Local Government TV

Monday, August 29, 2022

CBS: GOP Losing Ground in Midterm

The CBS News Battleground Tracker estimated in July that Republicans would pick up 230 House seats in this year's midterms, well beyond the 218 needed for a majority.  That number is dwindling. They are now projected to win 226 races. This is good news for incumbent Democrats Susan Wild and Matt Cartwright, who are in tough battles to retain their seats. 

Democrats have been hurt by the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, runaway inflation and a President who looks every bit his 79 years. 

Republicans have been hurt by the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade, a steady drop in gas prices, the student loan forgiveness and an ex-President who continues to spread chaos wherever he goes. 


  1. I think Fetterman's coat-tails are really likely to drag some otherwise threatened Dem seats across the finish line, including Wild's. Although Lisa Scheller isn't helping her own case much. Opposing student loan debt relief isn't exactly a brilliant move when your company has had 5 mil in PPP loans forgiven.

  2. Dump Trump. He has too much baggage and will only hurt the GOP. We need real leadership, not a childish ego that is more concerned about itself than our country.

  3. I think the biggest issue for voters will be inflation. Everyone is unhappy about that. There is a connection in the minds of voters between their financial struggles and what appears to be massive government spending on items and causes average Americans consider unnecessary and a misuse of their tax dollars.

    I believe most voters will be looking to put different people in office. People in office now have failed. We can’t get change by returning the same faces to office.

    The abortion issue will be tempered as more realize abortions are still available, NOT prohibited. True in Pennsylvania and most other states.

  4. Is it any wonder? Trump has ruined the Republican Party and most of his supporters are just too dumb to see it. The Republicans will never be in power until his stench is gone. I am a moderate Democrat and will never vote for anyone who supports that buffoon.

  5. This is another, lie by the radical left.

  6. The thing that helps the Democrats more than anything else is the way the Republicans conduct themselves. That poor excuse of a human being that served four years as President Of The United States is the second reason the democrats will most likely retain power in Washington. It's a shame the R's have no backbone when it comes to standing up to Trump. He is endorsing candidates that win their primaries and then are certain to lose in the general elections. All because the leadership like Mitch McConnell have no backbone.

    1. Your an idiot! You think it’s republicans out looting and destroying businesses?! Republican cities that have lawlessness as seen on the evening news? Elderly people getting sucker punched and placed in comas… that isn’t happening in republican lead states. How about these maniacs the democrat DA’s let out of prison to commit more crime. OPEN YOUR EYES you splatter lies pal!

  7. Democrats: Vote early and often! We need to steal this election, too, and have the Law & Order party incite another insurrection.

    What's funny is I was watching Fox News the last few days (I like to hear other points of views) and many Republican candidates are already calling their races "rigged". I wonder if they will still say that if they win.

  8. Please add more doom and gloom to Republicans' chances in the mid-terms and 2024. The outpouring of woe by MSM and people like you demonstrates how worried, and the desperate measures Democrats will use to advance their irrational agendas.

  9. Trump, SCOTUS, and the embrace of election lies is killing the GOP. They've pissed off women voters, young voters, independents and moderate Republicans too. They've nominated Mastriano and Dr Oz here in PA for statewide election that will drive major turnout for Dems in November and this will have an impact on swing districts in the house. Similar candidates in other "purple states" like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan & Wisconsin will have a the same effect.

  10. It is more internal to the GOP but like with anything else in current society it cannot not be from within it. It is always an external force that you have to blame for your own issues. Now sometimes it is but for the vast majority of the times it is not. It is the extremists GOP people who are hurting the GOP the most. Embracing individuals like Boebert, Gaetz, Cruz, Greene, and numerous others (Including though who shall not be named) is slowly tearing at the fabric of the GOP. The incessant self righteousness and holier then thou of many are destroying the perception by the mass supporters of the GOP. Let us break the laws morph things for our own pleasure, profit, and power but let the minions suffer. When you get to the point you are lying to your own supporters it eventually catches up to you.

    For those of you who will immediately bash this because you want to deflect and lie to your self that it is someone else's fault I feel this way about many politicians the biggest differences it that the GOP has tipped the scale substantially toward the extremist. As you go further to your extremes you support base becomes thinner and thinner.

  11. ANYONE but Trump and his criminal cronies

  12. Fake media is at it again please do not believe them we did last time and that gave us Biden- the worse president in the history of our country.

  13. Republicans must make this election on the issues they can't lose.

  14. You forgot to mention the Rs who realize the cries of a "Stolen Election" was BS.

  15. When you read headlines like this - Ted Cruz Slammed For Calling Out 'Slacker Baristas' Over Student Loan Forgiveness, You can understand how the pile the GOP is creating predicates their losing strength and why they want the few to control elections.

    They hate and alienate LGBTQ, Women who want the right to chose, students have loans to repay, Home state people who they have abandoned. Non-Christians, Jews, Non-White's, Immigrants who came here legally, Many working groups and so on.

    It is no wonder they are loosing support and numbers.

    It always amazes after someone bashes their group like some of the hate spewed by numerous Republicans how people can support the exact thing the say they despise the most. I wondering what bribery is going on behind the scenes to get people to betray themselves and show veiled support.

  16. It is always fun to see how many fil inside their own brain and cannot admit what is right in front of them. Humans are basically stupid idiots and more especially Americans in that they can be manipulated so easily by the few.

  17. Wishful thinking by Dems. Their president has made a mess of the economy and is a laughing stock on international affairs. After labor Day when the campaigns ramp up, Dem candidates will be revealed for who they are. Big government, higher taxes, intrusion into our personal lives, open borders, climate extremism, weak foreign policy. The Red Wave will sweep them away!

  18. @9:18 - he's arguably the 2nd worst President in history (James Buchannon, Andrew Johnson, Warren Harding would like to have a word). Unfortunately for Republicans, the all time worst is still relevant and in charge of an army of dimwits who don't realize they're trapped in a cult of personality that is leading the party into the gutter and near total irrelevance.

  19. I think the difference between Scheller’s PPP loan & College loans is that PPP was designed as essentially a grant related to COVID impact on businesses. COVID had nothing to do with cancelling student loans as they are intended as an investment to achieve future income benefits.

    Half of the outstanding loans are for people going to grad school to become lawyers etc like Wilde that earn big money. Why should anyone that goes to college by their choice be given more than the deferment of payments they had for nearly 3 years during COVID?

  20. There is a cold war going on in the United States right now--I hope it does not turn hot, but the democrats are pushing hard.

  21. I agree, I can see the Democrats slowly creeping back in these important races. I think the student loan initiative was brilliant. Think of all the young people and their families stressing over the pending loan payments and the 5% of income loan repayment cap is enormous, like a weight lifted off the shoulders of millions of young Americans and their parents/families. A stroke of genius by the Democrats; big government coming to the rescue in exchange for your vote! I'm no longer forecasting a Red wave, but a lot of close elections.

  22. GOP OWN THIS COUNTRY - Here’s why.
    One man has donated $1.6 billion to a nonprofit group controlled by a conservative activist who has crusaded, with startling success, to transform the country’s politics. The only reason the public knows about it? An insider tip-off to the New York Times.

    The Times reported this week that electronics mogul Barre Seid last year gave 100 percent of the shares of surge protector and data-center equipment manufacturer Tripp Lite to a group called Marble Freedom Trust. The group is led by Leonard Leo — who has helped bankroll right-wing advocacy on abortion rights, voting and climate change, among other things. His chief focus for a time was reshaping the judiciary as executive vice president of the Federalist Society, including by advising Republican presidents on Supreme Court .

    Adding insult to injury, donors can also use these nonprofits to reduce taxes — in this instance, to the tune of somewhere around $400 million.

    How disgusting! I will never vote for a Republican for any office.

  23. Trump's favorability ratings dropped 5 points after J6. Storing classified documents at his country club, and dragging his feet on returning them certainly won't improve his ratings. Consider the circumstances: he coined the "Lock Her Up!" chant, mainly over classified emails being mishandled by Hillary. The irony is too much to handle.

  24. 10;58 no he is the worst period.

  25. @10:25 "Their president has made a mess of the economy and is a laughing stock on international affairs." That you typed that out without a sense of irony, displays how little you actually know about economics and foreign affairs. To avoid embarrassing yourself in front of others, keep quiet on these topics when you are out in public. Just stick with your standard "Dems bad, MAGA good, me likey Trumpy lots" line of argument.

    "The Red Wave will sweep them away!" Wishful thinking by you. Stock up on booze and sedatives in order to deal with the profound disappointment you're going to experience in November.

  26. @12:43 "that isn’t happening in republican lead states." Thats because nobody lives in those states.

  27. "There is a cold war going on in the United States right now--I hope it does not turn hot, but the democrats are pushing hard."

    When GOP Senator Lindsay Graham predicts "riots in the streets" in the event of a Trump indictment, I think it's clear who is pushing hard for a civil war. It would be the same group that attempted the January 6 attempted coup. I see the comments by Trump myrmidons on social media all the time. They adhere to a cult of the leader, not democracy. As I've said before, they are fascists.

  28. 11:08 AM is correct about the difference between the PPP loan forgiveness and the college loan issue. Business and others receiving the PPP loans/grants were in attempt to make them whole again after the government shut down their business. It also allowed many workers to remain employed through all of that. Of course, there was abuse there, too. That’s the America we live in these days.

    In my opinion, there is a great amount of corruption, money-laundering, payoffs, etc. going on in government now, especially in the Congress. That’s the primary reason so many are trying to destroy Trump. Trump not only speaks about politician abuse, he’s most likely to actually DO something to stop it.

    1. 1:13 "In my opinion there is a great amount of corruption, money laundering, payoffs, etc. going on on" Trump Organization. There i fixed it for you. Didn't Allen Weiselberg just plead guilty for his role in corruption in the Trump Organization.

  29. @11:36 "There is a cold war going on in the United States right now--I hope it does not turn hot, but the democrats are pushing hard."

    I doubt it - most of these "A 2nd Civil War is inevitable" posers will piss their pants and hide when things "get real".

  30. 1:14 then you agree there will be a civil war.

  31. 70% of American women cite maintaining their ability to end the life of their own developing child as their primary issue when voting.

    That about sums it up when reflecting on what kind of society we have become.

    62,000,000 unborn children condemned to the bottom of a red medical waste bag….for American women…..and their rights.

  32. Bernie you are one of the most stupid people known to man.If you cannot see how the no-good liberal democrats act and talk you are more stupid than you are. Their policies are unbelievably bad and how they go after Trump time and time again and lose shows you dumb, they are too, Bottom line is they fear Trump because he is exposing their corrupt ways and showing them how a country should be run.

  33. @1:13 - We all know someone who funneled their PPP $ into their own accounts and holdings, but you are correct, the intent was well placed and I do think the majority did use them for their intended purposes. Much like any government program, there will always be immoral people viewing it as an opportunity to "get theirs" off the hard work of other people.

    Corruption, money-laundering, payoffs, etc... Let's be very real, Trump did more than his fair share and in many cases didn't even make an attempt to hide it. Lets not paint him as some sort of Saint or do gooder on that front.

  34. 12:41 and that is because the repu states hide the realties all to often. Look Desuck wad of Florida who hid all the Covid stuff, then fires anyone who says something he does not want. Oh and do not forget about his lovers Gaetz, each with their own special types of preferences.
    And is in the process of jailing numerous people who he deems a threat to his trial wanna be dictatorship. Then look at Asbot of TX who will manipulate anything to keep his world in tact and the scum cruisin to Mexico who represents the anal orifice but has the spine of a slug and runs away from anything and everything while screwing his people every chance he gets.

    YOu may not like the Dems but at least they do not lie to their constituents faces while stabbing out their eye balls ripping off their ears, cutting out their tongues, And probing their rectal orifices. That is certainly the way of the Republicans.

  35. 12.41
    "Republican cities that have lawlessness as seen on the evening news?"
    Republican mayor with a repub governor and a republican congressman

    also they have a republican district attorney.
    Yet they have a high crime rate. Sounds impossible.
    Fox never talks about crime in republican cities.
    Reality is often different from Fox propaganda.

  36. If you left wingers do not think there is a cold war going on you are as dumb as you appear.

  37. This country needs a civil war to clear out the radical Marist left. They nare destroying this country,

  38. 1.13
    "Trump not only speaks about politician abuse, he’s most likely to actually DO something to stop it."
    Well he has an odd way of going about it.
    Attacking anyone that does not praise him for one.
    Grifting every buck he can grab--All those funds his blind followers gave him to correct his election lost--strangely they never got their money back.
    Con man, grifter, Carnival barker are terms that come to mind.
    And the republican party is branded by his stench.
    Until they purge trump the Democrats will keep scoring points and winning more offices.
    trumps days will get even darker as more and more crimes are coming to light.

  39. Yes, Republicans, the polls are all liberal lies! There's nothing to worry about! Relax, eh?
    Go back to your Alex Jones program.

  40. Republicans aren't losing anything in PA if this is who is speaking for them:


  41. Don’t here much these days from the right wing tea party

    1. That's because Its king, Tom Carroll, is too busy orchestrating the takeover of the NCRC with his sidekick Andrew Azan.

  42. I agree with 7:29. Behavior is turning young people off. And the baby-man has got to be scrapped-off the GOP. Lisa Scheller positioning herself as “an outsider” is just silly. She’s been married to the party, literally. Her husband is still influencing the local GOP. She never mentions that…. Her China business deals are scary. I’m surprised she’s not required to register as a lobbyist. Mostriano? Just NO. Oz? How did that happen? This Republican has to vote Democrat this year. The GOP is just so dishonest and desperate this year.

  43. 7:29 a. m. You said it all. Right ion target!

  44. 1;40 NO actually I think there is a bunch of chest pounding retards running around demanding their extremist attitudes are given any type of credence. They are nothing more then a bunch of whiney juveniles acting out like kids throwing temper tantrums in a grocery store because they did not get candy to gain some personal perception of importance. The news media and the apathetic losers who believe every lie they spew on social media are the only ones who give them anything. They showed be belittled abused called for what they are an ostracized from our civil Democratic society. However because of the PC puke going on today you cannot directly call them liars, thieves, shit bags or anything else that may be derogatory to them or them will cry and sure you like so many have already shown they will do.

    They all need to be cut out of the Democratic society of the United States of America like the blight they are.

  45. @1:46 I think you should not be allowed any surgeries in the future of any kind especially if they are life saving. It is your choice to get any of those surgeries and many in society would say that well I guess you do not want women to have any choice so you should not be given any either.

  46. @4:16 ynu are the epidemy of a dumbass. People like you deserve what is about to come your way. ANd there are lot more of even your own side who want you rooted out then those that want you to continue.

  47. Always the paper patriot pussies who never took the time to voluntarily serve their country even in peacetime that like to fantasize about civil war. What is it your orange grifter god would call you? Losers.

  48. 4:37 PM - I’m not aware of any money skimmed off of foreign aid money, green new deal, etc. projects. That would be unusual, however, from a President Trump, a man who donated ALL of his taxpayer salary while in office to charity!

    Here’s a tip for you, many of our Members of Congress (both parties) have a good deal of secrets they want to keep hidden. There is no doubt, Trump is a threat to wasteful government spending with little, or no, oversight. Our government administrative and police state are behaving badly. Both working further out of reach from the citizenry.

  49. Marxism endangers our country much more than the ultra right fringe minority that the left is trying to portray as all MAGA supporters. The embedded Marxist philosophy of control of your mind is best exemplified by the Climate Change agenda.

    That agenda undercuts American energy independence to make us dependent on the new China/Russia alliance as they build coal fired power plants & drill for more oil & natural gas.

    In addition, the folly of electric cars also subjects us to Chinese statehood since they control the world’s lithium.

    Wake up America as you are being led to the slaughterhouse by the liberal left that certainly includes Fetterman & Wild!!

  50. 1:13 - I think trump hates the competition in corruption.

  51. If the GOP is losing ground the American people must like the way Biden and his democrats are running the country. WOW

  52. 8.07
    "Marxism endangers our country"--Well what is this Marxism activity?
    Anything the right wing does not like?
    Wearing a mask is an Marxist goal?
    If you mean destruction of class?--I would suggest the republicans have done more damage to the middle class than anyone else.

    "Marxist philosophy of control of your mind"--really?--What happens to any republican who disagrees with trump?.
    " American energy independence'
    "In total energy consumption, the US produces more energy than it uses.[1] In May 2011, the country became a net exporter of refined petroleum products.[2] By 2014, the United States was the world's third largest producer of crude oil, after Saudi Arabia and Russia,[3] and second-largest exporter of refined products, after Russia.[4] In November 2019, the United States became a net exporter of all oil products, including both refined petroleum products and crude oil.[5] By 2021 the US was the world's largest producer."
    "Chinese statehood since they control the world’s lithium"
    "ithium Nevada says it will start mining at Thacker Pass in 2022, initially producing about 30,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate. It will begin production on its second phase in 2025, doubling that number. Officials say it will provide 25% of the world's lithium and will have a mine life of at least 46 years."
    So the need for lithium is right in the USA.

  53. Pathetic, —-President on C Span about gun violence. .there will be zero results. His handlers in the WH are intentionally turning the butter about things he’s not cognitive about..My opinion is , he has people working inside this WH that HATE AMERICA, the President walks like a feeble dementia patient,- just watch him, if you have a family member with issue ,you will pick it up early. This “show” will not stop Street thugs and Chicago , a charming city that business is moving out. People are fearfully unsecured . What they did today cost us millions of dollars for nothing. Could have been spent on trailers for homeless in Nancy’s district. We’re invaded at our boarder ,and the do nothing. This is malfeasance of public government. People hired should be brought up on charges of taking salary and pension for not working. It’s going to get real bad soon, I will except migration of Philadelphia thugs here in valley shortly like never seen before. It comes as car jacking in shopping centers ,malls. It’s coming. This administration and his Blue city left have propagated this .


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