Local Government TV

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Rain or Shine, NorCo Festival on Saturday

Northampton County will conduct its annual festival on Saturday at Louise Moore Park (151 Country Club Rd, Easton, Pa.,east side). It's a 10-5 affair, and will include food vendors, crafts, live music, non-profit organizations, demonstrations, an awards program for outstanding volunteers, youth, veterans, business, emergency and municipal personnel, and a presentation of colors.


  1. Funny how this is always scheduled in the month before Election Day. It's almost like our politicians are using our tax money for some free publicity.

    1. This is only the second County Festival ever. The first one was on May 25, 2019. Was there an Election Day in June that year? Nice try, History Buff.

  2. 6:34 -

    You are correct, and I find it appalling that our current county executive (who is already pushing ethical boundaries by shaking down county employees, unions and vendors for campaign contributions) has chosen to politicize the event by moving the festival to just before the election in only its SECOND year of existence.

    1. 8:09-

      I'm almost always correct. Ask all my exes! Unbunch your panties, you drama queen. The festival was moved to October last year, because it conflicted with the Memorial Day weekend, as previously held in 2019. Then came Covid in 2020, which kiboshed everything. Simply rescheduled for the same October Saturday this year. Surely you can find something more substantive to be so appalled about. What a snowflake!

  3. Wait!!!! A FESTIVAL!!!! Weren't you the one calling for people's head during musikfest because of covid and a super spreader event??? Yep pretty sure that was you.. But if Lamont and Chucky tell you it is ok it is ok. Hypocrites in this world.

  4. Musikfest was during the height if the Delta variant and NorCo and LehCo were both at a high rate of infection. Moreover, people were not wearing masks. The infection rate has thankfully dropped, this event is outdoors and the county will be more willing to encourage masks. Having said that, I have no intention of going.

    1. You could ride your bike there, and give a plug for rails to trails. ����


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