Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

NorCo COs Want Hazard Pay, But Refuse Vaccine

A few weeks ago, a gaggle of corrections officers, festooned with those ugly green AFSCME T-shirts, appeared before County Council. Perhaps they were green with envy. You see, some Gracedale staffers exposed to Covid residents receive hazard pay. Corrections officers do not. Neither do 911 dispatchers, human services workers or courthouse employees. A reader suggested yesterday that I should find out how many of these hazard-pay-seeking corrections officers actually bothered to get vaccinated. I made inquiries, certain the number would be high. After all, the county is handing out $1,000 to each and every guard who is willing to get a jab. Guess what? According to the county, only 23% of these courageous corrections officers have been inoculated. These brave bagpipers are afraid of a little needle. 

I was very impressed at how these jailkeepers handled themselves during the pandemic. In addition to showing up and doing their job with no complaint, they actually saved lives. They stopped several attempted suicides. But when they demand hazard pay at a jail with exactly zero Covid cases, and refuse a vaccine in spite of a $1,000 cash incentive, they are being hypocrites.   

That's just the way it is.


  1. Your information shines a new light on the COs looking for hazard pay. 77% of them are idiots for not getting vaccinated. The county shouldn't pay extra to those who are stupid.

  2. They're neither being forced to be vaxxed, nor work for the county at the prison. They are free to decide that they're displeased with the contract they signed, and may leave at any time and pursue less hazardous work, or hazardous work for which they'll be paid what they believe they deserve. This is not difficult.

  3. I am refusing to publish any disinformation from the antivax brigade. I have no obligation to publish what I know are lies. I understand vaccine hesitancy, and the decision to get a vaccine is a personal choice. But do not justify it with lies. I also understand hypocrisy. It is completely hypocritical to demand hazard pay at a jail with zero Covid cases while refusing to get the vaccine.

  4. What a bunch of Ass Hats. They are offered $1,000 incentive to receive protection from Covid, they refuse to get Covid protection and have the balls to ask for Hazard pay. The County should mandate the vaccine for all them and Gracedale staff while they're at it.


    2. This is not the “aha” moment you thought you had. The science of vaccines is not black and white. They’re called breakthrough infections, and although extremely rare, they do happen with most vaccines. But in this case, they are the result of mutations in the virus caused when unvaccinated people get infected, and generate a variant, which is different than the original virus, causing an infection in a fully vaccinated person. Take that same energy you had in the beginning of your post, and convince your friends and family to get vaccinated.

    3. I never thought it was an "aha" moment. Simply stating that it is still possible! Stop putting blame on people who choose not to get the vaccine! Correct me if I am wrong, but were there not mutations way before the vaccine(s) were given out?

    4. I will correct you because you’re wrong. Unvaccinated persons do more to spread mutations and variants than the fully vaccinated. Instead of looking to FOX news and other ultra conservative news forums that promote the interest of the ultra rich, take a dive into reputable online medical journals to learn what’s really going on. It’s not that hard, but the amount of misinformation that’s out there is disgusting.

  5. If the Hazard pay they are asking for is back pay from the height of the pandemic when no vaccine was available then that's resniable. But it's absurd for them to ask for it for any period of time when the vaccine was available, especially since they were given a $1,000 incentive to take it.

  6. If the Hazard pay they are asking for is back pay from the height of the pandemic when no vaccine was available then that's reasonable. But it's absurd for them to ask for it for any period of time when the vaccine was available, especially since they were given a $1,000 incentive to take it.

  7. COs we’re getting hazard pay when the pandemic was raging.

  8. Once again your wrong. Its 500 dollars if they get the shot. And the only numbers your going off is the number of officers that received that 500 dollars in the last check. So let's see how many get the money this next pay. But just be chucky little boy and lamonts soapbox. Maybe try to get your info correct. Other county employees got 750 to get the shot and 20% pay increases till the end of the year. Tell the truth if you're gonna write things. Maybe worried about losing your pass to the courthouse. Which you shouldn't have. your not an employee or officer of the court.

  9. All gracedale employees get it if the work 8 hours of OT in a pay period. They can even do 4 hours one week and 4 hours the next. Every employee is eligible. But you won't post this. You hate posting the truth.

  10. Bernie I am not going to go as far as say that this is "fake news" I am sure that number you provided is correct, but in order to be 100% factual that is the current number of vaccinated staff at this moment. There is no mandate saying that a person has to show is vaccine card, or a time limit. There is a high chance that many more cos got the vaccine and do not want to show the vaccine card or they are waiting to get two full doses and or waiting to turn in it at a later date. So to be fair this number can change and go up. Sometimes pride is worth a lot more than 500.

  11. It's not $1000. Its $500. For the shot and the # will rise. We only had the last 2weeks to report that we got the shot and most officers haven't submitted the paperwork yet. Also we aren't asking for hazard pay. We asked for premium pay in an attempt to retain our current employees. Because of covid the job market spiked (jobs are paying more) and officers are leaving at a faster rate. We lost over 15 officers in 3 weeks.

  12. Also gracdale is not getting hazard pay at this point. They are receiving premium pay to retain its employees. And as far as their number of employees with shots it was at 38% when we went to council and they receive $750.

  13. Blogger Kyle said...
    Also gracdale is not getting hazard pay at this point. They are receiving premium pay to retain its employees. And as far as their number of employees with shots it was at 38% when we went to council and they receive $750.

    Go work at gracedale then if you think they are getting paid so much more than you

    1. Why so nasty? He has a legitimate gripe about his work environment.

  14. First, no, they are not getting $1,000 to get the vaccine. Thats a lie. They are receiving $500 as a settlement for previous hazard pay and $500 if they do get the vaccine, in which Gracedale was getting $750 because they didnt want to show up to work. The officers have been there, at work, with people with Covid.
    Second, no, its not 23%. 23% probably handed in their vaccine card but not everyone has.
    Third, in one council meeting, McClure wanted to give all 24/7 facilities hazard pay and in the June meeting, didnt want officers to get it. Instead of giving NorCo officers hazard pay, McClure decided it was a good idea to upgrade the parks.
    Its amazing how many people are so pro law enforcement, but arent really pro law enforcement (and yes, corrections is a level of law enforcement)

  15. What a lot of the general public don't realize is that officers received hazard pay for such a short period of time and months later is when the virus hit the prison it's hardest. Officers tested positive day after day and risked bringing the virus home to family members who may have had health issues that would make them more susceptible. The inmates were locked in or "quarantined" for months. The courthouse wouldn't even let certain inmates in who were key witnesses in certain trials. So at the height of the virus in the prison all staff was receiving base salary. Why stop the hazard pay when the virus ran rampant on us?

  16. These people are lucky to have a good paying job to go too! They should just shut-up as to there claims of essensial workers it's not like there caring for desseased riddin bed pans.

    1. Wow your spelling is horrible... Been a recent resident of the prison?

    2. Lol. Can tell this person never worked in a prison.... Hep C HIV bed pan. Lol. Covid. A person covered in shit all over their body!! BED PAN

  17. “ So it would seem that county correction officers should get hazard pay. Defend your boy McClure on this one with HIS information he allowed to be given out.”

    Received this anonymous comment. No, at a jail with zero cases and in which only 23% of the COs have taken the vaccine despite a $1,000 incentive, hazard pay would be ridiculous. You look like pi’s a t the trough, not public servants, when you make idiotic demands like this. The public will definitely side with McClure and against you on this one. You’ve just managed to flush your reputation down the crapper.

  18. Is the jail still covid free????

  19. If you are a CO, you can answer instead of asking me. Last I heard there were zero cases and guards were refusing a vaccine despite a $1000 incentive.

    1. Once again it is 500. just keep writing wrong information. Other county employees got 750. Guessing the COs value isn't worth as much..

  20. McClure stated at a council meeting that the incentive is $1.000. Numerous COs were there. No one disputed him. So I’ll go with that while you look petty complaining about other departments.

    1. Well first when you make 18 dollars an hour. which more then half the COs make 250 is a lot of money. And why don't you ask him ?? Grow some. see if he is willing to tell you to print the truth.

  21. Corrections officers are not allowed to comment on jail issues unless approved. As to $1000. That's false. It's $500. For the shot. If you need clarification on any issues at the jail I'm the one you can talk to.


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