Local Government TV

Monday, February 07, 2022

NorCo COs Offered 25% Incentive to Get Vaccine

Executive Lamont Mclure advised Northampton County Council on Thursday night that over 1,000 people within the county have now succumbed to COVID-19. According to McClure, these deaths have occurred mostly among the unvaccinated. He indicated that the number of people seeking COVID tests has dipped, but notes that 29% of those tested are positive. He was seriously considering a vaccine mandate at the jail, but has instead agreed to pay officers 25% on top of their regular salary if 75% of them get vaccinated. 

It's unclear to me whether a count executive has the authority to mandate a vaccine. As he himself has noted, persuasion is better than a mandate. Although corrections officers and McClure sharply disagree on wages and benefits, the Executive acknowledged that they have remained nearly fully staffed throughout the pandemic. 

There have been 32 vaccination clinics at the jail, and about 50% of the guards are currently vaccinated. 

The 25% incentive will last three months. 


  1. Government is a joke in this country on all levels.

  2. Nice carrot--where is the stick?
    The coddling of the unvaxxed has gone long enough.
    Aside from the plague rats dying at higher numbers --who gets to pay for their medical expenses?
    The trip thru the ICU is not free.
    40 bucks for the jab vs 200 thousand for the ICU tab?

  3. This makes no sense. We're learning that so-called vaccines make little to no difference in patient outcomes. They've had 15 months to consider this. Let's stop this idiocy. Pols are afraid of mandates because the gut the workforce and harm employee families for no scientific reason. Stop. Stop. Stop the madness.

  4. Please elaborate on the 25% salary incentive. For how many paychecks would they receive that bonus?

  5. Sounds like an effort to divide the staff, why not give the bonus if he wants to anyone, not just if they reach 75%, it is a divisive tactic that will create a negative work environment. what a dumb idea.

    1. Too late for that Ray. This staff was divided pre-Covid. Covid has just added to the negative environment. I knew there would be pushback regarding the vaccine but not like this. I got out and thank God I did.

  6. Let me get this straight. McClure is going to give them 25% on top of their salary if they reach McClure"s goal on the vaccinations. That's annual salary? They make about $50,000.00 per year (maybe start at $30,000.00) so we have to pay them 25% of that salary for them to protect themselves against "Covid". That's eight to ten thousand dollars. I can understand some guards might have serious medical concerns because of pre-existing conditions but to use my tax dollars to bolster the wages of these assholes who can't recognize the benefits of vaccines is the last straw. Please tell me I am reading this wrong. Let the prison segregate the population into the areas of vaccinated and unvaccinated. Schedule the guards accordingly. Let the germs fall where they may. If you get sick and die you have no one to blame but yourself.

  7. Screw em. paying people to get vaccinated is just rewarding Fups, Failure fools and could be walking dead.

    If you are going to pay them you should pay all the ones that already got the vaccine.

    Make it the law that if you lie about you vaccination status you go to jail for 1 year the first time and 5 years the second. If you carry a fake vaccine card make the penalty the same as carrying a false driver's license.

    Let stores adn restaurants set their own rules for entering their establishment. Vaccine people wants choice so let others set the same choices. And then if the someone decides to go against that let them be arrested for trespassing. And allow those organizations to ban those people for life. Also if those people threaten the organizations, ownership or employees arrest them and put them in jail for a long time.

  8. Typical Democrat response in McClure. Mandate them! I’ll bet many have already had COVID and therefore have immunity. He has no clue. He follows just what the big shot Dems do. Just wait - mask mandates will go away soon in the county because they never did work but were another means of control. I’m am literally seeing red!

  9. Just imagine a government that “mandates” abortions after the second child, or maybe, a “mandate” that outlaws tobacco smoking, or taking Vitamin C supplements. The entire government “mandate” (they are not law) is getting way out of hand. It leads to an agitated public. See the Ottawa, CAN story to see where we’re going soon. All over political edicts from our Royals.

  10. The latest study shows that not only is the covid spread via the mouth and the nose it is also spread through the rectum. That's right. the latest report says that the covid is spread by assholes who refuse to get vaccinated.


  12. This proves beyond a doubt that the ones who refuse to get vaccinated are anti-humanity individuals who have no concern or empathy for themselves or their families or the residents and co workers. Fire these clowns and hire people who give a damn about people instead of wanna be cowboy who wish they were gun toting, real police officers.

  13. 4:36 - So, when are you announcing your candidacy?

    6:44 - That's like your so-called opinion, man. I'll stick to the advice of health care professionals, thank you. The only harm to employees will be higher insurance premiums. Yes the "so-called" vaccine won't prevent you from getting the virus, but it certainly can save you a trip to the emergency room or ICU. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for freedom of choice as a firm believer in Darwinism. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

  14. In order to receive the 25% an officer needs to work an 8 hour overtime, the majority of the staff if it goes into effect are going to receive 400-600 every two weeks, that turns into approximately 3K give or take in the 3 month period, even at a base salary of 50K which 95% of the staff are no where near, that still would be $3125 for 3 months, not sure where you learned math hoffty.

  15. As I indicated, I seriously doubt that a county Exec has the authority to mandate covid vaccines. I suspect the Exec is just as concerned. Hence, the inventive.

  16. MM, the 25% boost lasts for three months and apparently also requires one OT shift.

  17. Why do we never discuss natural immunity possessed by the eleventy kajillion people who we've been told were already infected? Turns out that the vaxxed were thinking with their rectums and were completely bamboozled. Admit it, the vaxxed are morons and those still defending vaxxes that apparently have no influence on patient outcomes are in a wicked anti-science denial.

  18. 10:41 AM

    Interesting infatuation you have there.

    But anyway:

    "CDC expects that anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms."


  19. Give a bonus to those who got vaccinated first and foremost. Incentives are a proven none starter for but a few. Stop rewarding those who do not give a crap.

    1. Every officer that is vaccinated will recieved the pay increase if they work 8 extra hours in a pay period. Weather they received the shots a year ago or yesterday.

  20. 12.41, do you want the job?

  21. "This proves beyond a doubt that the ones who refuse to get vaccinated are anti-humanity individuals who have no concern or empathy for themselves or their families or the residents and co workers."

    Wow. "anti-humanity" How did these people get so damaged? All indications are that vaccines really .... aren't. Yet, those who drank the Koolaid think others are the sociopaths. I'm aware that commenters like this now walk amongst us. And it scares the shit out of me. Take responsibility Bernie. You caused a lot of this with your irresponsible posts that traded on readers' worst fears - like this one cited above. You need to own what you've done.

  22. So if 75% don't get it, the rest suffer.

    Remember how the Nazis liked collective punishment?

  23. 6:44, "We're learning that so-called vaccines make little to no difference in patient outcomes."
    No. No we're not learning that. That is flatly not true, and anyone who is telling you that is either taking you for a rube or is a rube themself.

    Here are a bunch of studies from major medical journals or general science journals that are open access (so you won't hit a paywall). All of them show a beneficial effect of vaccination against covid.

  24. 5:35 - Nope, but I'm sure you have some ideas on how we can improve our current system? You're off to a good start though! I just had a management training that implied the cure to all our problems are snappy one liners.

  25. Are they counting those with natural immunity in the 75%? Natural immunity has proven to be even more effective than the gene therapy. Or is natural immunity not a thing anymore?


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