Local Government TV

Friday, February 04, 2022

Gracedale To Seek Daycare For Staff

In an effort to seek and retain workers, Gracedale is in the process of seeking approval for a daycare at the facility. Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski advised County Council last night that the daycare, if permitted, would be with an outside contractor.  It would be located somewhere on campus. 

Maybe they could use the morgue!'

For now, it would be limited to Gracedale staff. If successful, it could be expanded to other county departments. 

"It's one of the last things we haven't tried," said Wandalowski. She added the county is simply unable to compete with $30,000 signing bonuses being offered by Lehigh Valley Health Network.  

As for Gracedale itself, Administrator Jennifer Stewart-King told Council that the census has dropped to 443.  Since revenue depends on census, a drop ordinarily raises alarms. But Stewart-King explained that the lower census is actually a "strategic move on our part." That's because the lower the census, the more time staff has to spend with residents. This is tracked and is part of a nursing home's rating.  It is known as hours of patient care per day, or PPD. The state wants nursing homes to beat or above 2.7, and Gracedale was below that in November with a PPD of 2.65.

The PPD has actually dropped since November and is currently 2.45. This is because the facility has seen 51 workers quit rather than get a vaccine. Strewart-King said she would lose all funding if any staffers are unvaccinated. 

Although the nursing home was COVID  free in November, there are 45 cases among residents as of Thursday.  In addition, 13 staffers are positive. Residents who test positive are isolated in a negative pressure unit (Tower 10). The National Guard is assisting with testing because just one positive COVID case is considered an "outbreak." 

County Council member John Brown questioned Stewart-King';s assertion that there was no county contribution to the facility in 2021. The drop in census means less revenue, he observed. Stewart-King responded that the County was able to use the money the county received from the federal government under the American Rescue Plan. The nursing home was propped up with $7.2 million from this federal fund, and the county added another $2 million it had received under the American Rescue Plan. This included hazard pay and a vaccine incentive. 

Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron added that, while a lower census caused by staff shortages means reduced reimbursements, it also means fewer expenses to pay this staff. 

Barron anticipates there will be no need for a county contribution this year.

After being advised about finances, Brown suggested that the state could pull Gracedale's license. He complained he's heard no strategic plan to hire more people other than what the county is already doing "We have to do something or eventually this facility will implode on itself," he remarked. 

He offered no suggestions. 

Stewarrt-King said that, when she started as Administrator, there were already 300 open positions. That would have been just as Brown, as former county executive, left office.

Council member Kerry Myers noted the staff shortage at Gracedale is an industry-wide problem. He was also critical of Brown. "It's February and it already seems like the other side is going to attack [Gracedale]. "

Brown later said that, when he left office as Exec, there were only about 40 vacancies. But Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski backed up Stewart-King's assertion that there were 300 open positions. She said she would provide the data.       


  1. Brownstain versus Mcloser. Love it. Should be fun to watch this show for the next four years.

  2. Get rid of Stewart-King and McClure and you wouldn't have such a big issue at Gracedale!

  3. Brown at it already. He is a festering sore and will continue this nonsense until he once again is rejected by sane electors. His desire to destroy Gracedale is never ending.

  4. John "Brownstain our own wizard of oz" cannot tell the truth. He is a 4 F- fake, fraud, phony and FAILURE! His tenure set the county back along with the bimbo's he brought with him.
    We're under solid competent leadership now with Lamont McClure. Johnny go back to Bangor with your bimbo

  5. Hate to say it but daycare was a great idea years back , not now the way things are this nursing home is hanging on by a string

  6. So with COVID being a horrible issue for the elderly, the County thinks that bringing children who bring many germs and health issue is a great idea. Where are your brains. I would never put my elderly loved one near these germ magnets. No common sense nor concern for our elderly.

  7. There was so much smoke and many mirrors in that room , it was tough to see and hear the truth about Gracedale but perhaps that’s because little was spoken by the McClure representatives (including the Gracedale administrator) that was accurate. The residents of Gracedale have again become political pawns with little respect or regard for their well-being. Enough is enough already. Let’s do a study on the feasibility of continuing to maintain Gracedale in its present state. Then we’ll know how to proceed and the political bickering will stop (or at least be subdued).

  8. OK, attack the messenger but Gracedale now has the lowest PPD of any nursing home in PA. That's public, private, for profit or non-profit. Why can't they find anyone to work there?

  9. 40 vacancies vs. 300! Ah, what's the difference between 260 vacancies and the truth? #Brownstain4LtGuv! Lol!

  10. 9:30, as was stated many times, this is an industry wide problem

  11. Family members really need to consider keeping their family members at Gracedale , they are making a public cryout that this is not working any more , it says alot

  12. 9:26, I am leery of people who call other people liars but refuse to identify themselves.

  13. That was a confusing title to this blog thread. I didn't expect to read about this. Ha!

  14. Why not contract with an existing day care center in the Nazareth area? No big deal for a parent to drop a pre-school child there on the way to work. As an incentive, offer scholarships to pay for daycare at existing facilities. Don't waste county dollars fitting out a space on the Gracedale campus.

  15. It's refreshing to have a debate on important issues. We haven't had many of these during the last few years. I can tell by the whining here that this is awesome. Gracedale is disgraceful and questions should be asked and answered by those who are wrecking the place. This isn't hard or controversial. It's government.

  16. I watched video and it was a good meeting. Gracedale is so important to people and families are thankful for the updates. Brown made an ass of himself as usual. I thought others like the Administrator and Mr. Myers and Mr. Heckman were very good in presenting the facts and the need to do whatever must be done for Gracedale. Especially in these difficult times. We must all continue to speak to the need for the County Nursing Home. Thanks to all (except goofy Brown).

  17. "We must all continue to speak to the need for the County Nursing Home ...."

    You're either in denial, or have not been paying a lick of attention in the last four years. You're why our elderly suffer. Good grief. Let the grown ups discuss this.


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