Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Lynch Wants God to Use His Supernatural Powers to Eliminate Media

I was highly critical of the daily newspapers during a taping of the BM (Business Matters, not bowel movement) show on Thursday. But I refrained from invoking the Almighty. He and I are not on the best of terms, anyway. He's blocked me on Facebook, too. But I wonder how the Omnipotent One will react to the entreaty he received yesterday from former NorCo Exec candidate Steve Lynch.

On Monday morning, hours before the sun rose, Lynch was doing what he does best - broadcasting a Facebook Live video while driving and guzzling coffee from a stainless steel thermos. He launched into public prayer to complain about Communists and illegals. Towards the end of his orison, he asks God for "an end to the media, that you would supernaturally intervene and eliminate the media and the way that they operate. Use your angels and whatever you have to deploy ... ."

In an avuncular mood, I warned the dailies to glance above now and then to ensure no bolt of lightning or angel is coming at them. I dodged a few bolts, but am a highly conditioned, well-trained athlete.


  1. God �� has Blessed the Democrats! What a tool this clown �� is. To find his brain �� requires a rectal exam. Lynch couldn't now get elected to clean the toilet in the Executive's private bathroom now! He is now nothing but a laxative for Republican Party. I think more R's rejected this turd and voted D then ever before! Lynch go Away!

  2. He has God on his side!

  3. Wow, now your even against prayer, The country needs a revival of faith and prayer is good first start.

    1. Gary W Gorman:

      5:22am. Praise the Lord and Pass the ammunition! Right?

      While I'm not necessarily opposed to spiritual guidance, the current state of Bible thumpers has gone off the rails of the crazy train.

      Want proof? Both Biden and Pelosi are both active members in their Catholic Church in good standing, and have been for years. BUT, I can already hear you, Lynch and a bunch of other zealots giggling and snickering at this notion.

      When I was working the polls this last election and during the primary handing out flyers for a Judicial Candidate, whom I trusted and supported, I was asked two questions from voters, "Is he a Republican?" And, "Is he a Christian"? I'd answer yes to both. The woman next to me handing out flyers for her Democrat candidate would say, "My Candidate is a Christian, too." And, the voter's reply would be, "Yeah, but she's a Democrat" (Or would make a pejorative comment).

      For the record, I'm an Atheist and a Registered Democrat, yet, I put both aside to campaign for the person I believed should win the Judicial seat". And, he did. Moreover, I don't even live in the County in which he ran. He's a good man and Lehigh County is lucky to have him serving on the bench, political party and religious affiliation aside.

  4. Thanks to the cultural corrosion and a lack of biblical literacy, Steve Lynch and his “bench bros” suffer from what experts call, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. A watered-down, feel-good, counterfeit interpretation of a religion that only exist to counter the actions of the “woke mob”. It’s not true Christianity, and it sure doesn’t follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.

  5. Media sucks---it is 100% fake The Truth - Bernie and if you do not know it your stupid.

  6. Unfortunately most of todays media follows the model of the "National Inquire" looking to stir the pot and create drama. It is obvious that the the networks do not have the ability to report from a neutral stand point. This may be the reason candidates like Steve Lynch receive so many votes. Donald Trump definitely demanded personal attention and was his own worse enemy. Even with that said, he did his best to keep campaign promises and most personal finances looked a lot better then. Inflation is continuing out of control, gas prices have sky rocketed and material shortages continue to get worse along with the continuation of government hand outs to those who refuse to work. I don't see the media attacking Lonesome Joe as much as they should. Thus more Steve Lynches on the horizon, the beginning of the end.

  7. Lynch - if he wasn't so sad he would be funny

  8. As a highly conditioned well trained "asslete" you certainly have dodged a lot of bullets in your senior years. Jealous husbands, scorned love mates, sheriffs deputies looking to serve warrants, (just to mention a few). you even manage to dodge some well deserved "jabs" and "daggers" but dodging lightning bolts?

  9. Guy needs to relax. The media is eliminating itself. No outlet is perceived as impartial. They've all been found out. MC and LVL are on life support and their reporters have scattered to various coding jobs. Yesterday's so-called journalists have been reduced to derivative opinion blogging in lieu of answering the five Ws. If social platforms are his target, it's curious that he uses one of the most demonic of them to spread his pro-America sermons via his Chinese-made phone.

  10. Asking God for the "elimination" of others is totally contrary to any mainstream religion.

  11. "He has God on his side!"

    Abraham Lincoln had the perfect rejoinder to those who arrogantly claim God is on their side.

    "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

  12. @12:25 - Lynch will "prevail" when he's in the shower of a state correctional institution!

  13. seems an anon complaint had the Health Dept in at Gracedale over political flyers.
    Claim turned out to be bogus--guess Lynch did not put in any of his so called "proof"


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