Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What's Going On at NorCo Jail?

Several NorCo corrections officers appeared at a Council meeting a few weeks ago to seek hazard pay for their work because they are experiencing a manpower shortage (again) and overtime mandates  Though there's hazard pay available at Gracedale for staffers who come into direct contact with Covid residents, it's unlikely at the jail. Executive Lamont McClure pretty much ruled it out, though he told Council member Peg Ferraro that he's open to the idea of more frequent, albeit smaller, step increases. It's pretty difficult for me to tell you what's going on there because it is, after all, a jail. The County, however, released a statement on Monday with some salient details. 

Total number of Covid-positive inmates from pandemic inception: 188

Total number of Covid-positive corrections officers from pandemic inception: 65

Current Covid-positive inmates or staff: 0

Total number of Covid tests  administered at jail: 3,603

Current jail census: 569

Total number of vaccination clinics conducted at jail: 5

Services available at jail: Employment pre-release program, family answers

Inmates who were furloughed are being brought back.


  1. Information according to McCLure.

  2. Nothing at all is going on in jail, not even a covid case but lets ask for hazard pay anyway

    1. What the fuck do you do for a living? We all showed up for work when gracedale called off sick because it is our JOB. Gracedale got hazard pay to encourage their staff to return. They barely had any cases while day after day, week after week we put ourselves and our families at risk by showing up to work. Is asking for a little extra for our dedication to showing up when cases were running rampant too much to ask? Do me a favor and kindly go fuck yourself.

  3. Wondering how many of the staff asking for Covid related hazard pay have refused to get vaccinated.

    1. So you're implying that they should only receive hazard pay if they get vaccinated? That is their personal choice! Also if you have not read the news lately, people who are fully vaccinated are still testing positive for Covid........

  4. It’s the risk, don’t forget the CDC standards were particularly written from a inmate infected and gave it to a CO . I’m not talking sides ,but COs are at risk ,they are exposed to new people being confined.,and to say “ not Evan a COVID case” you won’t know whom is Asymmetric,a carrier that shows little or no symptoms. The Delta variant will BE HERE in prominent discoveries, shortly. It will show in our community shortly. We all have to not get complacent as I had posted weeks ago. Bar restaurants should be useful of disinfectant s daily’s to prevent cross contamination. Business should not allow too many people in spaces shorty. Everything should get properly treated to prevent say - 55 people getting new strand , Bernie , didn’t I say that this virus could vary well have a mutation in early posting. Last year?

  5. If any of the staff are not willing to take the COVID vaccine, then they should not be able to work for the NorCo or collect unemployment.

    It’s time to get realistic.

  6. Anon 9:43
    Anon 6:25

    Great points. I’m not against the COs or Sheriffs asking for hazard pay compensation…

    But have they done everything in their power to prevent getting infected like taking the vaccine?

    I know for sure most of them haven’t…

  7. I would like to thank all of the essential workers including those at the jail who worked tirelessly during this pandemic and did show up daily. Most occupations did not see extra pay but I have to agree that the county did not treat their employees equally in this situation. Back hazard pay for those who came to work at the prison seems reasonable use of all of that extra covid relief money.

  8. 11:02

    Get vaccinated! WTF people it is not your personal choice, it’s the only choice if you want to get back to a normal. Even the 2nd highest-ranking House Republican Steve Scalise got his first vaccine dose yesterday. Moscow Mitch McConnell raises alarms about the Delta variant, stop listening and reading fake news.

  9. 11:02

    Get vaccinated! WTF people it is not your personal choice, it’s the only choice if you want to get back to a normal. Even the 2nd highest-ranking House Republican Steve Scalise got his first vaccine dose yesterday. Moscow Mitch McConnell raises alarms about the Delta variant, stop listening and reading fake news.

    1. Maybe there are people who do not believe in vaccines. Especially one so new and unknown.

  10. I believe the COs were requesting some type of premium compensation like Gracedale has been receiving. The sad fact is that all the 24/7 departments are depleted greatly. Warehouses earn more and staff are fleeing...sheriff, prison, 911, Gracedale - all severe shortages and getting worse day by day.

  11. The minutes are available online. They were definitely seeking hazard pay.

  12. The video is also available online.

  13. Your numbers are way off, Get your facts straight!


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