Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Allentown's Pa-22 Gets 2d Latin Candidate

Pennsylvania House District 22, located in parts of Allentown's east side and center city, is no longer a home to the Pennsylvania Dutch. It is now dominated by the Latin community. But it has still retained a Dutchy as State Rep. Peter Schweyer, a former Allentown City Council member, has held the seat since 2015. A career politician, he certainly will seek re-election. 

While I'd love to see a Spanish-speaking Latin or Hispanic get elected, I've been terribly disappointed by Enid Santiago. She appears to have no real grasp of the issues, and was just as quick as Donald Trump to claim election fraud when she lost her last try. 

Fortunately, there's a second Latin candidate entering the fray. Norberto Dominguez will be announcing his candidacy on March 25, 5:30 pm, at the Arts Pocket Park. That's fitting. He''s one of the founders of the Guild of Creative Citizens,a nonprofit intended to bring artistic people together. 

According to a news release, his family is one of the first Dominican families to arrive in Allentown back in the 70s. 

His father was a steelworker and union man at Allentown’s Gulf Western for 38 years. His mom was a seamstress. Hehas said that the hard-working people in his district remind him of his parents.

Norberto considered running a few years ago, but was forced to withdraw when his nomination petition was challenged.


  1. Latinum? Non Latine dicis. Dubito, an tu unum verbum Latinum scis. Tu es asinus. Latinum? Lol.

  2. Peter Schweyer is the representative of the Old 22nd which interestingly was transferred from the Pittsburgh area and more interestingly had a representative which originally came from the Allentown area. The New 22nd comprises all the precincts in East Allentown, comprises the 1st and sixth wards and precincts in North Central Allentown plus a few precincts in Salisbury Township, Pete Schweyer now will have to run in the 134th district and if Enid Santiago still lives in the same district as Schweyer that is the district, she has in run in. She is definitely not in the 22nd district.

  3. I always got a charge (no pun intended) out of the Allentown electrician name Orlando Diefenderfer. It's the perfect Latin/PA German name combo. Past meets present. Win-win for the old Dutchies and the new Latins. Orlando Diefenderfer for the PA 22!

  4. P.S . --- The new redistricting means that the East Side of Allentown will have a new state representative, a new state senator ... The previous State representatives Pete Schweyer, Mike Schlossberg and State Senator Pat Browne have been redistricted out of the East Side. And interesting Schlossberg and Browne were on the State committee deciding what to do with Allentown State Hospita1 land. The East Allentown Rittersville Neighborhood Associations wanted to be at the table for these discussions. The association was not invited.

  5. Schlossberg and Browne deciding what to do with the State Hospital land. In the most blistering market we've ever seen, it sits. And sits. And sits.

    Those two could screw up anything they touch.

  6. Interesting, but being involved with the arts and Latino artists in Allentown I have not heard of the Guild of Creative Citizens before. Through a quick search I have not been able to find this group as a registered 501c3, and LinkedIn is not a reliable source of information.

  7. Isn't the proper term Latinx? Remember we need equity, equality and need to be inclusive.

  8. The term Latin includes Italians. After all, the first "Latin Lover" was Rudolph Valentino. So Joe Dandoona was our first "Latin" mayor, and Emma Tropiano was a "Latin" councilwoman.

    Be very careful, because the improper use of these very important terms could get some rich Muhlenberg student up-in-arms and get you fired from your volunteer blog.

  9. 7:38

    Do you think the intent is to put up more facilities to warehouse welfare recipients?

  10. The proper term here is Latino. You sound like Archie Bunker.


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