Local Government TV

Friday, November 12, 2021

The Varsity on Business Matters

As many of you know, I'm a rabid basketball fan. I love high school best, but like college hoops as well. After a long drought last year, I've finally been able to attend a DeSales hoops game. I always wear a uniform under my street clothes in case Coach Coval needs me out there to put on a clinic.Two years ago, he told me he was thinking about it, so you never know. I do have about 1,000 years of eligibility left. I may be in the stands at local basketball games, but I am on the varsity squad at Business Matters. 

Yesterday, I taped a show for Tony Iannelli. I still have nightmares of the time Ron Angle and I were once chased out of the parking lot by a mob of geriatric Gracedale Goons. So I arrived early and slipped into the audience just to make sure there was no ambush.  

Just like in high school, the JV team is up first. The B team consisted of Dave Jaindl, Becky Bradley, JB Reilly and Nat Hyman. They are all real estate mavens, and three of them have millions in loose change falling out of their pockets. But like most pikers, they simply lack the talent of a starter like myself. They thought they were there to discuss residential development in the Lehigh Valley. What they failed to realize is that Business Matters is really just a local version of the Jerry Springer show. It only works when people turn their chairs over and start pretend fighting.  

After their show was over, it was time for the varsity. Though I am a bottom-feeding blogger, I was asked to participate in a discussion of the news industry, may it rest in peace. I had resolved before the show that I'd be nice. I feel for those guys. But The Morning Call made the mistake of sending its editor, Mike Miorelli. I had a few bones to pick with him over both his editorial decisions and some nastygrams he sent to others about me. 

My Irish was up. 

Before the show started, Tony noticed dark clouds in my face, and asked, "Are you going to be nice?"

"Don't worry, I'm just constipated."

About five minutes into the show, I knocked a few chairs over and lunged after Miorelli. WAEB's Dan Holzman tried to hold me back with some kind of wrestling move. Now Holzman can restrain Bobby Gunther Walsh when he starts blowin' oil, but I'm a highly-conditioned, well-trained athlete. I broke his hold rather easily and made my way to a retreating Miorelli.  At this point, vegan Bo Koldkock tried to intervene, but ran in terror when I threw a pepperoni stick at him. 

I had Miorelli in my claws when Iannelli promised me poached eggs if I let him go.

"With crushed avocado?

- Yes. 

"On sourdough toast?"

- Yes. 

I let Miorelli go. 

I doubt the show will ever air.  The tape has been seized as evidence. 


  1. This is a riot - very funny!

  2. Koldkock. Instant classic. Well worth what I paid to enjoy this gem. Nicely done. Were there any paternal reveals? "Tony Inanity, you are Bo's father!!!"

  3. You forgot one thing! You should have your own show. We watch.

  4. This story is so bad it deserves no comments.

  5. If you want to attack BGW, sign your name.

  6. to be fair, we all run in terror when you throw your pepperoni

  7. The US Chamber of Commerce parent org. opposes the build Back Better Plan. They are doing attack ads on Democrats. The Chamber opposes living wages for employees. He represents those interests and as a result he is what he is. Much like Trump. smiles do not hide actions.

  8. I always like when your Irish is up for shits and giggles.

  9. Nice to see some humor!

  10. Someone anonymously attempted to post disinformation concerning the local Chamber. If you want to spew lies, do it somewhere else. This blog accurately reported that most Covid grants recommended by the Chamber were for nonmembers, and it even sunk its admin fee back into the fund on several rounds. If you know how to comment here, you know you're lying.

  11. He is just a spokesperson for the Capitalist Overlords. Sad that he can own you with a few of his non watched tv show.

  12. WTF does the Chamber really do? Why do they exist? To stand beside business owners opening their stores for a photo op? We have the LVEDC so why does Tony still invade our tv's every week with his inane personality? Please explain as I see no reason for his existance or the Chambers.

  13. THe main purpose of the Chamber Of Commerce both locally and nationally is to destroy the labor movement and to create a plantation atmosphere in the work place. Most of the people employed by "The Chamber" are stooges and weasels dedicated to the Republican movement. After Trump was elected the local chamber leader wrote in his Morning Call column that he was "giddy" over the election of Trump. That says it all. Last fall when Iannelli interviewed Donald Trump JR on his TV show I thought he was going to bend down and kiss the feet of Donald JR. This TV interview caused a huge backlash on social media and Iannelli was forced to put some kind of response up about it. In is monthly Morning Call column Iannelli tries to present himself as the nice guy next door but in reality he is nothing more than a Republican hack.

    1. What a doofus. Go get your blanket and hot chocolate.

  14. In response to the last two comments, TI is one of the genuinely nicest persons I’ve ever met and, unlike you, without a mean bone in his body. Also, unlike you, he is no rank partisan and is fairly middle of the road on most issues. Local union leaders respect him and the local chamber even when they have differences. Ask Kevin Lott.

  15. I have received and rejected three anonymous comments smearing TI and the local chamber bc the comments are both factually inaccurate and off-topic. The subject of this post is newspapers, not your bizarre hatred.

  16. Tony worked his way up from restaurant waiter to where he is today.....entertainment industry

  17. Is there something wrong with working your way up? Your elitism is showing


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.