Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Steve Lynch Forgets His Opponent is Lamont McClure, Not Me

If NorCo GOP Exec candidate Steve Lynch has established nothing else, it's that he's thin-skinned. He banned me from his personal Facebook page back in January after promising to meet with me. Now he's also banned me from his campaign page, even though I never comment there. He's really blowin' oil after I exposed an attempt to falsely portray him as a Marine. Instead of apologizing to those who actually served, he threatened to expose the truth about me on Facebook. And last night, on the Not-So-Excellent Conservative Network, that's exactly what he did. 

He exposed me as a disbarred lawyer, something that happened back in 1985 and that everyone already knows about. I have written about it multiple times, so it's really kinda' lame. I was hoping he'd have something better than that, like my affairs with numerous very hot women. I freely admit to all of them. Instead of exposing my numerous sexual dalliances with just about everyone, he dredged up old news. I was very disappointed. 

I also thought he might release a few compromising photographs of me with some lewd parakeets. All I'll say about that is that each one was over 21. 

He went on and on, without really saying anything, until it dawned on me that he just hates being criticized. I admit I've been hard on Lynch. But he deserves it. After all, he is a thug. He threatened to overthrow a democratically elected school board with 20 strong men. He participated in the failed coup at the US Capitol on January 6, saying "This is war." He is no patriot. Certainly no Marine. Quite the opposite. 

He's been so worked up by my criticism that he spent yesterday and last night complaining about me. He should have spent that time trying to get a vote or two. Steve, you seem to have forgotten that Lamont McClure is your opponent, not me. I don't give a rat's ass what you say about me. You see, I'm not running for anything. You are. You just wasted an afternoon and night going after the wrong person. And you've done nothing to dispel the growing sentiment that you are unfit for any office, and could use a little anger management. Maybe do a few push ups or something. Or call that Keystone Alternative Medicine you pretend to own for a few relaxing herbs. 


  1. Steve Lynch: an interview with The Steroid Snowflake.

  2. Let's go Brandon!!
    Don't you think where there's smoke, there's fire?

  3. I agree 100%, "unfit for any office"!

  4. Similar to his one true God, Donald Trump, Lynch seeks attention and ways to profit off of it. Holding political office is a way towards "being in charge" without any real qualifications needed. They both think in their own minds that they're "leaders" or have a desire to be seen as such.

    What both seemed to have left out of the equation when they made their decision to run for office was that there are people who watch, report, complain and yes, even criticize those in office, just like they've done in the past. Often that criticism is unvarnished and harsh in its delivery.

    Politics isnt a game for thin skinned pussy boys. You signed up for this Steve when you asked for the Republican nomination. Like Trump, it will only get significantly worse if somehow you stumble into the office you seek.

  5. He’s a reactionary goon that has shown to have the brain power of beetle. Not once has he ever mentioned any proposed policies and changes that effect Northampton County residents personally.

    He obviously has a mole in this blog, and instead of relaying constructive criticism to Steve, the mole decides to spill the tea and harp on all the negative comments.

    Steve Lynch does not have the capacity to run a complicated machine like the county where you sometimes have to appease people of influence and compromise on pressing issues.

    He’s a one trick pony, and he’s been exposed.

  6. Lynch is the classic bully syndrome which by most phycological aspects has its roots in being a crybaby and extremely insecure. He hides in everyone else because he is hollow inside, in his own sense of nothingness. He wallows from self anointed hero for all to the pits of despair that he actually realizes how pathetic he really is.

    He is who is he is but the real problem becomes those that admire him for whatever reason. The look up to him like they would a school yard bully. Their lives are even more false then his and their lives even more pathetic. Their following of such individuals is cultish but we in America give it permission and acceptance and are a culture of failure and loser worshipers instead of being what we had been so successful in making our country the way it is. Look at so many of the wacked out people other people follow: Trump, Kardasioins, The real housewives, reality TV stars, and so many more. Those that can't get money by grifting those that should be smarter then they really are.

    Now on a local level we have YNCH and numerous other politicians that are the same way. Heck Brown has numerous Drunk driving issues on and off the books but keeps getting elected. Cunningham Keeps giving away our money to bring companies here that we hate then blames everyone else while lining his pockets with more cash. Ionelli was part of the FED program with backdoor no completion bid contracts through his cleaning company while publicly supporting the NIZ. And the list can continue. It is all out there if you bother to look beyond the rhetoric and dig a little deeper.

  7. I admire Steve Lynch to the extent that HE stood-up and ran for office. That HE stands before an audience and makes a live presentation of his opinions. That HE answers live questions from the press without reading a prepared script.

    The above actions are something the overwhelming majority of those who criticize Lynch would NEVER have the courage to do.
    The man has just as much right to run for office as each of you does. He’s doing it, you are not.

    My advice to those calling down a man they probably never spoke to . . . just don’t vote for him!

    1. Steve Lynch is not running for office, he just wants to use a political position to push his tired and worn far-right agenda. The guy spends more time in Harrisburg than he does in his own county. He loves recording videos of himself, almost to a fault and he meticulously chooses conservative news outlets that avoid asking him the tough questions he won’t know the answers to.

      Not impressed by him at all.

  8. Anyone who runs for office deserves credit for that, you are correct. But he deserves criticism for his thuggery, his record in business, his shitty voting record as an actual voter and the disinformation and conspiracy theories he constantly spews. Demagogues should always be regarded with suspicion.

  9. Your father was a WW 2 veteran YOU HIS SON are siding with the radicals who are trying to destroy this country--look was Biden did in 9 months--you should be ashamed of yourself.

    1. Wars perpetuated by billionaires to keep them rich while killing the children of the working class is not the flex you think it is. They’ve convinced you that it’s honorable and patriotic to fight and die for their wars but their hands stay clean while ours stay bloody. Even the billionaire Donald Trump knew how to dodge a draft, no thanks.

  10. @9:24 - He has only made live presentations on extremely favorable grounds, in front of enthusiastic supporters. He has not to this point conducted any extensive interviews with larger local media outlets where he could be pressed for details that specifically address various county functions.

    I do sympathize to an extent that McClure won't debate him, but all he has done is preach to the choir, while ignoring the rest of the church because he simply can't face them head on. He is the epitome of what is wrong with all politicians, but right now, especially with our local GOP, who only seem to be concerned with selling flags and yard signs to frustrated dingleberries about a President who isn't up for reelection for another 3 years.

  11. steroid rage, Steven Lynch, same thing

  12. Please keep exposing this guy, Mr. O’Hare. He’s an embarrassment to the county, and my fellow Republicans in party county leadership should be embarrassed for supporting him. By his own words, he’s proven himself unfit for any public office. I’ll be voting for Mr. McClure to do my small part in preventing Mr. Lynch from becoming County Executive.

  13. I actually find it hilarious when one of these idiots like Lynch brays about stuff Bernie did 40 years ago like they just uncovered some big secret that has been hidden from the world until now. Like we are all going to just stop reading Bernie's blog or stop believing his exposure of Lynch as a total lunatic, because Lynch just figured out that Bernie had a stint as an active-alcoholic lawyer decades ago. What a display of desperation on Lynch's part. It is extremely old news (pretty sure Bernie has fully disclosed this since at least 2010 or so when I started reading this blog), nobody cares, and it's not going to distract people from the fact that Lynch is unfit to hold even the office of dog catcher.

  14. 11:33 - Don't be so dramatic, you just lost all credibility. I'm a solid R, but I have a hard time believing the Dems are trying to destroy the country. Bad ideas, sure, enemies of the state? hardly.

    If this is truly the case and I've missed something, please elaborate.

  15. I’m not 11:33, but like 3:32, I also don’t think the Democrats are trying to destroy the country. Their vision of what America should look like, however, is NOT what I want to see for the few years remaining of my life. Along the way to their version of a better America, there is no doubt in my mind the agenda for change has made this nation far weaker than ever. Things are NOT good and I believe millions of citizens across this land would agree. Some Democrat candidates, I expect will have a tough task being re-elected. Even against overly aggressive challengers like Mr. Lynch.

  16. 4:58 - I was just looking for a few bullet points on how they are destroying the country. I tend to be harder on my own party because I demand better of the Republicans. We used to be the adults in the room. Now we have, "I'm angry at the Dems, but I don't exactly know why?"
    I'm completely against the 3.5 trillion spending package. People will not work harder they will just figure out how to work the new benefits in their favor. Our politicians are appealing to our worst impulses and its no way to govern.
    Right now I'm fed up with the base of both parties. Bunch of crazy assholes.


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