Local Government TV

Friday, February 04, 2022

Thode: Vaccines By No Means a Panacea Against COVID-19 Death

I'm aware, as are most, that getting the COVID-19 vaccine by no means makes you immune from the virus or its variants That's why 11 of DeSales' fully vaccinated MBB team tested positive for Omicron and had to isolate. The same thing happened to several of my friends as well as their families. 

Although the vaccine is said to make it far less likely that you'll need hospitalization or die, that seems to be changing as more variants emerge. This is what Steve Thode has noted in his recent analysis of the data, which includes a justified criticism of the state Department of Health (DoH) for its characteristic failure to be fully open with the numbers.  

As "seniors," it was a no-brainer for [my wife and I] to get vaxxed (and boosted). However, we did approach it a bit like getting a flu shot - we never believed it would reduce our probability of getting COVID (and, subsequently getting seriously ill, or dying) to zero.

If you scroll just a little past halfway down the web page, you'll see death data in PA for vaxxed and unvaxxed.

While the first paragraph of the press release claims that 85% of the deaths for the between January 1, 2021 and January 4, 2022 were among the unvaxxed, if you scroll down, you will see that percentage of deaths by those fully-vaxxed has increased through time (Sept 2021 was a higher percentage than Aug 2021; Oct 2021 was a higher percentage than Sept 2021).

And, most disturbingly, no data for November and December 2021 is provided. But, just take October. In that month, 31% of the COVID deaths were among the fully-vaxxed! Now note, that for October 2021, only 30% of the confirmed cases were among the fully-vaccinated. So, a higher percentage of people who were fully-vaxxed (and were diagnosed with COVID) died than the percentage of unvaxxed who died from COVID.

So much for the misinformation that being fully-vaxxed protects you from serious illness or death.

This is precisely how government loses credibility - when it cherry picks the data to fit the message they want to convey. Why are November 2021 and December 2021 not reported? Of course, no explanation is provided even though, in the very same press release, DoH provides complete data on cases and hospitalizations for those months.

As a (small c) conservative, this is why I am skeptical of government. If DoH had noted the omissions and provided some explanation, I might be inclined (based on the explanation) to give DoH the benefit of the doubt. Sans an explanation, I am left to presume that DoH is reluctant to report those months for, shall we say, other-than-virtuous reasons.


  1. Using the poster's admitted source, in October of 2021 there were 1908 deaths in confirmed COVID patients. 593 were among vaccinated individuals. Thus, 1315 of the deaths were among patients who were NOT fully vaccinated.

    Doesn't seem like rocket science to figure out which team to join; however, the DOH does admit that the data is preliminary and not necessarily comprehensive.

    Also on the same page is the note...

    "As such, these death figures should be considered preliminary. Workflows associated with gathering, interpreting, comparing, verifying, and managing this data contribute to the reporting timeline."

    Considering the surge that began in November and extended through December and how it strained hospitals, I'm not surprised that the State has not yet compiled/processed enough data to warrant its reporting at this time.

  2. This is some extremely bad data interpretation. Is the vaccine less effective against omicron? Yes. However, even in this data, it is still more effective against omicron than the flu vaccine usually is. In understanding the drop in effectiveness, a few other things need to be considered here: first and most importantly, to maintain internal consistency in the database, PA has kept the same definition of "fully vaccinated" (2 doses Pfizer or Moderna, 1 of J&J). This means that boosters aren't factored into this data in any way, so a good chunk of people aren't boosted but are still considered fully vaccinated, even though the effectiveness of the vaccines wanes with time. The key here for dispelling Thode's gestating conspiracy theory is that this is NOT what you would want to do with your data if you were trying to cook the books. You would want to consider only boosted people fully vaccinated in order to maintain higher vaccine effectiveness numbers.

    Also, because omicron can evade immunity from infections from prior infections from other variants, some portion of the omicron infections of unvaccinated people are likely re-infections. Even though unvaccinated, those patients would have had some immune response resulting their prior exposure, which would help them tend to evade serious illness while simultaneously reducing the apparent relative effectiveness of vaccines. Again, this is something you would want account for somehow if you were trying to cook the books.

    Regarding the absence of Nov and Dec death data, it says right at the bottom: "The number of deaths for the time periods shown may be updated in the future as more deaths from these time periods are confirmed and reported. As such, these death figures should be considered preliminary. Workflows associated with gathering, interpreting, comparing, verifying, and managing this data contribute to the reporting timeline." The numbers for the most recent months are probably still being verified. I have colleagues who work with big data from across jurisdictions, and let me tell you, it is a wonder we can organize the gathering of reliable data at this scale, let alone within three months.

  3. Finally! The ‘Dams of Deception’ are beginning to break open. From the Covid matter being used for political purpose, the depth of corruption in our elected (and installed) politicians in office, to the true causes of historic inflation and supply shortages, there’s daylight coming through.

    To those who continue to allow themselves to be used as useful idiots, I suggest a softening of tone. We’re on to you now. A backpedal is now your best friend. You’ve been duped.

  4. I hear commercials in the Phil. radio market from a pharmacy (Walgreens?) implying that if grandma gets vaccinated, she can travel all over the country and do whatever she wants. Will the Biden administration ask the radio station to remove the ad as misinformation?

  5. Kudos, Steve Thode for digging up this buried DOH release and sharing some of the details. Wow. Pretty astounding.

  6. The best studies are coming out of Israel, the most vaccinated population in the world, up to 4 and 5 shots and also a record number of cases anyplace in the world, just in the last few weeks.

  7. OF COURSE the vaccines aren't perfect. That's why there will be a continuing need for additional research on variants and the use of auxiliary protections such as masking and social distancing. When a dangerous virus no longer is spreading at a high level, that's when we're making real progress.

    That having been said, those who never took the virus seriously in the first place will want to do nothing because "government government something."

  8. 7:00 AM. See if your doctor can balance out your meds, or get your tv fixed so you can watch something other than Fox.

  9. It has been fashionable to smugly say "it's not the flu," which is obvious. But it's also not smallpox and polio, and it's also obvious that the vaccines for COVID are no where near as effective as the vaccines for those diseases, nor are they as effective as vaccines against measles, mumps and chicken pox.

    Is it too much to ask for a reasoned debate on what level of effectiveness we should look to before mandates are initiated? Can anyone point me to any other medically related issue that has government mandates for a 50-75% efficacy rate?

  10. It would also be nice if someone could resolve the apparent conflict between the PA numbers and what the "fact checkers" say.


  11. Wheres the link to the release?

  12. Where is the link to the release?

  13. The link is embedded with in my sentence referring to the buried release

  14. Bernie, do you think McClure should mandate the vaccine for the prison guards? Seems like he isn't following the science and will create another staffing shortage under his administration.

  15. The numbers support vaccinations.

  16. https://www.wmar2news.com/news/coronavirus/johns-hopkins-university-study-reveals-covid-lockdowns-prevented-only-a-small-number-of-deaths

    Johns Hopkins University released a study/survey indicating that just 0.2% of lives were saved by draconian lockdowns. It's hardly being reported because it proves what many knew from the beginning: lockdowns are more deadly than CoViD. This must be a bitter pill for those who lost loved ones to undetected cancers, overdoses, domestic abuse, or suicide - all of which have skyrocketed in the last two years. You lockdown, mask and vaccine proponents were dead wrong at every turn. I too supported masks and vaxxes. I was wrong. We were all VERY wrong. It's nice to finally see some balance from this blog, that was so far down the fringe rabbit hole it was more comical than informative. Hope springs eternal. That Wolf isn't frog-walked directly to jail is a crime against humanity.

  17. 10:25, A "reasoned debate" can't be had with people who refuse to acknowledge that the vaccine is harmless in almost everybody, so no. "Can anyone point me to any other medically related issue that has government mandates for a 50-75% efficacy rate?" Yes, most of the vaccines that are required for kids to go to school.

    10:30, The CDC and PA are collecting, analyzing, and reporting the data in different ways (notice that PA is not included in the CDC data the politifact article links to).

    9:06, Israel is no longer the most vaccinated country in the world, they were just faster than everywhere else at getting the first doses out. only about 55% of eligible Israelis have been fully vaccinated and boosted.

    Wild how bad at research all you people who "do your own research" are. If your conspiracy theory depends on those in charge being both hypercompetent enough to dupe the entire planet, but so incompetent that they can't get the story straight between jurisdictions, it isn't a great theory and maybe you're the one who got duped.

  18. To all the people who bitch and complain how about the next we do absolutely nothing and let all of you run around like idiots but o yes I forgot we should probably then dig of hole and make a lot of coffins. The early on proposed death toll was substantial if nothing had been done.

  19. People are stilling listening to the political class. how stupid are they.

  20. Seems like the data reflects that the vaccines work, until the effectiveness wears off. It will be interesting to see the date once the boosters were administered.

  21. I refuse to publish comments from hypocrites who get the vaccine but badh it.

  22. 1:51, I agree the lockdown was highly ineffective. I disagree about masks and social distancing and the vaccine. The science suggests they provide protection.

  23. 11:47, McClure has hinted at a mandate but I think he is relying on persuading guards.

  24. 2:44 pm

    "Yes, most of the vaccines that are required for kids to go to school."

    Last time I checked, those vaccines were >90% effective.

    And if you you want to omit PA data as an excuse for the CDC data being better, last night's Sixers game would have been a lot better without the second half.

  25. Look no further than our local hospitals to understand the majority of ICU stays and deaths are among the unvaccinated. At one point, the covid stays hindered care of others seeking medical care.

    Over 900,000 American deaths and some still call it a cold.

  26. 1:51 We can hold 2 thoughts in our heads at once. Lock downs were not as affective as hoped. Masks worn properly helped keep spread down and vaccines helped prevent hospitalization and death. These are facts. Just because we got one thing wrong, doesn't mean it all was.

  27. Sorry, Huntress. You aren’t presenting facts. You are expressing an OPINION based on what you’ve heard someone else claim. Based on what someone else wrote, to be read by someone else on the television. That’s all any one of us can do.

    There is no common agreement on any of this. Not even among those who appear to be experts. Citing ‘science’ doesn’t even work these days. In today’s America, people make things up to fit a narrative. They lie without feeling any remorse, directly to your face.

  28. Vaccines also resulted in deaths. But you won't publish this post. Because you are a coward.

  29. Bernie:

    Look at the raw numbers, not just the rise (or fall) in percentages. My guess: the number of vaxed folks who died were likely a smaller number when compared to the larger number of deceased unvaxed folks, so the percentage rise in deceased vaxed people would be greater.

  30. @4:10 Very clear expression. You hit the nail on the head in so many ways. People twist the facts to the truth they want to portray and or believe.

  31. 4:10. Not my OPINION




    Don't let the facts kick you in the ass.

  32. 1:31. You are likely one of those that you talk about. Let's see your CREDIBLE sources for data.

  33. 4:10. There is indeed common agreement on "some of these things", you just don't want to believe it. You are driven by BELIEF not SCIENCE. Let me ask you this, if you are deliberately chosing to ignore the science that is settled on this, what will you do when you need any kind of healthcare? Tell your doctor or nurse that they are full of shit? Good luck, you're going to need it.


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