Local Government TV

Thursday, March 31, 2022

NorCo Workers Are Frustrated

Yesterday, I was approached by a hard-working Northampton County employee who has always given her all. Over the years, she has always impressed me with her dedication. I've always encouraged her to apply for new jobs as they are posted, but she has never been successful. She wanted me to know she's retiring soon. I spoke briefly to her and one of her co-workers about her decision. It's one thing to hear $60,000 per year deputies complain about being unable to go outside and crack a few heads. It's quite another to see unappreciated workers who struggle at the bottom of the payscale and for who the county's career service system has been an abject failure. 

I asked this retiring worker to tell me, in one word, why she's leaving. I expected her to say "salary," but the word I got was "frustration."

I was told the place is never going to change.  

Low pay is certainly part of the problem, but her department has had chronic staffing issues during the entire time she';s worked for the county. The two are obviously related. She mentioned one worker who recently left because she's simply unable to support hers and three children on $14 per hour.  

In the over 20 years that one of these workers has been with the county, she's now making $19 an hour.  She has a Master's degree, which she incidentally earned on her own with no tuition assistance from the county. 

I was told that nobody has their backs.. If something goes wrong, county bosses are quick to find fault. But whether it is John Brown or Lamont McClure, nothing has been done to address low salaries and understaffing. 

Our career service system is designed to insure that job openings go to the most qualified. But according to the retiring worker, bosses still find a way of making sure that the person whom they want in a job is the person who gets it. I was told that, most of the time, the career service regs are just a formality for a decision that's already been made.

What about McClure? Has he helped? "Not a fan," said the retiring worker. "He's not a leader. He never listens," said another. She went on to say that a good leader takes the time to listen to his workers instead of just assuming he already knows everything.  

This has been McClure's chief weakness as Executive. He's accomplished many good things in office, and his response to the pandemic is probably the best I've seen by any public official. He's smart. Maybe too smart. He is so certain about everything that he refuses to listen to others who just might know better at times. That certainly includes the people who work for him, whether they are in his cabinet or emptying the garbage. 

Despite an outcry from his employees, he has refused to do a pay study because he - like Brown before him - is balancing his budget on the backs of the people. County Council has set aside money for a pay study, but they are part-timers. McClure should offer to help prepare the request for proposals.  

The employees have told him he's wrong in refusing to do a pay study. County Council has told him he's wrong. Court Admin.Jermaine Greene has said his shortage in the juvenile detention center is nearing the boiling point. It is time for McClure to listen. I understand that no one likes the boss.  I readily agree that it's hard to take someone making $60,000 per year seriously when he complains he's underpaid. I'm a tad more concerned about so many who are scraping bottom, below the $15 per hour minimum wage that liberals piously endorse.

In addition to restructuring the pay scale, there needs to be a review of the shortcomings in our merit personnel system. It is tragic to see good people leave because favorites are installed instead of those with merit.   



  1. A big thankyou to the person talking to you. There are many more union and non-union who would agree. You reject the idea that McClure is an autocrat, but he is and has been. He is no manager and is only good at barking orders. The promotion system is broken and could be no worse even if we were in another form of government. He and the big union boss are tight friends, and everyone is at their mercy.

    McClure is known to say it is not about the money when bemoaning staff problems. If that is the case, why did all his gang get big raises for years? Then why spend money on an executive office upgrade?

    Sorry but his lack of management experience is finally getting out there and exposing the deep problems in th county. We have heard he is even suing the county council instead of paying attention to the county workforce.

  2. I consider McClure an excellent Exec. His has accomplished quite a lot more than any Exec in one term. His is also well prepared, a voracious reader and thinks things through. His weakness is that he is slow to change until and unless he is confronted by argument on each issue. Most people are non confrontational and shy away from the Socratic method he enjoys. They then conclude he is cold and aloof. I have known him some time and have been at odds with him for most of that time. What I’ve learned is that he absolutely wants to change the pay scale and really is concerned about the people who work at the courthouse. When he relaxes he becomes quite self-effacing and is actually a decent guy. He’s always a gentleman. But he’s very slow to open up, especially for a pol. He is by nature reserved. I do think he needs to open up and listen a bit more.

    I also consider his management superior to any Exec since Jerry. He just has a hard time opening up and knows very well that many smiling faces would gleefully stick a knife in his back.

    Nobody likes the boss.

    Nobody liked Reibman, till he was gone.

    Nobody liked Stoffa, till he was gone.

    Nobody liked Brown, and that is one Exec who is still disliked.

    McClure is unpopular with the workforce. But you need to remember he does not work for you. He works for the taxpayer.

    In my view it is in the county’s best interest to raise wages across the board.as I understand things, some salaries qualify for state and federal reimbursement. We need to maximize those dollars and get our workforce on a decent financial footing.

    I am appalled that the starting wage in civil and other offices is under $15. You can’t scream about living wages and responsible contractor ordinances while your employees live on slave wages.

    This is one reason why I believe deputies are out of line. There are so many people in so many departments who work just as hard, are as well educated and they are still paid a pittance.

    We need to completely restructure salaries.

  3. To your other points, his cabinet is well paid but their raises are not out of line proportionately to what others get. Also, his big refurbishment is sheer nonsense. He replaced some older items that have been around for too long and sent them to his wife’s magistrate office bc her furniture was in even worse shape. I checked. She still was using furniture back from when Barner was a magistrate.,

  4. McClure cares about nobody at the County except himself. He fired all staff when he came into the Executive position. These people had a lot of knowledge but he didn't care. Heard he had a hard time getting people to work for him in the legal department. Also heard that he hired a clerical person whose personal attorney would be rating her work performance. Oh that is right there are no performance reviews even though there are policies. Isn't that a conflict of interest???????? Oh that is right -- McClure makes his own rules. Seems that the rules only apply when he wants them to. He is NOT a good executive. He ran on taking care of Gracedale. He hasn't done that. He would get rid of Gracedale management. He is running Gracedale and the courthouse into the ground.

  5. Once again the salary for a Deputy is $50k. They only make $60k with overtime. Overtime that keeps them away from family and having a life. The COs have the same mandation issue too. The deputies deserve a higher pay because of their training, what they do now meaning serve warrants and pfa orders, and what they may one day have to do. Keep bashing them but they deserve more and so does the entire county workforce.

  6. I am retired now and enjoying the good life. Thank you to those early County Executives who tried to do the right thing and reward good workers and loyalty. Time has proven that those early Executives cared about the workers. You saw it in the wage scales and the benefits packages. Everything started going down hill with Brackbill. Since then the leadership of the County has, as you stated, balanced their budgets on the backs of the employees and the backs of the retirees and McClure is no different. There was a time when you looked forward to coming to work because the atmosphere was pleasant and your co-workers really cared about each other and management really cared about us. McClure can still do the right thing and become one of the great Executives. It all starts with the work force.

  7. I've made this point in other similar posts, and I'll make it again - there is no indentured servitude in Northampton County! The job market is ripe with opportunity. Getting $19/hour with a Masters? LEAVE! GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT RATHER THAN COMPLAIN!

    The only way a message gets received is through action - and bitching isn't action.

  8. I’ve come to the conclusion people just like to bitch. They can find something to complain about in everything they encounter in life. I try my best to ignore and avoid such people.

    For many, bitching is a defense mechanism. We are all unhappy about something, but some cope by lashing out at others. Not very uplifting to those with their own problems in mind to manage first.

    Let’s face it, our nation is being brought down by philosophies and political actors who we can’t control. We feel new pressures brought on by decisions we didn’t make for ourselves. Our politicians, especially in Washington, are bungling our futures, and the futures of our children. America is being destroyed. I know it, you know it, we ALL know it.

    For any chance of relief from what troubles us, we MUST vote brand new people into office. There is no other way. When you rid yourself of ANY incumbent in office . . . . there is HOPE. Unless you can take that step . . . . . I can promise you there is no relief in sight.

  9. Just couldn’t help yourself but take a shot at the Sheriff’s Department, huh, Bernie?

    All county employees are fighting for the same thing, a competitive salary range that keeps in line with current inflation rates.

    It’s really not that hard.

  10. Bernie, don't be so quick to knock people who only make $60k/year. Buying power has been decimated. I started out making around $44,000 out of college in 2009. I make around $59,000 now. But with inflation, that 44k is actually worth 58k now. 13 years of promotions and raises, and it's only $1k more a year. I support my wife and kids, while my wife worked we were able to save up enough for a house, so the massive rent increases others delt with haven't hit us. But grocery and fuel oil prices have seriously eroded the small cushion we had in our budget. We're not destitute, but $60k/year is only barely clinging on to lower middle class and is well below the county's median household income of $70k. I feel for the people making $14/hr, everyone feels like they're slowly drowning.

  11. It's hard to bitch at anyone making 60k a year. And I would love a minimum wage of at least $15 an hour.

    You just have to be careful about those that worked 10 years to finally get that $15.50 an hour. What do they get? What does anyone get that worked hard for the county for years? It's a punch in the face for everyone else.

  12. "He fired all staff when he came into the Executive position. These people had a lot of knowledge but he didn't care. Heard he had a hard time getting people to work for him in the legal department."

    You are pretty much full of shit. Had McClure fired all staff, the county would have zero workers. Had McClure fired all staff, there would be thousands of lawsuits. The only people replaced were those who were in exempt (political) positions. They serve at will. Only an idiot would keep someone who was a political hire by his predecessor. Every Exec, under the Charter, is entitled to hire a number of these positions.

    " Heard he had a hard time getting people to work for him in the legal department."

    Complete horseshit.

    "Also heard that he hired a clerical person whose personal attorney would be rating her work performance."

    This sentence makes no sense.

    1. It is not true that he only fired political appointed positions. He thought the DON was appointed at Gracedale and notified of termination as other appointments. When found out was career service terminated anyway on the grounds of one day short of six month hire probation period. A nurse is committed to her patients. Not a political party. Just wanted to clarify

  13. "Just couldn’t help yourself but take a shot at the Sheriff’s Department, huh, Bernie?"

    I agree that you deserve more money. But in the larger scheme, there are many workers far more deserving bc their wages are obscenely low.

    Had you approached Council and complained about wages, that would be one thing I could respect. Instead, you attempted to undermine your boss. You made false statements about a demonstration outside the courthouse. You complained that you should be able to go out and knock heads and arrest people even though the law is very clear that your law enforcement powers are very limited. You just refuse to listen though you've been told this many times. You diminished yourselves in my eyes. But hey, the storm troopers who prance behind Steve Lynch loved it.

  14. Bernie,
    I agree with you however, Government policies and procedures are all old and not conducive to today's workplace. No County Executive or Mayor in the LV is willing to invest in their Human Resources department to either have qualified, skilled staff and task them, in conjunction with leadership to create programs and processes for a positive working environment. Employer's best practices include pay equity, diversity and inclusion, growth opportunities and open communication, etc. Pay study you say? It would probably cost the County / tax payers millions to correct. Which they will never do. In addition, you would need a qualified Compensation professional to manage the process going forward. It's heartbreaking to hear a dedicated employee leave for most likely reason(s) that were preventable. However, the workplace won't change because doing the right thing takes a back-seat to politics.

  15. On top of not willing to do a pay study, growth is nearly impossible unless the ones in charge want you. You can have someone in an office for 10 years applying for a higher position in the same office but they get denied because they lack a skill not even required in the job, but will bring someone from the outside who knows nothing about the job and expect the others to train them. The courthouse is a joke, yes he works for the taxpayers but newsflash most of the people who work there pay taxes to and have to much vested to just "get another job".

  16. I took notice recently while observing PA County job postings that Class 6 County Pike has significantly raised all salaries across the board - corrections/sheriff/dispatchers while keeping their county benefit structure intact as well. I would love to reach out to them and see how this has impacted both morale and turnover, as well as staff training costs.

  17. Wow! Hey Scarlett O'Hare, did you write this or Ashley McClure. Frankly, I don't give e damn. Nice piece of fiction though. Good God!!!

  18. You claim McClure has accomplished more than any Executive before him. Please share his accomplishments with us. As voters we tend to forget things.

  19. "I also consider his management superior to any Exec since Jerry"

    Not a funny joke Bernie. Mr. Seyfried was the last good executive the county has had. No one misses Brackbill, Reibman, Stoffa, or Brown, and McClure is no better. Jerry was the last to care about local issues and not just be an opportunist politician using the county to get ahead. These other clowns including McClure prove why the executive thing is gone off the rails. Time to go back to commissioners or have Lehigh County teach our Executives how to behave.

    Mcclue is a bully, not a manager His Socratic method is shut up and listen. You are wrong and I am always right. The last thing County Council should do is let him have a hand in any pay studies. Also, there is a county system to get rid of county items they don't belong to him. He can't just give it to his wife. It must go through the county process, but he does what he wants, and you love it.

    Time to get rid of all these petty puffed-up autocrats, as they don't know what they are doing. Ther commissioners could not be worse than this long parade of self-serving politicians

    1. Oh come on, McClure is the best thespian the County has ever had!

  20. There is a system in place to sell county assets. But this junk furniture was not sold. It is still owned by tge county.

  21. 4:46, I listed his accomplishments several times. He has greatly expanded open space inventory. He built a much needed forensic center, installed a much needed parking lot by the courthouse, finally got the generators to work, expanded outreach in the slate belt, was extremely responsive to the pandemic, reduced taxes, has enabled the county to get a better share of transportation funding, improved tge area agency on aging and successful negotiated all union contracts. He has expanded outreach, making the county more accessible. Etc

    1. Guessing it took chuckie a bit of time to get all his great accomplishments. Why not ask Lamont about him flat out lying to council about how generous he is with steps COs got one step in 5 years. So much generosity. Your so ignorant running around throwing around 60000 dollars. The true only people in the county that make that are the supervisors and department heads
      So stop running your mouth that all these county employees make this. And I can see Lamont, chuckie and you are trying to break up the county. Make the sheriff deputies the bad guys. But it's back firing in your face. We becoming more unified.

  22. 11:59
    The low wages you are experiencing is because the lack of union’s in this country. Your President Regan broke the unions and the middle class never regained the life, benefits, and position they had back in the 70’s. But the 1% gain wealth equal to 1000 times that of min wages. An amount so grossly overpaid to all of the CIO’s in America. It’s time to tax them at 100% after a cap of 5M.

    1. Unions could care less about their employees. I worked with them for years and saw the behind the scenes politics. It was actually quite sad

  23. Baloney! Stoffa did more in his two terms that McClure ever will. Built a new county park. Made major improvements to the county's largest park. Used stimulus money to recover the historic courthouse, which was crumbling away. Created a new archives building. Fixed the leaky windows at Gracedale. Had asbestos removed from all county buildings. Built a 60,000 sf Human Services Building and sold the Wolf and Bechtel Buildings, two money pits.TRIED to sell Gracedale for which time has proven him right.Opened up the work release center. And much more. Even with his health problems, Stoffa did more than your hero Lamont will ever do.

  24. The only thing that he should get credit for is he built a "much needed forensic center" So he got the generators to work. Oh my God that was a herculean effort. Let's build him a statue. He successfully negotiated union contracts. Every administration has accomplished that goal. Your accomplishment list is weak. McClure does have some good points though. He hasn't been all bad and is much better than Brown and his predecessors. I voted for him twice.

    1. Let's get it right he doesn't negotiate any contracts. Chuckie walks in puts a paper on a table and says there it is. Walks out . And then it's up to the body to decide if they want to chance arbitration. But then you get Tosti involved. The president of council 13. Lamonts buddy. fights for Lamont more then the union members. Sad. So once again let's speak in real terms. I know chuckie gonna read this and puff his chest out thinking he's this tuff guy. Finally in my life I can be the bully. Where that badge proud chuck.

      Maybe you got it wrong Bernie it is chuckie and Lamont that think it's cool to get the opportunity to bash heads and show people how powerful they finally are not the sheriff deputies by screwing the employees of Northampton county.

  25. I was there during the Seyfried Administration. He expanded the prison and built a work release facility as well as opened up a county building in Bethlehem for the public, and, the park you talk about was probably done by Seyfried. Seyfried sucked as a politician but don't take away credit from him and give it to someone else. He fired the best Sheriff we ever had and that's why he lost. Good riddance

  26. One never has to0 much time invested to leave the County.
    Find another job in the private sector, rollover your pension into a 401k, and begin earning what you feel you should be paid.
    Just prepare yourself to work hours other than 0830 to 1630 with a paid lunch and weekends and holidays off.
    Police departments do not close on the weekends or holidays, and most are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The deputy sheriffs are well paid in comparison to other law enforcement in the area, and 90% of them never leave the security of the Courthouse. If anything, deputy sheriffs should be paid less, and this windfall should be given to other departments. In reality, deputies are security officers, and their salary should mimic the standard for this occupation.
    Jobs are plentiful and pay well, but no one wants to sacrifice the great benefits the County gives - banker hours, abundance of time off, favorable indoor work environment, low cost medical.
    One must give to get.

    1. There are a lot of county employees that work 24/7 . Some that dont even get to go home sometimes because they are mandated. Question How many local police departments mandate???

      There are places that county employees work that are not air conditioned. That have heating systems from the turn of the century. Lol. But remember this blogger here changed it from just the sheriffs to all county employees. Remember he brought up another counties wages. So let's remember a lot of county employees work weekends ,holidays, mandated double shifts. And then you have some knucklehead running around saying all these county employees are making 60 thousand plus. And we have these amazing benefits were we dont pay anything. Well just look into things before ppl sound off.

  27. Imagine ya did a piece like this on the Xmas city

  28. April 1, 2022 at 3:18 PM

    This is an April fools joke, right? The "THEN" sheriff that was fired allowed another Deputy to give rectal exams to deputy sheriffs. This is the best Sheriff we ever had in Northampton County? Lord help us. How can you praise someone in one sentence and then downgrade that same person in your next sentence. The Sheriff's department was an embarrassment to the County and the laughing stock of the State. Maybe we should Bring back Seyfried. He'll straighten out that Sheriffs Department and I don't think he'll be firing the Sheriff.

  29. Gracedale employees have a right to be upset. They deserve more respect and pay. Too bad they are not members of the chamber of Commerce.

  30. @1:10AM, tell that to the Bradford County deputies that were gunned down serving a warrant about 10 years ago. Their pay is a little low at 50K IMHO. They have advanced LEO training, transport prisoners,a nd they serve warrants. Apparently you have no clue that most police officers in this area with 5 years of service generally have a base in the 70's and even the mid 80K range. Many make well over a hundred grand with OT.

    There will always be people who complain, but as a county taxpayer I am concerned that it seems to be many people from many different departments that are disgruntled. I do think that the pay for most county employees is a little low given our location on the Jersey border and the cost of living here. Our CO's start at 18 bucks an hour, Pike County starts at 24. You can make 20 in any warehouse in the area. Our juvenile detention people start at 16, AND THEY REQUIRE A COLLEGE DEGREE. That's a joke! Let's not forget our deputy coroners who start at 24 bucks an hour, require a college degree, and deal with unimaginable situations daily. 5 years on that job you should be making 75 or 80K. Our state parole and corrections people make that after they get little time of the job, lets' pay our help better so we can attract and keep good people.

  31. I see people talking about CO pay and how Pike County starts at 24 bucks an hour. Berks county is advertising 64,100 once you get a year in. That's 25K more than our county.


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