Local Government TV

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bethlehem Mayor's Office Refusing Telephone Calls

In early January, Bethlehem City Council approved a contract with George Wacker's "Lehigh Valley With Love" to reach out to the public on social media with cute little messages on topics like Black History month in February and Women's History Month in March. More importantly, it s also a way for Mayor Reynolds and City Council members to promote themselves while simultaneously discussing topics that may or may not be useful. At the time, Mayor Reynolds and City Council members stressed the importance of communicating with the unwashed masses. But guess what? If you try to call the Mayor's office, it refuses to accept calls. Some communication.

I heard about this from Steve Antalics but refused to believe it because he's a cranky old bastard. There must be some mistake, I thought. So I called myself. I asked the City of Bethlehem Service Center to connect me with the Mayor's office. 

"Oh, the Mayor's office does not accept calls," a pleasant sounding lady told me. I can give you their email address if you'd like."

I declined and said farewell.

This is ridiculous and belies everything Reynolds said about communicating with the public he supposedly serves. Now look, I get that no Mayor should be expected to sit at his phone all day, waiting in vain for me to call. But that's why he has a staff that can field the calls and relay the ones that require his personal attention.   

I checked in Allentown, which is much larger than Bethlehem. The telephone number to the Mayor's office is listed. So is Easton's,although Mayor Panto is just as likely to be on some chat board under some sock puppet to answer questions.

So just send an email, you might say. What's the big deal? Well, let me clue you in, Willie. Just as a large segment of Bethlehem is unable to speak English, another segment is computer illiterate.  Especially old farts. Funny how your equity and inclusion officer missed that one.

Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez had an open door. Mayor Willie Reynolds has an unlisted number for City Hall.  


  1. Politicians at their best.

  2. The Reynolds era will span eight years, Bernie, whether Willie deserves it or not. That was the deal made. After Willie, Eric Evans will step in for his eight years, then one of the progressive women, preferably a teacher, of course, will be crowned Bethlehem’s first female mayor. Why answer calls and listen to complaints when Bethlehem’s political blueprint is as it is? Why expect accountability and communication? After all, that is what Willie and company promised and, well, we all know how much stock to put in a politician’s promise. I could go on, but I have to answer my phone.

    1. Why accept accountability in Bethlum you might say. Just look at the sewer debacle over in the East Hills neighborhood. Apparently poop does run down hill.

  3. But you don’t understand, Bernie. It’s wee willies turn to be mayor. He earned it by kissing butts and telling people what they wanted to hear for over 20 years. Now that he sits on the throne and is practically assured another 4 years after this. He does not have to lower himself to the rabble. Just to the donors. Bethlehem’s leadership has gone down hill over the last 8 years and will continue to do so till the voters start to understand that Bethlehem is not a monarchy.

  4. How can voters elect a mayor who refuses to speak.

    1. The same way voters 'elected' a President who cannot lead.

  5. Wonder how many local mayors refuse even an hour a week for concerned citizen visits.

  6. Best way to speak to Panto is to catch him in some joint near "HIS" circle while preening about how safe and vibrant this tiny sliver of "HIS" city is...

  7. This post seems to naively assume that becoming Bethlehem mayor has something to do with constituent service. That's not how Bethlehem's mayors are chosen.

  8. Mayor Panto only cares about downtown Easton and lafayette College. The rest of the city can go to hell. I stopped going to businesses in the west ward as I consider that area to be unsafe.

  9. Listen peasants and listen good: you don't speak to us we speak to you and you better listen or else. You wish to call us on the phone? Who do you think you are? Go back to your trivial life and let us anointed officials get back to running things. Send us an email so that we can claim that we didn't get your request/concern due to junk email filters or those pesky digital glitches that happen occasionally.

  10. 1:17 - Look how 'clever' you are champ.

  11. But he raised at Transgender Flag yesterday...that should count for something

  12. Mega landslide in November social media helped elect the fool and is hurting American people big time. Bernie you are social media thanks for the gas prices and the all the inflation and the drugs coming in and the war--all on you - you Trump hater

  13. Unfortunatekly the new leaders of Bethlehem have big plans to change th city. They want more apartments, more development and more traffic. Word is the one-time autonomous Board s and Authorities are now under city control.

    This is no longer the Bethlehem you remember but the new overpopulated developer and insider run city.

  14. @10:27 Yes I am a trump hater an in spite of your narrow mindedness about his time in office. Trump has been a sleaze ball all his life and connected to Russia before his life through his daddy and mommy. If he would have had to go through a common background and security check like many in the military he should have never been allowed to have access to anything in the Whitehouse. My family had dealings with him and his family in and around AC and when we did not cow to his world our shed mysteriously burnt down, tires slashed. We received threatening calls and letters, and generally had issues with people who we thought were long time friends. Nothing could ever be proven by the police force which received substantial donations from his family so we eventually moved or I guess could say was forced out.

    And yes this is anonymous because I don't want it to start again. I would not wish Trump on anyone but those who are stupid enough to not see him for what his is. AN ABSOLUTE SCUM.

    Give him your money he will take every penny and never give any back even if you absolutely needed it. Sent him your wife so he can grab and do whatever he wants because he is famous. Don't let you daughters be involved in any of his events because if they change he can walk in and watch because it is his event and so much more. Actually listen to his words.

  15. @10:27 you are so correct! Just look at Truth Social which got stock run up high through the IPO which he and his people took millions out of the company as they sold their shadow stock. Then now it is collapsing and the stock holders are screwed but contributed to Trump and his villains'. Kind of like when he and his family were running a non-profit which was not really a non profit or his wife was involved with a non-profit but nothing went to the cause. Or like the school which was supposed to do so much but in the end just took people money and did nothing for them. Or when he said he was going to use money to save America and fight the rigged election but never used any of it. Wonder where all the money that should have went somewhere good has gone. HMMMM I bet indirectly into someone's bank account!

    1. And through all the corruption, America was still in a better place. And with all the corruption now, AMERICA IS FUCKED!

  16. Bernie, are you trying to say you are too computer illiterate to send an email when you run this blog? Seems disingenuous.

  17. No. What I am saying is there are numerous people who are computer illiterate or lack the means to use one. So Willie claims he wants to reach out but has cut off a significant percentage of Bethlehem’s residents. Pretty strange behavior.


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