Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Josh "Doxer" Siegel to Run For State House

In yet another disgusting display of hubris, Allentown City Council member Josh Siegel is now running forthe state house in the 22d district against Norberto Dominguez and Saeed Georges, a mental health case manager. 

Siegel, who refers to himself as a "visionary" and "life coach," was among those who marched against Allentown police who assisted a drunk who was puking and staggering in a public street outside a local hospital. A short video clip, taken out of context, made it appear that cops were pulling a George Floyd. A lengthier video, released just a few days later, made it clear that Allentown officers acted appropriately in dealing with someone who ingested seven bags of cocaine.  

In a demonstration on Hamilton Street, Siegel actually doxed Allentown Mayor Ray O'Connell, providing his personal cell number to protesters who were screaming "Fuck the Police." Mayor O'Connell was deluged with calls for several days. What;s worse, he was threatened when he arrived on scene.  

"We know where you live," shouted one of these freedom fighters. "We like flames." 

Segel also voted against hiring regular police officers and against a grant intended to benefit that department. He also supported fellow protester and council member Ce Ce Gerlach, who was charged with child endangerment after she took a homeless minor to a tent city instead of securing real shelter. 

East siders, you know what you need to do. 


  1. I’m sure Me Me Gerlach will vote for him so assuming he’s going to vote for himself that will be two votes for him. Off and running….

  2. Elect this man!! As a self-interested City resident, I think he can do far less damage if his political will is diluted by a larger pool of statewide office holders. Getting him off City Council works for me.

  3. This fits, He and Zrinski are the flag bearers of the new democratic party. CeCe Gerlach is working for the two of them on their campaigns. That is all you need to know.

  4. Anonymous 1o:21 Am

    I don't think Gerlach lives in Siegal's district ... But what is important is for the first time since the year 2001, all six East side precincts will be together When i ran for state representative in 2006 I had only 2 precincts from the East Side. Another 3 p43cincts were in another district and one other district was in still another district in 2014 things were supposeldul better for the East side --- 5 precincts were in the same district and one other was in a different district which was the 22nd and now the 5 other districts join them. In December 2022 when representatives from the PA House 22 and PA Senate 14 take office they might have a responsible role in what redevelopment takes place at the former Allentown State Hospital grounds in the district. Unless the former representatives and Senators there make the decision before December with the occurrence of City planners and the Administration.

  5. Speaking of doxxing, leftist extremist Mayor Matt Tuerk took deviant child abuser Brian Sims (https://www.inquirer.com/news/brian-sims-planned-parenthood-philadelphia-video-20190507.html) to the homes of families throughout Allentown without getting consent from unwitting parents who would never have otherwise allowed such a degenerate anywhere near their children.

    You have to wonder what's wrong with these people.

  6. @9:06

    Do you know if they are contemplating warehousing welfare recipients on the former State Hospital grounds?

  7. This guy is a clown. Too woke for his own good.

  8. This guy is a clown. Too woke for his own good.


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