Local Government TV

Friday, October 15, 2021

Steve Lynch Pledges Return to Government by Consultant

Northampton County GOP candidate Steve Lynch was interviewed at a radio show yesterday, and was actually roped into discussing county issues. What he promised to do was bring in "high level consultants" to address Gracedale, Corrections and the Sheriff's office. In other words, he is promising to hire people, at taxpayer expense, to do his job.

This is precisely what former Executive John Brown did. He hired a public relations consultant so he could refuse to answer questions from the press. He hired a cost control consultant who recommended that he reduce health benefits to county workers. He tried to hire a $715,000 business consultant, and entered into a secret agreement for outside legal services for P3 projects to address everything, from bridges to a new jail. 

He hired people, often without County Council approval, to do his job. 

Lynch also stated he's audit election results, even his own. He's apparently unaware that the County already does audit every election. 

Lynch will also audit county finances in an effort to find inefficiencies. He's apparently unaware that the County has an independently elected Controller, or that the County has an independent outside auditor who reviews county spending every year. 

He periodically drifted into talking about irrelevant topics like Maricopa County and a condemnation of teaching social awareness. 

On Monday night, he and a Not-So-Excellent Network host roundly condemned NPR. Ironically, he was still willing to be interviewed by a local NPR station. 

In one of his many live Facebook rants, this is what he said about Democrats: "You people are a cancer to society and would be ashamed of yourselves if you had a conscience." But last night, he claimed,  "I unite people." 


  1. Lynch has you crazy just like Trump did ha ha ha

  2. His mailer with his county council mob team was disgusting. They went after Gracedale and claimed it was terrible and they would save it. I hope people realize these are the republicans who will agree to sell it and dump those same poor old sick people. While they are at it John Brown may convince them to build the new prison he wants next to Gracedale. Maybe they will raise taxes again like they did when they were in control.

    The Lynch team, is bad for government and bad for Northampton County!

  3. Ha Ha Ha you are a clown and a gutless one

  4. A week on O'Hare's Blog:
    Monday: Columbus Day / Denigrate Gracedale
    Tuesday: Bash Lynch
    Wednesday: Bash Lynch
    Thursday: Bash Lynch
    Friday: Bash Lynch
    That was the week in Repetitive Review.
    Coming up NEXT week:
    Same shit. Every day.
    Let's go, Brandon.

  5. Amy Trapp is an HR consultant. Vote for Lynch = get her back.

  6. Steve "Kevlar" Lynch got a shout out on yesterday's "On Point" out of Boston's WBUR in reference to the recent nationwide rash of school board kerfuffles the hater Megan ChuknaBardi was interviewing falsely claimed Steve would bring "40 strong men" which shows his ignorance and lack of preparation

  7. 5:52, I got an idea for you. Stop reading me. Stop commenting. You can thank Steve for being
    far worse than such a shitty candidate, but also a danger to anyone who believes in democratic government. Must be why he has ZERO endorsements from any R officials.

  8. Bernie you make a good point! Where are his endorsements... Anne Flood, Joe Emerick, Mario Scavillo? Did they donate? Did they stand for a picture saying they support this fringe Trump like candidate?

  9. "Ha Ha Ha you are a clown and a gutless one"

    Gotta' love when some anonymous coward calls me gutless. I take responsibility for every word I write, unlike you.

    Notice how you seem incapable of responding to my actual arguments. I point out that Lynch plans a return to government by consultant, which was a disaster under Brown. His big consultant at Gracedale, incidentally, is a heart specialist, not someone who knows a damn thing about nursing homes or elder care. He even is gonna' have this same consultant go over to Corrections.

    Now you can counter this argument and offer reasons why government by consultant, and at taxpayer expense, is great. But when you respond with ad hominems, which is Lynch's usual tactic, that is what is known as being illogical.

    Thanks for playing.

  10. Man Oh Man....Lynch is keeping you up nights Bernie and the election is still weeks away. Just wait until he actually wins.......this page will be on full on meltdown.

    1. Similar behavior was observed when Biden won the presidency AND the Jan. 6 insurrection.

      You all should be used to it by now, snowflake.

  11. I don't know BO, this guy might be making some good points. I mean who can argue with "Go Lynch GO"? It's brilliant!

  12. Only cult members will vote for Lynch because that interview exposed how little he knows about government.

    As you mentioned, John Brown tried this approach and he was booted out by county employees for “illegally” raising health care cost.

    Lynch is good at selling a persona that appeals to people who simply are anti-liberal, no matter what the subject matter is. Even if it means they have to vote against their own interest and beliefs.

  13. Based on his ad hominem Facebook rants and his appearances on The Not-So-Excellent Conservative Network, I suspect it is I who is keeping Lynch up at night. By the way, the election is not weeks away. It is going on right now. People are mailing in ballots NOW and early voting NOW. I am doing by best to inform the public about this dangerous divisive demagogue who has no support from local GOP elected officials.

  14. 9:52 - i’d like to make a few changes to your post. They are, “when Biden was announced as President.” and “the Jan. 6 so-called insurrection.” This is not the place to be more detailed, but millions upon millions of citizens approve of these corrections. There in lies the reason for so much unrest.

  15. @ 9:52 are you talking about Trump, his family, his political cronies, his cult followers and other Republican's represented by the actions of Lynch?

  16. This post is about Lynch and county government, a topic in which both you and he have something in common - ignorance.

    Insofar as Biden is concerned, his election as President was certified by the US Congress following the vote in the electoral college. Your refusal to recognize the obvious is an indication you are unwilling to honor the democratic process.

    Insofar as the insurrection is concerned,there is ample evidence and enough arrests to show that is precisely what happened. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

  17. 9:52, delusions are no less delusional because they are shared by many.

  18. The more I learn about Lynch, mostly from his own Facebook posts, the more I realize just how much he doesn't understand about government. One of his latest posts calls out McClure for not respecting the military because he thinks putting troops at polling places isn't a desirable way to run an election. I think most sane people would agree with McClure.

    Nearly all of Lynch's big plans are ridiculous nonsense like prosecuting Joe Biden and bringing in the United States Army to conduct elections.

  19. It's unbelievable that people can actually support Lynch. Like Brown, he has no clue what the job of Executive entails, or how to do it. He's nothing more than an anarchist. I already dropped off my MIB. Lynch was one of two Rs I didn't vote for. I'm weary of stupidity in positions of power after realizing my 2016 mistake.

  20. BO- maybe a nice post about Lynch followers that posted on his FB about wanting to “gather” and confront McClure at his office over his mailers?? Would love to hear their spin on that. I’m sure they meant they would like to make an appointment for a sit down and not a mob scene. What a bunch of tough guys. If paper has him so triggered, how will he handle political life? Is he planning on 4 years of FB lives from his car on the way to Easton each day talking about things that don’t even matter to county government?

  21. Sadly most people may remember John Browns name but forget the crap he did. He wanted to build a prison next to Gracedale, He started a terrible underfunded bridge project by sleazy methods that is a disaster. Oh and he also raised taxes.

    Real solid record. He and Lynch deserve each other.

  22. Love the new anti-Zirinski mailer. It hits the nail on the head. The other dems must be just thrilled to be painted with her whacky brush.

  23. Lynch is the man for the job He is like Trump look at the job Trump did The other guy is like Biden enough said

  24. Lynch is needed vote for him the other side has ruined northampton

  25. 8:15 AM & 12:11 PM

    You 2 knuckleheads should be neutered or spayed and removed from the voter registration system. Neither of you can distinguish between federal, state, county or municipal elections and who's running for what office. Sad. Bigly.


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