Local Government TV

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Zrinski Claims Nonexistent Sue Wild Endorsement

Tara Zrinski, a member of Northampton County Council, has been a biennial candidate. Almost as soon as her election to the county four years ago, she was on the state house campaign warpath. Although she claims to be an environmentalist, she littered the council with one meaningless resolution after another,from the Green New Deal to plastic straw bans. She injected herself into the Penneast Pipeline in Bethlehem Tp,and made several false statements about its location near a school and hospital. She lost her bid for the state house, but voters still re-elected her to county council. She was even the top vote getter. Once again, she's running for another office. This time it's state senate seat.  On her campaign website, she's claimed several endorsements, including U.S. Rep. Susan Wild. This, incidentally, was news to Wild.    

This is going to be a tough year for Democrats. Wild's reconfigured district is fairly evenly divided, and I could see her winning or losing by a small number of votes. One thing she afford to do is piss off Democrats. So she's Switzerland throughout the primary. 

Zrinski, who does very little thinking for someone claiming to be a college professor, posted an endorsement along with a quote that had never been cleared by Wild. 

I'm told by several reliable sources that Sue Wild asked Zrinski to remove the unauthorized endorsement.  


  1. This is why th county has so many problems. Zirinski is an example of someone using a position to get a better paying elected job. Like you said, she didn't even get here seat warm before she ran for something else. Now she runs again.

    She is a waste of space on council. She plays the women and mother card as though she is the only one out there. She is really an embarrassment, and it is disheartening that so many democrats support this person. She is just another reason republicans will do so well.

  2. "She lost her bid for the state house, but voters still re-elected her to county council."

    Hmm? I wonder which party elected her?

    And Wild is done. Her pro, "Masterfully", comments about Biden haven't seem to been published locally. Why is that Bernie?

  3. I have published several blogs critical of the way Biden has handled things. He's been very unimpressive. But unlike you, I do not see things through party lens.

  4. Who in their right mind can support a pro Trump candidate? Trump has and is a national embarassment. He alienated Nato and European allies only in an effort to appease Putin. Why did the RNC weaken their support for Ukraine under Trump? Why did the RNC meet the Russian ambassador at the RNC convention? Why did Trump side with Putin over all our US intel agencies. At the end of his Presidency,m why did Trump negotiate the release of 5,000 taliban and the suicide bomber at the same time he drew our troops down to less than 2,500 leaving them as sitting ducks. I beleive Trump when he said he played Biden's hand and had no choice but to withdrawal. Yeah, I know this thread is not about Biden or Trump but when folks draw them into the mix, I have to call out Putin apologist and the Selfish movement. There is good reason why Trump bashed the media. He was jeaolous of Putins grip on State owned media. We will be cleaning up a generation of Q for decades.

  5. This story is about Zrinski, not Biden or Trump.

  6. Ds used to have the depth of a party that represented real people and families. Zrinski is a great example of a new D, who is a mile wide on issues, but only about a quarter of an inch deep. This is Greta Thunberg's party that's decided it's best for all to suffer for the greater good of the environmentalist cult. It doesn't belong to real people anymore. It's response to budget crushing gas prices is, "Buy a Tesla, you poors!" This is Zrinski.

  7. Tara does the majority of her families grocery shopping by riding her bicycle 5 miles round trip, her commitment to Gaea is beyond the comprehension of most fossil fuel addicted lard assed Trumpists.


  8. 10:51, Zrinski does not represent all environmentalists, not by a long shot. Your sad attempt to unfairly demean an entire movement is duly noted. You're the one without depth, my friend.

  9. The great thing is even Democrats have options. There is a young man and a Latina woman running for the same nomination. Neither appear to have the baggage that Zirinski has. So, if th Dems are lucky they will nominate someone other than her and have half a chance at getting the seat in a heavily republican area.

  10. Zirinski is a disingenuous snake. She may have conned goo-goo liberal feminist democrats but people that have had real dealings with her know her as a blatant opportunist looking for a real cake job.

  11. Zirinski and Wild .. two of the best examples of pathetic candidates that would sell their mother for any type of power ... totally disgusting people


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