Local Government TV

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Patriots Vote, Lynch Does Not

NorCo GOP Exec candidate likes to call himself a patriot. Patriots vote. Lynch does not. He likes to say "We, the People" means you. It also means him. For someone so willing to wave a flag and hold forth on national issues in a county race,  he's been pitiful in exercising democracy where it really counts - at tyhe ballot box. 

I've looked at his voting record all the way back to 2008. He failed to vote in the Executive's race in 2017, 2013 or 2009. He's voted in less than half of the elections since registering in 2008. He's only voted three times in 12 years in a municipal race. 

Yet this is the man who threatened to bring "20 strong men" to "remove" duly elected school directors at Northampton Area School Board. He could have voted instead of resorting to a mob. 

In 2017, Lynch was MIA in the election that led to Executive Lamont McClure. He also failed to vote in the election that resulted in Executive John Brown and Executive John Stoffa. He failed to vote for any of the three Republicans currently on Northampton County Council or any of the Republicans elected in 2017, 2013 or 2009. 

Some patriot. 



  1. Does he or has he in the past attended any council meetings?

  2. Excuse me but fair is fair. You love to do Pudding McClure's campaign work by tearing down Steve Lynch. Well what about the voting records of all the people running? Both Parties? I understand the fraud and democrat standard bearer Tara Zirinski didn't vote in local elections until she ran for office and she is out there screaming about getting out the vote--if its for her. Why not discuss that? How about them all, why not tell us their voting records. You won't due to some lame excuse. If you were honest and fair-minded you would.

    I bet most don't vote all that much.

    1. 3:40am: you should fact check before you make this claim. BOH did call out Tara Zirinski for her voting record, or lack thereof, and he wrote several articles about her lying under oath during her divorce proceedings, where the Court sanctioned her. He's an equal opportunity offender.

      You should also check out the articles he's written about the Democrat candidate who's currently running for Bethlehem District Justice.

  3. we want Lynch--he is like Trump not like Biden

  4. Lynch for County Executive!

  5. You only know about Zrinski’s voting record bc i exposed it when she first ran.Nobody else did. Brown had a terrible voting record before he ran too. I exposed that, too. Nobody else. I check these things. You can’t claim to be a patriot when you don’t vote

  6. I didn't vote in local elections until I was in my 30s and realized that local elections are actually more important than I knew. Perhaps Mr Lynch will get others to wake up and see that local elections matter.

  7. I was very fortunate in that I had parents who stressed the importance of voting. My father was a laborer at the Bethlehem steel and my mother worked as a seamstress in a local garment factory. I and my wife haven't missed voting in an election since 1964 when we both turned 21 years of age. That's right. Sixty five straight elections which included Primaries and General elections. Senator Boscola presented a proclamation to my wife and I when we reached 50 years of voting without missing an election. One election, my wife was in the hospital and she made me go to the Courthouse and the courts issued her an "emergency Ballot" so she could vote. She filled out the ballot and I returned it to the elections division and she kept her record intact. At that time we didn't have drop boxes. Voting is one of the most important things we do as Americans and this right shouldn't be taken lightly. Thousands of fellow Americans have given their life for us to exercise that right. When you don't vote, someone else is making the decisions for you as to who your representatives in government will be. Go to the polls and vote. It's our patriotic duty.
    Gerald "Jerry" Seyfried

  8. Another attempt to make a non-issue an issue.

    Should be an interesting election.

    "Let's Go, Brandon"

  9. Interesting information. Just for my own education and future use, however, does “did not vote” in a particular election mean they did not go to the polling place or mail in a vote at all or does it mean they did not cast a ballot for some particular position race in a primary or general election? Thank you for the clarification.

  10. Alot of people haven't voted in local elections in the past. That's going to change this election. Will Lynch win? Maybe not but you're going to see alot of sleeping giants awaken and get more involved in local politics future state.

  11. I have perfect voting attendance for 40 years - even off year primaries. But I strongly support those who don't vote for whatever reason. Stay the hell away. If you need to be reminded to vote, you probably have no idea whom or what you're voting upon. Trump seems to have made voting great again. It's one of the worst scars of his presidency. I'm not being sarcastic.

  12. "Interesting information. Just for my own education and future use, however, does “did not vote” in a particular election mean they did not go to the polling place or mail in a vote at all or does it mean they did not cast a ballot for some particular position race in a primary or general election? Thank you for the clarification."

    When I say he has only voted three times in a municipal race since he first registered in 2008, I am saying he failed to cast a ballot of any kind at all. He failed to participate in democracy, which is NOT a spectator sport. '

    In 2017, when McClure beat John Brown, Lynch was nowhere to be found. Nor did he vote in 2013, when John Brown upset John Callahan.

    He has voted in less than half of all elections since he first registered.

    He is no patriot.

    Not even close.

  13. "Another attempt to make a non-issue an issue."

    When someone prances around saying "We, the People, means you" and fails to vote himself, that's an issue.

  14. When we consider that Gracedale Nursing Home has 200 empty beds and an under-staffing crisis, this is a trivial issue.

  15. Why vote when your plan is to overthrow the elected by force?

  16. \ college football stadiums will tell the truth this weekend when they chasnt BIDEN SUCKS

  17. Gary Gorman says to 3:15pm

    And your take on the Kitty Genovese phenomena aka The bystander effect?

    Psychology 101

    Taught this course for a few years.

    No googling, but it seems that you don't do much reading anyway.

  18. B.O., have you gotten any near late updates on the Christmas city mayoral race upcoming?

  19. As a super voter, you do get some perks. Candidates tend to seek you out, knowing you will show up on election day.

  20. @3:15 every one of them and every student there should lose all federal funding.

    And if Alabama's and Georgia's collegiate COVID example is true their students numbers with COVID after every game keep going up although because they are tested at the university center they do not have to make any of them public.

  21. "B.O., have you gotten any near late updates on the Christmas city mayoral race upcoming?"

    There will be a debate on WLVR on 10/28.

  22. Lunch is just a douche period. He will slither away after the election under the rock he calls home.

  23. Just logged onto the Steroid Snowflake's FB page. Weird and almost creepy. Most recent post is a video of him listening to his own recent interview on WDIY. One of his usual selfie vids. But this time it's him videotaping himself listening to himself. And he sorta grunts and groans and sweats through the whole post. Ridiculously narcissistic. And his actual radio interview is cringeworthy. Is Lynch seriously the best the NorCo GOP could find? Wow.

    1. Oh come on!! He is a true patriot! Just look at his beard!!

  24. I still think McClure should debate him publicly so people can judge for themselves.

  25. 5:20 AM McClure is too scared to be exposed in a debate.


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