Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Drop Box Security Questioned at NorCo Council

In October 2019, in what is known as Act 77, Pennsylvania's Republican-dominated General Assembly adopted sweeping changes to the Election Code. For the first time, no-excuse mail-in ballots (MIBs) were permitted. These could be mailed or "delivered in person" to the county elections office. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has interpreted this (in a 5-2 decision) to mean that that MIBs could also be delivered to drop boxes throughout the county. This because the Election Code elsewhere provides that ballots can be returned at any place designated by the county. Though the law appears to be clear, Republicans have been very suspicious. They appear to be primarily concerned  about what is known as ballot harvesting, an illegal practice under which party apparatchiks gather numerous ballots from the party faithful and deposit them all together. While I agree this is a real danger, there's another far more serious concern that no one has mentioned. At an unmanned drop box, and they are all unmanned, it is entirely possible for someone to sabotage them. The security of drop boxes was an issue at last week's  County Council meeting. More questions were raised than answered. The one valid suggestion was ignored. 

The security concerns over NorCo's four drop boxes (one in each Council District) were raised by Republicans Beverly Hernandez, Melanie Morgan and Sheryl Gerkovich. Although Hernandez and Morgan completely misstated the facts, Gerkovich suggested that deputy sheriffs should be assigned to drop boxes.  "There is so much suspicion out there," she argued. "You can alleviate that suspicion on both sides." 

These concerns were echoed by Council member Peg Ferraro. She noted that drop boxes might be under video surveillance, but that does nothing to prevent someone with slipping in a few extra MIBs here and there. Even if it is observed, it would be impossible to segregate the legally cast ballots from those that may have been cast illegally. Nor is it clear that a ballot cast as a result of ballot harvesting is itself illegal. The person who engaged in the illegal practice could be prosecuted, but nothing in Act 77 would per se invalidate the ballots unless they were obtained by coercion or intimidation. Ferraro feels, and with some justification, that the drop boxes should be manned to prevent what she called "shenanigans." 

Ferraro suggested that the logical choice to man a drop box is a deputy sheriff. But as Exec Lamont McClure and Elections Solicitor Rick Santee observed, this would be illegal. 

Ferraro demanded to see the law.  I have previously discussed this part of the Election Code, which predates Act 77 by decades. Here's what the Election Code says:

"Any police officer in commission, whether in uniform or in citizen's clothes, who shall be within one hundred (100) feet of a polling place during the conduct of any primary or election, except in the exercise of his privilege of voting or for the purpose of serving warrants, or in accordance with the provisions of the exception set forth in section 1207 of this act where the police station or headquarters is located in the same building or on the premises where the polling place is located or unless called upon to preserve the peace, as provided by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or to undergo an imprisonment of not more than one (1) year, or both, in the discretion of the court."
I suppose that a drop box is construed as a polling place by McClure and Santee. This is a sound argument. The law is obviously intended to prevent voter intimidation by law enforcement.. Council member Kerry Myers vowed to fight "tooth and nail" against law enforcement at the polls, arguing that their very presence is intended "as a tool to keep people of color from voting." 

Well, Kerry, you better get ready to start fighting tooth and nail. The way things are now, deputy sheriffs are no more than 10' or 20' from the drop box at the courthouse rotunda. The drop box at Bethlehem City Hall is right above the police station, with officers walking by the drop box all day long. The drop box at the Human Services building is close to stationed deputy sheriffs. Finally, the drop box at 911 is swarmed by police officers day and night, if only to date 911 dispatchers. 

Under the argument advanced by McClure and Santee, all four drop boxes are illegal. 

My own take is that a drop box is actually more of a branch office than a polling place. While federal law concerning voter intimidation must be honored, I think the 100' state law applies only to an actual voting precinct.

Council member Tara Zrinski expressed concern that voters making their way in to vote could be subject to intimidation as third parties could approach them and ask to check their ballots.

Council member John Cusick probably raised the best point. He wondered whether the elections office could appoint a pollworker to man the drop box when it was open. This person could insure that only one vote is cast and that the outside envelope is signed and dated. 

Amazingly, this idea was killed by Attorney Santee, who said there's no mechanism in Act 77 that enables the Registrar to appoint pollworkers for the drop boxes.  Well, Rick, nothing in Act 77 specifically permits drop boxes, either, and you're fine with that.

Assigning a pollworker to each drop box while it is open is the best way to guard against ballot harvesting while simultaneously helping voters to make sure their vote actually counts. Having a pollworker on hand would also prevent the very real danger that someone upset with drop boxes is going to sabotage them.  If the county were smart and wanted to prevent sabotage while simultaneously providing reassurance about ballot harvesting, it would assign a pollworker to each drop box while it is open.       

There's no need for a drop box at the courthouse rotunda. That is just a stone's throw from the elections office. If a person can make it to the courthouse, he can walk a few extra steps to the elections office and be sure his ballot is received and is correct. 

If unable to afford someone from the Elections office at each drop box, then you shouldn't have the drop box. Republicans worry about ballot harvesting. I worry that someone is going to sabotage them. If the Lynch mob is willing to attempt a coup at the US Capitol, or threaten to bring 20 strong men to replace the people's duly elected government, destroying a drop box is chump change. 

Having someone man the drop boxes is just common sense. This concept is all too often missing from government. 


  1. With a five hundred million dollar budget, it shouldn't be difficult for the County to hire a senior citizen to sit by these voting "drop boxes" and make sure the intent of the law is not being violated.
    Also, you are right about security at the Courthouse is too close to the ballot "drop" boxes. these are uniformed law enforcement officers. A clear violation of the act. Also if you moved the drop box to the elections division area, you must be searched and even questioned at the place of entry to the courthouse. A clear violation of the Act. Atty. Santee is wrong and it is very obvious he is doing the bidding of the Administration. Does this mean the Administration is knowingly and willfully violating election laws?
    Have you ever attended a meeting of the "Election Commission" Atty. Santee has much too much involvement in the meetings. He is not a member of the commission and is only there to give legal advice not as a participant in conducting the business of the election commission. This is clearly an abuse of his duties and responsibilities. He needs to be reigned in.

  2. Yes..your solution is the best one so far and it seems fair and legal. Police?..NO! Kerry has good reasons about that one and it would be a nod to the voter suppression crowd. Three boxes is plenty and poll workers are paid for their time on duty as it is. They could also act as a check on the ballot signature and date to assure that voter that their vote is gonna count. Good work finding the middle ground this one needs so everyone can cool their jets.

  3. Physically there's very little distinction between a drop box and a blue mailbox.

  4. We agree. You don't trust fringe Rs. I don't trust fringe Ds. There really IS middle ground for agreement. Kudos.

  5. Let’s face it, only the Trumpublicans have a problem with the drop boxes because they know they’re not going to get the results they want.

  6. Hate to say it Bernie - but what you've laid out makes complete and perfect sense.

    We do need some modicum of security and observation of these boxes to make sure there are no shenanigans, but at the same time I get the symbolism of a law enforcement officer nearby isn't everyone's cup of tea.

    A poll worker, along with a big sign indicating one ballot and what exactly is needed on it/with it should do the trick.

  7. “ t’s face it, only the Trumpublicans have a problem with the drop boxes because they know they’re not going to get the results they want”

    I just laid out why Ds should be concern d. You’ll understand when someone drops a paint bomb on mostly D ballots.

  8. “Physically there's very little distinction between a drop box and a blue mailbox.”

    Physically they are the same. Because of the post office slow down, I’d use a drop box. If I were harvesting ballotsb I’d use a drop box.?and I’d I wanted to destroy mostly Dem ballots, I’d go to a drop box. They really should be manned to protect the ballots cast.

  9. I’d man with a poll worker not a cop

  10. I would completely oppose having a poll worker check each person’s signature, which would be illegal. They would just check to ensure there is one and that the ballot is dated .

  11. WHO CARES HOW BALLOTS ARE RETURNED?! Seriously! Give one good reason why it matters if someone drops off their own ballot or their whole neighborhood's?? They are all legal votes that deserve to be counted so what the hell does it matter how and when they are turned in to the county board of elections?? Every ballot is barcoded to a specific voter after they submit an application with their social security number and driver's license number, AND the voter has to sign the declaration under penalty of law. Someone can't vote more than once, it is literally not possible. SO WHO CARES IF THEY PUT IT IN A DROP BOX or drop their whole family's in the corner mail box? It doesn't matter! The fabricated controversy around this is so unbelievably moronic. Find a new dog whistle for christ sake.

  12. I can't get over these responses. These are sane people agreeing on a solution. will wonders never cease. Look what can be accomplished when we work together. Now lets get this message to our representatives in Washington.

  13. I have received anonymous comments containing allegations about the elections office. I have looked into these allegations and am unable to substantiate. Hence, I decline to publish your allegations unless you identify yourself and take responsibility./


    I care. Republicans care. And most importantly, Act 77 cares. It is illegal to submit a ballot prepared by anyone other than yourself unless the voter entrusting his ballot to you signs a declaration. Although ballot harvesting would be hard to pull off on a large scale, I am well aware of allegations about it happening during the 2020 primary. What happens is voters are preyed upon by party wonks or candidates, who will stand next to and even pay a voter as he fills out his ballot. These predators do it with multiple people and collect multiple ballots. I think ballot harvesting is rare, but it happens. That's why the provision against returning more than one ballot is in Act 77. It is not there for the innocent (but still illegal) practice of dropping off the votes collected in one household.

    I am far more concerned about drop box sabotage. At an unmanned drop box, it would be quite easy to set off a paint bomb and ruin the mostly Democratic ballots deposited there. A camera trained on the site can be easily evaded. The boxes should be manned by a pollworker who can ensure against ballot harvesting while simultaneously checking the outer envelope to ensure it is signed and dated.

    This solves the problem of harvesting and sabotage.

  15. I'm an R who thinks NorCo elections are a state and national model. I've also dropped multiple ballots at the 911 Center for family and a neighbor. I didn't know it was illegal until months after, and I certainly had no ill intent. I have never even jaywalked or gotten a parking ticket in my boring life. It illustrates, however, that even a model system is still quite vulnerable and can be improved. Your suggestion makes perfect sense.

  16. This is such a stupid argument all around, so i cant take my elderly neighbors ballot to the drop box but i can collect 100 ballots, go to post office and mail them all?

    Give me a break

  17. A person who engages in ballot harvesting can just mail the ballots, you are correct, but my experience is that when political operatives do it, they tend to use drop boxes.

  18. I would favor a change to state law that would allow ballot collection from members of the same household.

  19. During the presidential election Monroe county had sheriffs at each drop box sight.

  20. This is not specific to drop boxes but someone brought it up and i think the law needs to change. I think the 100 foot distance to a polling place should be extended to 1000 feet. There is no reason that any political effort/advertising/prodding should be allowed while people are in line to vote.

    I was at a polling place and literally right outside the door were both Republicans and Democrat representatives diving away stuff, feeding people or giving out drinks, asking questions. making comments to some while ignoring others. It seems to create turbulence and issues that should not be at a polling place.

  21. The person who made the anonymous allegation refused to identify himself

  22. I believe Monroe County should refrain from manning drop boxes with deputies

  23. If law enforcement are not allowed within 100 ft from the boxes/polling stations. Would that mean they shouldn't handle the ballots in the drop boxes

  24. No.,so long as they are there when the drop box is closed

  25. But your quote and statement say differ so are you just pleading to what Lamont wants you to say since all your arguments are actually set forth by him

  26. No my blog is consistent with having deputies who are sworn pick up MIBs when the drop boxes are closed. The drop box is no longer open and hence it is impossible for any intimidation to occur, nor does it constitute a violation for a police officer after the polling place is closed. Your reading comprehension skills are defective.

  27. Another problem that people talk about is just how much McClure has intruded on the election process. He has made it clear he and not the election Commission runs the elections. He hired the commission lawyer who reports to him.

    So how can you have confidence in a system that is controlled by a partisan politician that is running for office himself, this year. A politician who runs the election process. Wasn't the Commission formed to remove elected officials like McClure from running the election and fostering doubts on the results?

  28. We talk about voting corruption like it’s a known problem when there’s never been legitimate evidence supporting any of these whacked conspiracy theories. Do you know the implications that would incur if McClure gets caught manipulating the voting process? I don’t like the guy either, but I’m sure McClure is not going to jeopardize his life’s work just to beat a loud-mouth imbecile?

    Have you all lost your minds? There’s never been any significant proof about voter fraud in Northampton County and I’m going to need ya’ll to stop talking about it.

    Give it a rest already.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.