Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

NorCo Deputy Sheriffs Morale Problem - A Solution

After being egged on by Council member Kerry Myers, a gaggle of deputy sheriffs were at last week's Northampton County Council meeting to complain about the Sheriff, overtime and their inability to go out and arrest people. Myers undermined the authority of the Sheriff by declaring, with absolutely no basis, that he'd refuse to follow orders because it could put his life in danger. Though there's been no mass exodus or call offs, Myers insisted there was a morale problem, and it is all the Sheriff's fault.

At one time, when there were only four judges, the Sheriff's office was small. Now there are 10 active courtrooms, including a central criminal court, where security is needed. As the courtrooms have expanded, so have the number of deputies.  But those courtrooms are empty most hours of the day. Even during criminal court week, it is rare to see more than one or two trials. Some judges stick around, while others prefer to work from home. Courtrooms get very little use, and so do the deputies. 

So if you visit the courthouse on any given day, it's quite common to see seven or more deputies there to greet you. Another two or three are poised at the exit, even though that is for employees only. They have little to do, unless Vladimir Putin decides to invade. They begin to gossip and develop a negative attitude.  

We don't really need 60 deputies if there is some other way of providing security for the judges when they are at the courthouse.

Judges each get two tipstaffs who basically act as ushers and facilitators. My suggestion is to have one or two security officers for each judge who work only when judges are at the courthouse and are paid only when judges are at the courthouse. These security officers would be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the court   

With the appointment of security officers, whom I would  expect to be professionals, we could begin to reduce the number of deputies through attrition. They would not be needed at the courthouse, except for two or three at the entrance.  This would make them free to serve  civil process, execute warrants and perform their other roles with minimum opportunity for gossip. 


  1. That is an excellent idea. Not only would you improve security for the judges and the courtrooms, the staffing situation would be reduced by half. The deputy sheriff's would only be needed when the judges are sitting in a court room. The positions would be in the court budget, you wouldn't have to pay medical benefits or retirement benefits to these extra 30 deputies because they are part time. The number of automobiles would be reduced by half saving money in that area. All the way around it is a win win for the judges, the county and the taxpayers. Once again, you need to get County Council to do something. How many deputies do other Counties have. Keep the ball rolling. Don't let this idea end here in a blog. Thirty deputies at a salary of $60,000.00 is 1.8 million multiplied over a 20 year period is twenty one million six hundred thousand dollars and you didn't even calculate pensions and medical costs in that scenario. That should be enough funds to pay increased wages for the Gracedale staff, the juvenile facility, and still have a pocket full of money left over. This is great stuff Bernie. Now let's see what council and the administration does with this brilliant idea. They at least owe us an explanation.

    1. Every Deputy is qualified to find a better job, especially right now, maybe its time to start applying elsewhere!!

      What's even more brilliant, only the Sheriff is needed, and he can assist the courts private court security officers, for a minimal pay, and work schedule!

      Sounds good to me!

  2. No one needed to "egg on" the sheriff deputies to come to county council. You are once again just covering for your boy McClure. The deputies have approached council members privately for a long time. They were told they could not intervene in union matters.

    County employees need no "egging on" by anyone to vent their frustrations with the McClure mob. He took a functioning nursing home and has it on the edge of complete failure. Even his buddy judge M can't salvage his reputation with th courts. He and the mob act like thugs in charge.

    It is no doubt that a legitimate republican candidate would have beat him. He plans to run again for executive as he is a legend in his own mind. Council needs to put term limits on the executive office. By then no matter how many businesses checks he hands out or all the PR events he attends won't keep him in office. Instead of going on about another tax cut, how about helping Gracedale and the Juvenile

  3. I agree there are too many hanging around. BUT, there should be a minimum of five at the front door. I laugh when they look at my key ring, as if I'm John Wick and can take them out with them, but if shit would hit the fan with just one uncooperative person, you need three to contain, subdue that threat. I have no problem with five for their safety.

  4. What you have described are termed, bailiffs. In some states, the duties are separated between agencies in a given jurisdiction. For instance, a bailiff may provide courtroom security in a jurisdiction where a sheriff or constable handles service of process and seizures. In most instances, bailiffs are appointed by the court, while sheriffs/constables are elected. Additionally, costs of bailiffs are assigned to defendants upon conviction, saving taxpayer money.

  5. I have a better idea, how about abolishing 1/2 of the petty charges and start looking into real rehabilitation for the so called criminals. It’s time to revamp our legal system and take the private sector out of it.

    BTW, we don’t need part time jobs that don’t have benefits.

    Alll jobs should offer 100% medical / dental / vision to all of there employees. Let’s get into the 21st century.

  6. That's a lot of personnel. This bloat is why we can't have nice things. The solution is a third-party security firm. Not rent-a-cops or mall cops, but a real security firm - the kind that attract well-trained and highly motivated former deputies and such. It's time to define the cost, bid the work, and stop the nonsense. Administering justice is a core function of government. Farming out security functions is as old as the court system and as American as apple pie and mom and Chevys.

  7. What a waste of taxpayers' money! Now have all these sheriffs been justified all this time? And they complain. Now I know when on my infrequent visits to the courthouse I see deputies falling all over each other.

  8. This is a cogent, well thought out and reasoned suggestion that would make our local government more efficient and reduce costs all around.

    As such, it has no chance of being implemented.

    It really is a great idea - I do hope that it get's some consideration and discussion.

  9. Bernie.... Did you forget about all the work the Deputies do outside the courtroom? or are you not willing to mention how hard they actual work.

  10. Another excellent piece to not only insult the deputies but to show the ignorance of what actually goes on in the courthouse. Replacing deputies with security guards sounds like an excellent solution to gracedale, since all they can do is call the cops. Keep up the good work Bernie!

  11. You are forgetting. You could also eliminate the security force at the front entrance to the Courthouse and the rear entrance by hiring a security firm similar to the airlines security and I'm sure at a much lower cost than $60,000.00 per year deputies. That's another six or seven jobs. Bernie you're brilliant. Bernie for Executive is our new battle cry. These idiot deputies are lobbying themselves right out of a job. I take everything back I ever said about you Bernie. You really are a fart smeller, oops I mean a smart feller.

  12. Bernie this is out of the box thinking for sure, but let's look at facts Judge Giordano's mother-in-law is one of his tip staff, Jermaine Greene's wife works for the courts (he supervises her) and aren't several of Judge Koury's family members working for the courts. This would maybe help break the sheriffs who need an attitude adjustment, but this might cause tons of other problems.

  13. McClueless will never eliminate union jobs. Even sheriff jobs!

  14. Won’t the judges just fill these positions with friends, family and patrons of their campaign to become judge. They already have top staff. That’s enough already!

  15. Judges work from home. Nice gig.

  16. With respect to comments concerning judges and nepotism, (1) Judge Giordano is no longer a judge, (2) the Pa. Supreme Court has adopted stringent rules regarding nepotism and they are followed in NorCo. Frankly, I think a judge should be allowed to have one or two employees that he or she trusts completely, just as an Exec and Council are entitled to a few exempt hires. Also, I think the courts would appreciate having some say in who is providing security in their courtrooms.

    We don't need 60 deputies getting $60k a year to sit in the rotunda and gossip with each other. This problem exists because, when the judges are no longer in a courtroom, they tend to be idle. So I would eliminate deputies via attrition and replace them with court security officers that are needed only part-time when a judge is in a courtroom. They can certainly form a union if they want. Given the rather shitty job unions have done in negotiating decent wages at the juvenile justice center and in other departments, they might want to be careful about who they choose. Unions have been a poor substitute for career service and have enabled successive county administrations to get away from the step system and career service. A step increase should be a recognition of an employee's productivity, not longevity.

  17. "Did you forget about all the work the Deputies do outside the courtroom? or are you not willing to mention how hard they actual work."

    Sure, and taking them away from courtroom security would free them up to serve process, transport prisoners, execute warrants and goon hospital details. They could also still be a back up to judges for courtroom security in sensitive cases

  18. Awesome idea! Next they will bring back disbarred attorneys to help the public defenders office. LOL!

  19. "No one needed to "egg on" the sheriff deputies to come to county council. "

    I agree no one is needed to egg om deputies or anyone else to come to county council. That is their right. But that is precisely what Myers was doing. In fact, he expressly told deputies to come again next month. He is actively undermining the sheriff's authority and has even stated he would refuse to listen to him. He is really aiming at McClure, not the Sheriff. This is pretty easy to see. Watch the tail end of the courts and corrections committee and you'll get it. The Lynch mob loved it.

  20. "I agree there are too many hanging around. BUT, there should be a minimum of five at the front door. "

    This could be coordinated with the courts. When a lot of people are expected for trials and hearings, more staff would be at the door during the beginning of the day and noon hour. Most of the time, no more than three.

  21. It would be really interesting to see how many people entering the courthouse are everyday regulars that "maybe" should have an I.D. pass (if they pass a background check) and how many are for court appearances. When court is in session you would need checkers at the front. When it is just a routine day you wouldn't need all those dudes. Just curious. I can't wait to see what becomes of this issue. Do you have a " security pass" or do you go through the screening process. If you have a pass, be careful, it may be revoked.

  22. Keep bashing the sheriffs. Let's get some 75 year old retirees to man the courts. And when they are trying to drag back a guy just sentence to death good luck. You ppl are all hypocrites. When something happens and they are there to handle it, let's get our picture taken together. But when they are under staff and someone points out the issue they are bitching. In law enforcement, and yes they are law enforcement, you have to be ready for the unknown. And try to have the right number of personal to handle a situation. It might look like sitting around but it's just being properly staffed.

  23. Wait hire private security. Aren't you the same party that crys about private prisons and how bad those poor innocent people are treated. And now you want a private security company to come in. You should stop trying to be Lamont and chucky mouth piece because they talk out of both sides of their mouths. And it gets you Bernie in the middle.

  24. Why is Kerry Myers sucking up to the Steve Lynch Mob?

  25. I've taken vacations longer than it takes to become a constable.

  26. I at no time suggest hiring a 75 yo retiree to provide security. Instead, a professional force of part-time security officers is what is needed when judges are actually in court. It makes little sense to pay someone $60,000 because he might be needed. I point out that far too many are unable to do their jobs. This is not your fault. It is the way we've set things up, and we need to change it. It is only natural that when a group of you is standing around, you are going to gossip and get negative. Sheriffs may be needed in court in certain situations, to be sure. But the courts have a better handle on what is going on in their courtrooms and can effectively plan the manpower to address it in a way that minimizes over-saturation. I am not bashing deputies in any way. You are all professional and well-trained. That's one reason why it is so hard to fill a vacancy. The physical agility test alone is something that only highly-conditioned, well-trained athletes like myself can pass. You are an elite group but are being led astray by people who have their own agendas. Kerry Myers was using you to bash McClure. I am concerned about making the most effective use of your time. Also, the Lynch mob is using you to push their "1 of 20" agenda. I am concerned about you and what is in the best interests of the county.

    I do not think your morale is bad. At Gracedale, it's bad. Most of you are staying. There are few call offs. You may think you need more $, and maybe you do, but you are very well paid in comparison to people in other departments who work very hard.

    You point out you are understaffed. I did not accuse you of bitching. I posited a suggestion that will address your concern. I might add that the optics of a platoon of deputies in the rotunda on a regular basis makes taxpayers think the very opposite of what you claim.

    I also detest when people try to vilify one person for their troubles. That's almost never true. Years ago, a coteries of courthouse employees tried to do that to the HR director. Now, its a real Lynch mob for the Sheriff.

    I by no means am a security professional. I am just making a suggestion that can be reviewed by people who are more knowledgeable than I. Let's try to solve the problem instead of attacking the sheriff or McClure or allowing yourselves to be misled by people who harbor their own agendas.

    1. Bottom line is the MORALE sucks, because, The Deputy, position was advertised, for an amount that they are NOT receiving!!

      When a firefighter is hired, they don't get paid by how many fires, they put out, or how many hours they sleep in the firehouse!!
      Whatever the Deputies, do or don't do, SHOULDN'T matter!!

      If they did, what was REQUIRED, by the county to get hired, the county should pay them, what was ADVERTISED!!!

    2. A Deputy's job is not parallel to any other department in this county, when and if, bullets start flying!!

      I don't know who needs to hear this in this county! But to totally DISREGARD, the very same individuals, that dedicates themselves everyday to / for this county, is WHOLEHEARTEDLY DISRESPECTFUL!!

      These Deputies show up, and do their jobs( regardless, of what you think about it), and alot of the times, go over and beyond to help others.

      If this County was UPSTANDING, maybe these Deputies, would have GREAT MORALE!!

      And wouldn't have to be disregarded, dissected, and compared to other county worker's, that haven't signed up to put their life on the line, for total strangers!


    3. Fyi.....When and if the Monster, comes they most likely won't get past the platoon of the Deputies plastered at the door!!

      That's why they are there!! I guess you haven't watched the YouTube videos!!

      Stay in your line of business, because it's obviously not pertaining to the at hand!!

  27. "Why is Kerry Myers sucking up to the Steve Lynch Mob?"

    The enemy of his enemy is his friend.

  28. "Wait hire private security. Aren't you the same party that crys about private prisons and how bad those poor innocent people are treated. And now you want a private security company to come in. You should stop trying to be Lamont and chucky mouth piece because they talk out of both sides of their mouths. And it gets you Bernie in the middle."

    I at no time suggest that courthouse security should be farmed out. That was one of my readers and likely a Republican like you. What I am suggesting is that the judges should be appointing part-time professionals to provide security when they are in court.

    1. Well I strongly doubt it was a Republican that wants to farm out any type of professional law enforcement. And the majority of Republicans in Northampton county think Lynch is an idoit. Just goes way to far. And if you look at the sherriff department they do have part time employees. And the majority of them work the courts. But remember. Deputy's have vacation, get sick,get injuries. So as perfect of a world you think you're boys have made at northampton county they haven't.

  29. Bernie… permission to go off topic… tried to find the Juv Justice jobs to apply and could not find them on the county website. Where can I find these jobs think that would be helpful to get these positions filled.

  30. "I at no time suggest that courthouse security should be farmed out. That was one of my readers and likely a Republican like you. What I am suggesting is that the judges should be appointing part-time professionals to provide security when they are in court."

    I have to agree and let the state pay the salaries and benefits of those part timers since the judges are paid be the state.

  31. “ Bernie… permission to go off topic… tried to find the Juv Justice jobs to apply and could not find them on the county website. Where can I find these jobs think that would be helpful to get these positions “

    I just wrote about this yesterday and you could’ve posted your comment there. It is extremely rude to interject another topic here when so many people are interested in this topic. Having said that I did notice that the jobs are not listed on the county website but they are listed on other websites

  32. So now the pay is too low? I think most county workers would love to get what you get. Also, you claim out of one side of your mouth that you're overworked, and out of the other side you admit what what you fail to do is irrelevant. You should at least try to be consistent.

    1. The part you fail to realize, is people have a choice, of how much money, they want to work for....when they apply for a job!!

      NO one is failing to anything, or they would be disciplined!!

      Whatever that is not being done is NOT required, trust and believe, Bernie!

    2. Maybe understand that the person who posted the statement about talking out of both sides of their mouths isn't a sherriff. A county employee but not a sheriff. And have to post under anonymous because I'd be fired in a week if I'd say my name.

  33. From reading the original post and the comment thread, I think people are missing the greater outrage, which is fiscal mismanagement. There are too many unnecessary people at the Courthouse who are receiving a nice chunk of change. From the judges (it was written many courtrooms are dark) right on down, there is bloat. When Morganelli retires, don’t fill his spot, and if the judges are still twiddling their thumbs, don’t fill the vacancy of the next judge who hangs up his/her gown. Seems to me as though it is beyond time to do a study to make sure all of these positions are warranted. If not, trim the fat.

    1. Right, It's ok for (the Judges,
      the Executive, his buddies, Department Chairs, the Election Crew, the Human Resources Goons, The Aunt's, Cousins, Wife's Brother, The Appointees, The Power Couples,etc) for them to get their slice of the pie, while sitting down, in a chair, but not the DEPUTIES!!

      I guess the deputies SHOULD, be able to pay their inflated bills, with the lower pay, that they didn't sign up for! No cost of living pay, or annual raises while Career Service, State, and "Who's who" click, keep up with the Joneses!!

      Oh Yeah the deputies are given , tax exemptions and lower mortgage rates, lower gas prices, and food stipends, because most of them... SIT DOWN at work!!

      This county is full of EXPECTATIONS, with no REWARDS! I guess the employees, should just APPRECIATE, being chosen to work in this WONDERFUL, UNDERPAID "Do as they are told, and like it environment!!

  34. Bernie I think your cavity search at the front door will help you understand how this works

  35. You aged pretty bad in the last few years. You looked better when you were a drunk. Stop being McClueless' and bow ties mouth piece.

  36. Your comment, including the CAPSLOCK, reveals all that people need to know about your poor plight. Keep fighting for the right to do nothing (except when you want to step out and bash a few heads).

  37. Ok, hire me I’ll figure it out in short time, the big picture is , by Can Deputies handle a shooter or knife attack. There are about 1,850 Deputy Sheriffs in Pennsylvania. They have to qualify on same targets as State Constables .I can imagine they all are issued autoloaders . But no- body out classed me on qualifications in this entire state with my revolver. Zero. I’m retired, I can , and would bring up the lagging hand gun scores and build confidence among these kids we hire. 17% are cross dominate, Evan thought only about 10% are left handed ,left eyed. When they are confident in their ability to control an issue they present a presents as such. Their Union could have something to use as leverage if most were very qualified with their firearm . And I’ll do it free. No ,nada, Zero cost. If one of you deputies wants a run up , TEXed Me I’m at the our range every week a couple days. Clear it with your boss. I can fix issues. I do it all the time. God bless .

  38. If so, either have an elected Sheriff like every other county or have the "security force" run by the courts. The idea of an appointed Sherriff and deputies owned by the County Executive was always a bad idea. It became just another patronage pool for whomever is th executive.


    12:49pm please, calm down. I have the utmost respect for our deputies but there's no need to hulk-out. What are you even mad about??


  40. The best way for the deputies to lose their job is keep bad mouthing the man who funds your department and does the hiring. He determines how many of you will work and how many will be replaced by a crew of workers from the outside. You can't win assholes. Shut your mouth, do your job and look professional. You are biting the hand that feeds you.

  41. Peter J,
    stop typing while your drunk. You make no sense. The Deputies are very competent shooters and receive better training than you could ever provide. Real world police tactical training. Not shooting a wheel gun on a flat range. Your nothing but an old hack constable, the most "wanna be" frauds who say they have more power than Troopers. They have no oversight, no training standards and no selection process.

  42. To Anon 7:38- your sir or madam use subjective statements that are your feelings. You apparently are missing components in your assessment. My eyesight with cataracts at 70 are not helping see the print , Most people who started shooting at 24 years old will lack the true substance of advanced marksmanship. For the same reasons that there are almost no great golfers ,or ball player that started at 24. Please rebuttal if you can site any. Compared to what standard? How about something like an NRA pistol or rifle classifications ,do any possess one? Former Veterans with Expert Rifle or Handgun awards ? The shooting “tables” are different in each branch of service for example. What do you think , About LE training that never went outside of a closed circuit ,so you don’t have anything else to work from . Yup I’m an old former Constable that saved that money to pay off my mortgage 14 years early ,all while having 2 other occupations for 25 years. How are you doing? Good day ,the offer was made .

  43. @10:30

    Right Peter, because all you need to be a good police officer or Deputy is great shooting skills. *rolls eyes*

    You are what I call an elder troll.

    And what money does it cost to become a police officer or a deputy?

    Deputies don’t pay for the academy and if you’re talking about the 5k it costs for Allentown police academy, how much was your mortgage, 10k? lol

    You’re living in the past.

  44. Ok , last few lines on this Anon ,you can’t put your name down, I understand! Don’t you see that the administration is looking to retire out deputy title and not replace . Marksmanship is only part of the equation, but it makes you valuable,so is process service and lots of little things to streamline tasks. I made an offer , as I helped lots of people of different walks of life, this includes some Federal employees and cross dominate shooters that are cops and nice folks that just bought a new auto loader. Our range has over 4,000 members . Police use our range for qualifications from out of state. They bring the wrong bullet weight for the twist in issued rifles which handicaps the shooter and don’t know it. They were trained by the system your were referencing. Old revolver shooters will almost always outclass new auto loader shooters . So take it or leave it. Unlike some people,I try to something good for other people weekly. I saved much more in interest than Ever earned from the courts .now if I could save a LE because they were ironed out better,I would do it.

  45. Screeners are necessary. ,but does the court house need 5 people at the door? When courthouse was in old configuration about the time I left a Marine Corps nuclear weapon detachment. I said to myself entering,if I wanted a gun in that courthouse,I’d take one from a Deputy . I was there today to pay properly taxes in discount. Geez. Don’t forget what I say here now also the Judge has influence on these operations. It should be Sheriff only. Period, Lawyers don’t know anything about security. Their not geared that way.


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