so much progress.

  9. I see some people have not read up on Monkeypox! Rodents are by far the largest transmission carriers and was named in 1958 after it was found in lab monkeys in Denmark.

  10. Time to ban "leisure driving" again. And those killer gas nozzles...who knows where they've been!

  11. 9:55 am you know you are talking about the cistern of the world? There is one other place just like it that shan't be spoken out loud, and Allentown is becoming a carnival circus sideshow with this new old administration.

  12. Well the vast majority of people of the Lehigh valley came from NYC and then NJ while the cistern ws overflowign. And you know what the first thing that floats out is Yes Sh So thanks for clarifying what you truly think of the vast majority of people in the Lehigh Valley.

    And before you go crying numerous local towns in the region have my ancestors names on them so I am a local family 200 years over.

  13. They should set up a testing center in the parking lot of the Green Door!

  14. "The stories of kids getting it are disturbing; especially when we're not supposed to talk about grooming."

    Monkeypox is NOT an STD! It can be spread by any physical contact with the sores that it produces, meaning anyone can get it. The reason it is most common among gay men now is that the first outbreaks were in the gay community, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way.

  15. Uh, Monkeypox is absolutely a venereal disease, primarily spread by homosexual men. That's what CDC says. Don't deny science. That's dangerous.


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