Local Government TV

Monday, February 07, 2022

Lori Vargo Heffner Wants to be a Freddy's Judge

As I'm sure most of you are aware, Easton's State Theatre hosts the Freddy Awards every year to recognize and reward outstanding high school musicals. I'm a huge fan. It's like the District XI of the arts. 

Shelley Brown was at Northampton County Council on Thursday night to note how much money has been lost since the pandemic began. She added that the loss of these shows have taken something away from the community and wants to come back. This year, 28 schools intend to participate in the Freddys.

Lori Vargo Heffner volunteered to be a judge at Thursday's Council meeting, Given that the State Theatre is a recipient of county funding, her request is inappropriate. She was probably joking, but I doubt the State Theatre took it that way.  


  1. She has an ego and wants it stroked.

  2. I don't think She was joking, and I don't like her at all, but I also don't think this was that big a deal. She's an attention whore, just like every other politician out there.

  3. How much $$$$ was beggar brown grifting for?

  4. Ah, I put my foot in my mouth all the time. Hopefully she was joking and makes that clear to the public. Otherwise, it should be called out. Keep up the good work, Bernie.

  5. State Theatre is a dinosaur and should be put out of its misery. Parking sucks,seats are narrow and uncomfortable, and they keep repeating the same lame shows. Handouts from the government have been the only thing to keep it alive.

  6. I am retired and just can't afford the prices of most of the shows. Don't know how place can survive but I guess I pay for it somehow thru taxes. I am glad there is a place for the Freddys but can't support the venue.

  7. Oh c'mon already.so she stuck her foot in her mouth by volunteering publicly instead of volunteering privately. Just because Gracedale receives County funding doesn't mean she shouldn't volunteer at Gracedale. That goes for all charitable organizations in the County. Get a life already. Many public officials volunteer for and give of their time and talents to numerous agencies receiving government funding. That's what good public servants do. How many of these elected officials volunteer their time by serving on numerous County Boards and Commissions? They all receive County funding. So you don't like the woman. Lighten up already.

  8. Yes, but is Tara Z. running for th estate senate? Or is it Hefner?

  9. 11:51, She was not offering to help clean the place and she has never volunteered to clean bed pans at Gracedale. Her offer to be a judge was for the prestige not a matter of service. Her remarks were inappropriate. Whether I like or dislike her is irrelevant. I criticize her when she’s wrong and compliment her when she’ds right.

  10. Agree with 11:51 Nothing wrong with elected officials volunteering at non-profits. Perhaps more should. The problem arises when they are employees or officers in nonprofits receiving county funding.

    If the latest maps hold up in court, Lori lives in Lisa Boscola's senate district. She could run for the house. Pat Browne's new district is an unconstitutional gerrymander. Tara lives in the new senate district and would be a formidable candidate if she runs.

  11. "Tara lives in the new senate district and would be a formidable candidate if she runs."

    Right! What are you smoking? One mailer with her CraZy history and she would probably drop out. The wild extreme leftists love her because she jumps on every virtue signaling cause she can. Get real. She is a legend in her mind.


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