Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

NorCo Has 38 Vacancies in Child Protective Services

When there were just 13 vacancies in Northampton County's child protective services (CYF), then Exec candidate Lamont McClure called a news conference to slam the "callous" John Brown administration. "We need to get those filled now," insisted McClure. Instead, the number of vacancies has grown. Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski last week that there are currently 38 vacancies, the highest since her arrival five years ago. Her complaint about the courts supposedly poaching two staffers fails to explain why there are now three times as many empty positions as there were under Brown. In my view, that is a real crisis.  

Wandalowski wanted Council to punish two CYF Supervisors for advancing their careers. In my view, it is precisely that kind of attitude that has resulted in 38 empty seats. To be sure, COVID caused many people to re-evaluate their careers. But Wandalowski's attitude certainly is helping that reassessment. I'd never want to work for someone who wants people to suffer for trying to better themselves.

The real problem at CYF and in most other departments is that the pay is just too low. Lamont McClure does have an obligation to safeguard the taxpayers' money, but he also has an oblihgation to protect the most vulnerable among us, and that certainly includes our children. 

County Council has made it clear it wants a pay study. They are fumbling around with it because they are all part-time and unfamiliar with the language used in requests for proposals. It is past time for McClure to finally embark on a pay study. 


  1. Isn't there a paid council clerk, maybe even two people working full time for the council? If so, why can't they start working on a proposal for a study? That's part of what a staff is supposed to do for a part-time volunteer board.

  2. You really seem to understand the problem we face every day we work for the County. I too have a family with needs and unfortunately, most of those needs require a household income that pays the bills and provides for the necessities of life. The County is no longer a great place to work. Low wages plus a poor morale environment added to increase costs of medical benefits are all negatives when trying to fill the vacancies. McClure and Dirtenger don't care about the employees and that is truly sad. Please do the pay study and correct the inequities in the salary scales. I too am considering leaving the County. As a matter of fact, my husband is insisting on it.

  3. I do not feel it is the pay that is the route of the staffing problem at CY but rather the negativity of the position. The media only reports the bad which it should but rarely reports the successes and all the good the agency does. Perhaps if the news reported successes regularly it could lead to others wanting to work at CY to make differences in childrens lives.

    On another note, how did CY workers know about the openings? So, 2 openings and the 2 that apply get the job? Where is the field of candidates? Perhaps other employees with more experience would have applied had they known. Are us taxpayors getting the best we are paying for?

    1. Everything is done by word of mouth. Trust me when I say there were more than just those 2 applicants.

  4. County council needs to remedy this now. I know they are all part time but they are elected for a reason. There have been way to many problems within the county. Every week it seems like a department is not happy. It started with the CO’s, then sheriffs, then gracedale, then juvenile probation and now CYS. Obviously we have a huge problem here and for this many people not to be happy county council needs to act now. It seems like the county employees are sick of being mistreated by McClure and his administration. Especially when department heads purposely look to get someone in trouble for no reason. If Amazon to Wendy’s can figure it out then the county should be able to as well. I would be embarrassed if I was on county council hearing every week all the problems and not fixing it. They need to step up!

  5. Employees are not only leaving because of pay. They are leaving because of McClure and his Administration. They are all arrogant like him. He only cares about himself. If there was a decent candidate to run against him, he would have been gone. Give all the information!

  6. You write another article when you know the answer and will defend Lamont and chuck. They dont pay the county employees!!! And they aren't the only administration that has done this. They make these profits or just make the budget off the back of the county employees. Unless your one of the boys or in the click your not looking at a livable raise each year. Juvenile justice center, gracedale, jail, DA office, public defender office.
    They are so gracious with that 2.5% raise. When you're make 19 an hour figure out the math. And I am being gracious with 19 an hour.
    I know you're gonna say this is a disgruntled ex employee ( wrong). And you are gonna say that you agree and you say all the time county employees deserve more. Well stand up tell your buddies to be honest to stand in front of county council and the residents of Northampton county ( YouTube)and say they know why people leave and they know why people don't want to work at places like gracedale and the jail. And Children and youth. And any other number of county departments. Because they aren't gonna pay the employees. Its simple and it is the truth

  7. Dealing with and helping the kids have a set of stresses all their own. But with everything going on in the world and the craziness up to and including threats of violence and possible death threats it would take a really strong person to put themselves on that front line.

    Helping he kids is honorable but dealing with all the rest of the idiots in the world is terrible.

    Knowing people in that field when there is a shortage of staff the case loads just get dumped on the remaining thus burning them out further.

  8. If a department has 30+ openings, wouldn't someone think it might be management's fault?

    1. Hah! Bethlehem is in the same boat.

  9. After Ron Heckman, Sue is the second or third best Human Resources Director we’ve ever had.

    1. We all know who the best HR director was. Unfortunately Bernie turned on her when she refused his advances. No woman wants poor Bernie.

  10. BO, didn’t Council just approve a contract that raised pay for these people by 20% ?

  11. Maybe if the courts posted their positions and stopped using the buddy system to hire they would not have an issue. This is what happens when you the judges and their staff don’t have to follow the rules places on the county in other areas.

  12. Stealing from Children and Families is low. Mr. Greene should resign.

  13. Jermaine can’t hire. He’s a terrible administrator. He had to entice some CYF workers away to fill positions because no one wants to work for him.

  14. *just a small clarification; there is 38 vacancies in the agency. The CPS unit itself is actually worse off than one could imagine. From my understanding it is down to 4 maybe 5 people. This is less then HALF what a full unit should be. The CPS unit has a huge burden on their shoulders. The agency overall does, however CPS is extremely unsupported and is an essential unit. The agency is reactive instead of proactive. The CPS unit had previously gotten down to 4 workers and for MONTHS those workers were getting 3-5 cases..a day. That can then put their ultimate caseload well above 40 families. This is a disservice to not only the workers but families and children. No support was given to those workers until the end of those awful months. The way workers are treated in this county is embarrassing. This administration should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

  15. I can’t wait until County Council starts asking questions about all of this stuff - including what’s going on at the Baby Prison.

  16. Good for Sue. Sticking up for her Agency !

  17. Stealing from Children and Families is low. Mr. Greene should resign.

  18. Sue Wandalowski is short, but mighty!

    1. 9:03 Actually, fck her. I worked with her at Kidspeace. She treated (by memos) foster families horribly. It was about the almighty dollar and when she saved some money, it went to pad her income. No wonder Northampton County lured her away.

  19. "If a department has 30+ openings, wouldn't someone think it might be management's fault?"

    Bingo. It's time for McClure to recognize that he's got it wrong. You don't succeed with employees by bullying them, penalizing then for advancing their careers, picking a fight with the courts over poaching when you are clearly wrong on the facts and dispatching your HS Director to tell Council that they must deny the transfer. Sue should be ashamed of herself for allowing herself to be used in that way.

    It's certainly true that the job is depressing. It's also true that, historically, it has paid lower than other HS positions. And because the county has to date still failed in weaning itself from state civil service, it is hard to get applicants. But the fact that the number of vacancies there is 38 is outrageous.

    There was a recent pay increase but it is too soon to say of that will matter. What is needed is a pay study, not bullying. What is needed is a pay study, not a needless war with the courts where you are wrong on the facts. What is needed is a pay study, not an attempt to deflect by demeaning Jermaine Greene. And yes, Council does have three FT employees but this is obviously beyond them.

    The idea of a health center indicates a desire to look out for the staff. But this kind of nonsense just destroys morale. It needs to stop.

  20. Jermaine is a tyrant to work for when he is actually in the office. His normal hours are 10-3 if he comes in at all. He doesn’t know how to treat people.Whoever decided to come work for him will regret it.

    1. 9;27- sorry, I'm out of the loop. Who's Jermaine?

  21. "On another note, how did CY workers know about the openings? So, 2 openings and the 2 that apply get the job? "

    The courts do not post their positions. They should. They can hire who they want but should follow career service regulations like the rest of the county to avoid charges of favoritism. In fact, I thought they had agreed to do this under Bechtel after a spat in which Judge Grifo not only hired, but set a salary he should nor have set in a court order.

  22. We are witnessing a failure of the system at every level with nobody being held responsible. Every department in the county is against each other. The bullying by the administration is absolutely true. The pay is too low and the profits the county brags about are because of vacancies everywhere. CYF is a very stressful job where you need good people who are intelligent and motivated. Juveniles are the most vulnerable and the actions taken or not taken by the courts and CYF can literally make or break a person's future. The entire system, especially in this county is failing. Every department head is controlled by McClure and has been for 5 years. You speak highly of department heads when the employees and others come forward with all the issues and failures. The bottom line, if even half the problems are true, McClure is failing and refuses to fix anything. A pay study is not needed to take funds and do a blanket increase to the employees. Add 6-8% to everyone's paysscale, not just your buddies making 6 figures. The pay would be a good start and get rid of some of the department heads that have ruined the county. Morale goes up, workforce goes up, people are dedicated and production goes up. When morale was high in my department, I did not care as much that others in the department or other counties made much more than I did because I loved doing my job.

  23. A few points.

    1) Every department head is controlled by McClure. - That is as it should be. He is the Exec. They report to him and he is ultimately responsible. But they should be willing to tell him when he is wrong.
    2) Most of the departments in this county work together fairly well.
    3) I speak highly of department heads when employees come forward with concerns. - This post obviously proves you are mistaken. I speak highly of department heads when I think they deserve it and criticize them when I think they are wrong. I defended the Sheriff, a very decent and honorable man, when he was assailed by a member of Council. I defended Amy Hess when she was attacked by a member of Council. I've known Missy Rudas for years and consider her an excellent lawyer. I believe Barron, not vacancies, is one reason why the county's fund balance is so high. He is responsible for some very creative financial moves under which the state is paying our debt service under a bond to purchase human services. The jury is out on many other department heads.
    4) A pay study is needed. - I have been saying this for years and before McClure was elected.

    I think Wandalowski's performance before Council was appalling. It is evident Council felt that way, too, bc they ignored her request. What she wanted to do was have council sanction the bullying of employees. That kind of behavior has to stop. McClure is very smart and I do believe he means well and has accomplished many good things. He is hard to convince and stubborn, like most Execs. But he does listen. To the extent that his department heads are too afraid to tell him when he is wrong, they are failing him and the county.

    It is in the best interests of the county that the pay scale be reviewed, and as soon as possible.

  24. Bernie,

    I am not sure, but C&Y isn't ever fully staffed for the past 20 years. This has always been an entry level job. There and the prison.

  25. Our government at work?

  26. Mr. Green had better hope that Mrs.Velez never leaves his office. She is always there making excuses for him and covering up his part time schedule. Good luck to anyone who needs him first thing in the morning or after 3:30. That would be finding a needle in a hay stack

    1. 12:37: For those of us who don't work there, who's Mr. Green and Mrs. Velez?

  27. Did any of these vacancies result from a vax requirement?

  28. I’m shocked no one has commented about the row offices, specifically Civil… that office has had a turn over problem for years and the employees complain to HR and Administration as to who and why and nothing seemed to be done. However, when it’s brought to the attention of the higher-ups it’s a lot of “we know already” or “we know who the issues stem from” but no changes made so people flee at light speed when able to. Oh and the lack of pay for the multitude of jobs needing to be completed in that office in a timely manner for filings.

  29. BernieOHare to 1:07, no

  30. Bernie correct me if i am wrong but didn't Lori Vargo Heffer put $250,000 in county council coffers to do a study? It's august, where is the study results

  31. Why the heck does council want to do a pay study? Are they going to farm it out to some pricy consultant just to tell them their pay scale for these employees is bad? Don't they have someone in HR who can google what folks in these positions are making at the state-level and adjacent counties? It's not that difficult...

  32. There is no excuse for not doing a pay study. All anyone has to do is take a look at how purchasing granted the last pay study and utilize that system. Improve upon it and change it for the better but do something. I don't think a pay study has been done decades so it might be hard to find the Proposal but they should have it somewhere. Bernie, you can get it. just ask and then give it to someone on Council.

  33. First things first. Mr. green is one of the most unprofessional men I have ever encountered. His handlings, his bullying, and his approach to issues within the county is disgrace. And let keep it 100, has any heard this man speak at a hearing?! Absolutely unprofessional. He abuses his power to talk to people how ever he wants and if anyone says anything, it puts a target on their back. This man needs to go!!!

  34. Your new best friend Barron is still th same guy who threatened a company as the county controller and was sanctioned. Von Footinmouth is still a clownish figure at the courthouse. Every place has a bragging big mouth, and he is it. He just can't keep a secret like McClure and Chucky. Her may ride bike with you and give you dinner, but he is still a clown.

    He won't answer direct questions and thinks he is outwitting everyone with his long-winded round about answers. This crew has it made, you think they are wonderful and so smarty. Even John Brown wasn't this arrogant. He would not reply to questions, but these guys reply with bullshot. Which is worse.

  35. I've worked for the county for many years,and alot of them under the supervision of Jermane Greene while at the (Juvenile Center,Probation department). Mr. Greene has never been nothing but professional and compassionate towards his employees,I don't know of many administrators who have an open door policy and even go as far as to give their employees their personal phone number. To call him a "TYRANT" is unbelievable.

  36. Remember when CYF asked for a raise and Sue said it wasn’t possible then went to county council days later and asked for a raise for herself and got it. she sure is the best.

    remember when the county exec only cares about gracedale and pouring all the money into that.

    the county is quite literally a joke. they have no respect for their workers. it’s very clear in day to day operations and the way they treat and pay the employees.
    CYF may have gotten a “pay increase” but they took other methods of payment away and have to use their own cars for the extensive amount of travel and aren’t reimburse for any of it

    if only you could experience it first hand. media has nothing to do with the empty seats. do the job and you know what comes with it. get the exit interviews from the agency. you’d see #1 is money. #2 is treatment. facts.

  37. 30 openings is a lot. Over at Juvenile Detention it’s more. CYS has always been the first stop for Social Workers straight out of school. They get experience and move on so there’s always some vacancies, but 30 is a lot and they’re going to end up with a dead kid if they’re not careful.

  38. I had worked at the Domestic Relations Office for 8 years before going to the MDJ office. When I was in need of additional training he helped me through the whole process and helped me get to where I am now feeling very confident with my job position. I have the upmost respect for Mr. Greene. I have never had an issue trying to reach him nor even wait for him to call me back. I have always had a very positive experience with Mr. Greene. Very professional, firm and fair but also holding others accountable when needed. Calling him a “tyrant” must mean your being held accountable for something you did wrong.
    I agree with Bernie ppl are absolutely trying to deflect onto Mr. Greene to take away from the issues that are really at hand.

  39. "Remember when CYF asked for a raise and Sue said it wasn’t possible then went to county council days later and asked for a raise for herself and got it. she sure is the best."

    I do not remember this at all. I am unaware of any time in which she asked County Council for a raise for herself. That is pretty much nonsense.

    1. December 4th 2019.
      county employees brought attention to sue that they wanted a raise and she told them there was no money for it at that time. the same time frame McClure went to the county council to get Sue a raise. ask any CYF worker who worked there during the time. it happened.
      she got a raise from $97,886 to $ 102,291. it’s not non sense. it’s facts.

  40. "He just can't keep a secret like McClure and Chucky. Her may ride bike with you and give you dinner, but he is still a clown"

    Let me tell you something. I rode bike with Barron once. Just once. I have never had dinner with him or anyone in the admin. I have had lunch with him at times in the cafeteria, but not for several years. I usually only eat one meal a day and that is alone or with family. I almost always ride solo. Also, if Barron does not want me to know something, I do not know it. He is pretty good at keeping county business to himself unless it is already out there. he will tell you himself and has publicly stated that he was wrong to use the authority of his office to push for a union. He is far more mature now than you seem to be.

  41. Not one of the Directors says anything in public that is not approved or funneled from McClure, that much is obvious. He is a micro manager. Wandowloski is somewhat competent but not overly experienced in all the operations. The County Department is very complex and complicated. Children Services are extremely complex and difficult to manage. County Council needs to stop focusing solely on Gracedale and get some education and independent opinions on the other services. It is a shame that there is no one with firsthand experience to review this situation. Maybe the council should do a study as this may be beyond them.

  42. 30 open positions …Look at Gracedale they have hundreds of open positions and NO ONE IS HELPING THEM …Yes a pay study needs to be done it was approved shame on county council for not following it through ..Mclure’s administration is thee worst ever in the county ..

  43. "December 4th 2019.
    county employees brought attention to sue that they wanted a raise and she told them there was no money for it at that time. the same time frame McClure went to the county council to get Sue a raise. ask any CYF worker who worked there during the time. it happened."

    Which you misstated. You claim that CYF went to her and asked her for a raise and she said no. They get raises in accordance with their union contract. She is not the person who decides,. You know this. Yes, she got a raise at budget time on 12/4/19, along with all the other career service and exempt employees. There is no record of her asking for it. She got what McClure gave to all the nonunion people. So you lied. I am critical of her for trying to misstate facts about poaching and trying to punish people who want to advance their careers. But let's be honest. If you are a CYF worker, you should be more careful with the truth. It is important.

  44. "12:37: For those of us who don't work there, who's Mr. Green and Mrs. Velez?" He is the Court Administrator. She is his Deputy.

  45. You havent worked a day in your disgraced spoiled rotten life, you sick extorting lazy pedofile pig . Try actually working for a living before criticizing others for what you refuse to do, scumbag. Hopefully you'll drop dead soon, worthless courthouse $5 whore.

    1. This comment at 12:08 is clearly Tricia Mezzacappa, as her linguistic fingerprint shows. She spells pedophile with an "f" and not a "ph". This is how she spells it on her Facebook page and in emails she sends to the County when she defames you.

      I'm hoping you sue her again. She hasn't learned and her rant tell this audience that she's obviously under the influence... again. Yet she calls her neighbors drug addicts....Pffff.

  46. @12:08 all I can say is WOW do you angry much?

  47. It is obvious there are issues in county management. However I think it needs to be stated that there are many benefits to working for the county including generous holiday time, personal days, generous vacation days, extremely generous sick time that no one gets anymore, a pension and whether they agree or not they have a good health benefit package. To hear so many not happy with all of that shows the state of our country right now. I agree an across the board increase one time is appropriate but they don't have the money to give all the benefits and an increase that a pay study would show necessary. Maybe higher pay and less benefits should be considered like revamping to PTO time. But I'd like to see some comments grateful for all they get that the private sector does not

    1. What you are missing is the fact that yes there are great benefits to working for the county. But in no way should that make it ok for employees to not want to make more money as well. And it is obvious to the fact that there are issues with some management. And that should not supercede the great benefits.

    2. I had a prior post that acknowledged she was so wrong to interfere and should never discourage employees for moving up.

  48. Similar to the 25+ openings at the 911 center with several employees looking to leave and putting in notices.

    1. Seems local government in the valley is screwed almost everywhere. Lots of open positions that years ago would never happen. Wonder what the reasons are.

  49. Wandalowski is not competent enough to run this department, nor does she care about the HS employees. There were never this many openings in any previous HS Administrations until she came aboard and you can poll each and every employee in each and every department and I am willing to bet my last dollar that 9 out of every 10 would agree with my assumption. I saw and heard so many employees complain about her so often when I worked there, me included. That is why turnover and all these openings are so high!

  50. Sue is terrible, can't wait until she is gone

  51. It's simple the county is run by scared bullies who only make public the few good things they do. So the public looks at the employees as Bernie puts it ungrateful and disrespectful. Those posts you see of Lamont are all staged and because he is a fraud. Dertinger tries to intimate anyone one who doesn't agree with him. But those people are to bust trying not to laugh directly in his face. The current county admin is great at doing everything wrong against contracts and policies. The people that actually have put time in to working there are so agitated because nepotismis the new way of the county


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