Local Government TV

Monday, November 15, 2021

Prendeville Survives Scare in Hanover

At one time, Hanover Tp was an agrarian community dominated by Republicans. Over the years, it has morphed into a bedroom community for New Jersey transplants and has attracted many former Bethlehem City residents. As they've moved in, the Township has slowly been turning blue. Two of the Township's five Supervisors are Democrats. They nearly captured a majority on November 2's election. 

Now that canvassing is complete, it appears that incumbent GOP Supervisor Mike Prendeville has survived a serious challenge from Jean Versteeg. He has 1,895 votes to 1,807 for Versteeg. 

Prendeville is a dedicated Supervisor who involves himself in nearly every facet of his community. Affable and accountable, he is an integral part of the best-run township in Northampton County. He deserved re-election. But Versteeg was a good candidate who came close to knocking him off. I believe her interest in government was awakened by her involvement in Fair Districts Pa, which did stop the gerrymandering of Congressional seats in Pa. She thereafter spent one cycle as an election worker before deciding to run for office herself. 

Mike Prendeville survived the threat from Versteeg, but Democrats won most of the other races in this formerly Republican Township. 

Dem Exec Lamont McClure trounced Republican Steve Lynch, 2,242-1,405. And while two of five Republicans captured seats on County Council, all five Democratic Council candidates won in Hanover. 

Update at 1 pm: In the original version of this story, I neglected to include the vote counts in Hanover's 6th district. I apologize for my error. 


  1. In Lehigh County Rep. Judge candidate Ritter prevailed over Dem. Cohen when the provisional votes were carried. Although the Morning Call made a big deal(including an editorial by Miorelli) over the 100% of the precincts reporting gaff on election night, they never yet reported the actual final result of that contest.

  2. He was lucky to survive Lynch dragging down every single Republican candidate in Norco.

  3. Jean Versteeg did well, considering she was tied to Tara Zrinksi & Lehigh Valley for All(Who endorsed her). I know that turned some of my neighbors off. I'm glad she lost. No place for far Right or Left in this Township.

  4. I had not considered that Lynch might have hurt candidates seeking municipal office other than County Council.

  5. "Jean Versteeg did well, considering she was tied to Tara Zrinksi "

    Being tied to Zrinski probably helped. Zrinski was the lead vote getter in Hanover Tp's Council races. She underperformed McClure, but was the top vote getter in HT among those seeking seats on County Council.

  6. As it turns blue, the transplants never learn to why they fled NJ or the city and they bring their same inept values with them ,starting the process of ruining another community all over again. Cant fix stupid I guess.

    1. Boy, you got that. Never a good thing when a government, whether local, state, or federal, is taken over by Democrats. And this gal sounds like a commie to me.

  7. "Jean Versteeg did well, considering she was tied to Tara Zrinksi "

    Given that Zirinski did nothing but cmap9ogn it is no surprise. She did it fulltime. She promised everything to her groups, even things the county can't provide or do. She bragged she would be top vote getter and has told everyone to no notice. Never saw such ego driven person. She thinks it will help her in her state house race, it won't. The age of speeches over accomplishments is the thing now.
    Sadly people like Zirimnski and Lynch are what the two parties offer us now. Extremists need only apply. What a sad shame.

  8. @1:47 - Wow look at you all swaddled in your self righteousness, so convinced that your team is the best. You're no better than the Democrats that you hate. Grow up.

  9. Someone should tell Anon 1:47 that Prendeville is one of those Jersey transplants.

    Also, Versteeg ran a horrible campaign that did not even include direct mail and relied on Facebook ads, and she still almost beat an incumbent who worked hard and sent at least 2 mailers to Democrats, had Facebook ads, and went to every community event at the township. Prendeville was beatable and the Dems knew it and still could not get a top candidate to run.

    Prendeville's win keeps Finnegan as Township Manager, but I heard he is retiring next year anyway.

  10. You make it sound as though Finnegan is some blight. While he is ugly, he is the best Township Manager in the LV. The voters obviously decided to stick with what works. If Dems planned on replacing the best, it is little wonder they lost.

    Versteeg, a former Project Manager, was an excellent candidate. I met her at a twp meeting and worked with her as an elections worker. I was impressed by how quickly she picked up on things. In fact, I learned from her. But Mike is just a better candidate. You don't argue with the success the Tp has had, even though Warren is trying his best to muck things up. The horrible campaign you point to came close. Many people lose their first race. They learn.

  11. I almost never agree with Mr. O'Hare but as a retired Municipal Manager I have to agree with him concerning Finnegan. He is very creative, understands municipal government and what they should be attending to and was always willing to share and counsel me and others. Many of us implemented his ideas, policies and processes. If 1:20 PM is correct, Hanover will be losing one of the best. Let's hope their wrong.


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