Local Government TV

Thursday, November 11, 2021

What's Your Political Type?

Pew Research Center has a political typology quiz. I took it and am considered a "stressed sideliner." 

Here's how a stressed sideliner is defined: "Stressed Sideliners hold a mix of conservative and liberal views and are the least politically engaged typology group. Generally disconnected from politics and the two major parties, they vote at lower rates than most other typology groups. About four-in-ten live in lower-income households, and they are the group most likely to describe their personal financial situation as only fair or poor.

"Stressed Sideliners are split evenly between the Republican Party and Democratic Party, while one-in-ten don’t lean toward either party. They lean liberal on economic issues and tilt conservative on some social issues."

While I don't have much use for either party and am among the genteel poor, I always vote and am pretty much a political wonk. 

You can take the quiz here


  1. My result said I'm committed ... or should be committed. I forget. I suspect it was the latter. The more engaged I am, the more I dislike everybody.

  2. I got stressed sideliner as well, but what I found interesting is outside of my views on the race and language question, my answers fell within a point or two of everyones answers.

    Which basically highlights the simple fact that Americans have MUCH more in common, have similar goals, needs, and wants, yet we allow ourselves to be manipulated by 2 different parties who's only goal is to be the one in power and are incentivized to continuously make the other party out to be evil and leading the country down a path of certain destruction.

    Neither the Democrats or the Republicans are on the correct path, and BOTH are equally contributing to the shitshow that we currently find ourselves in.

  3. Bernie are you now saying that you are just not a party favor anymore?

  4. I was convicted as an "establishment liberal". How embarrassing!

  5. Lol. Establishment liberal is what I thought I'd be.

  6. "Bernie are you now saying that you are just not a party favor anymore?"

    Anyone who reads this blog for any length of time knows I've never been a party favor. I've resented Trump and Lynch. What bothers me about those guys is that they are demagogues and bullies. Their policies change depending on which way the wind blows. But over the years, I've been more critical of Dems than Rs, especially locals Dems. This blog, along with Michael Molovinsky, was onto Fed Ed in 2007. I was very critical of Karen Dolan, who ultimately was forced to resign from Bethlehem City Council. This blog picked up on a very unhealthy relationship between developers and Bethlehem City Council. Even now, I am looking into something at one of the local boroughs. This blog picked up on the connection between illegal poker machines and some members of Nazareth Boro Council, though they were Rs. In the end, what inspires me is bad government and people who are bad for government.

  7. "Neither the Democrats or the Republicans are on the correct path, and BOTH are equally contributing to the shitshow that we currently find ourselves in."

    What a wild thing to say in the week a Republican congressman posted a video on twitter that was edited to depict himself beheading one of his Democratic colleagues.

  8. Wow! I just googled this and you are right. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/gop-lawmaker-tweets-altered-anime-video-depicting-him-killing-ocasio-n1283527

    There is no public interest served in allowing a tweet like that to remain.

  9. https://www.politicalcompass.org/test

    This is a more complete analysis with better feedback. Where does this put you on the political spectrum Bern?

  10. Bernie, since you are so into politics, what would be a sight were I would be able to go in and determine what the views of Democrat, Republican, and Independent are?

  11. @9:19/10:38 - I am absolutely not defending Paul Gosar, his behavior is reprehensible and frankly he should be removed from office, (and 10-20 years ago would have been).

    It's just yet another example of ALL of us tolerating stupid behavior from supposed "leaders", because they're "landing punches" on the people who are considered to be "enemies".

    Gosar, MTG, Boebert, Gaetz on one side and "The Squad" on the other who really add nothing to the process other than create and generate headlines and red meat for their respective donor bases. It has to stop.

    Its completely disheartening to see yet another round of map making in state legislatures around the country and what will ultimately be the creation of gerrymandered safe seats that not only allows, but actually encourages moronic fuckwits to run and actually get elected.

  12. "https://www.politicalcompass.org/test

    This is a more complete analysis with better feedback. Where does this put you on the political spectrum Bern?"

    Just took it. On economics, I lean slightly left with a -2.63. On the divide between authoritarian and libertarian, i am 5.33 away from authoritarian and towards libertarian. It's about where I thought I'd be.

  13. Interesting, I ended up in the "Left Libertarian" upper right corner...

    Economic Left/Right: -3.5
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.87

  14. Economic Left/Right: -2.38
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.05


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.