Local Government TV

Friday, November 13, 2020

Trump Has Lost Before ... to Nat Hyman

Though both Donald Trump and some of his supporters are in denial, most of us recognize that Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. But it might surprise you to know that the man who claims to be all about winning has gone down in flames before. Nearly two decades ago, Nat Hyman beat Trump at his own game. He sued him and won in a business dispute over Hyman's jewelry kiosks.

"I don't care at this juncture whether he's Donald Trump or Donald Duck. Right is right."

That's what Hyman told The Morning Call at the time. 

Hyman had Trump's number long ago. 

Yesterday, I disclosed some names from the fringes who want to be Allentown's next Mayor. Unfortunately, there will be more.  Wouldn't it make more sense to put someone at the helm who actually knows what he's doing?

Hyman, who is actually from the City and has stayed while so many others have fled, is being courted to bring his no-nonsense business acumen to Allentown. 

If you see Nat, ask him to run. 


  1. Why don't you run Bernie?, you could win a lot of votes. Leave poor Hyman alone, why do you want to make him a sacrificial lamb for a failed city? One man can not turn these cities around, it will take the will of the whole community from the bottom up. Do you see that happening?

  2. I have argued that what we need is competency in government and we need to stop the games of both sides and actually RUN the country (or in this case, the city). As we look at the current list of mayoral candidates, God help us. Nat Hyman, please run!

  3. If Hyman runs, he wins hands down. But why would he want it? Does a guy of this caliber really want to deal with morons like Ce Ce, Siegel and Guridy for 4 years?

  4. Everyone enjoys their big moment, even when it's not really a big moment. One went on to be president and the other can't get elected mayor of a shithole city because his own party hates his guts. And I like Nat and think he's too good for Allentown. I also think there are more similarities between the two than Nat can see in himself.

  5. 4:33, As I have said numerous times, even I would never vote for me. It does take the whole community, but one man can inspire a community to be better.

  6. If Hyman runs, he's got my vote!

  7. I worked for the company who manufactured these kiosks. When he sued, Trump sent about 15 of the exact same black BMW filled with his lawyers demanding every print of everything we ever made for him. It was quite the show of force

  8. I worked for the company that manufactured the displays for these stores. When he sued, Trump sent 15 of the same black BMW filled with his lawyers to our shop, demanding every print of everything we had ever made for him. Quite the show of force.

  9. I've done business with Nat for many years. He is tough but he was always fair. He definitely doesnt take any crap from anyone, including Donald trump. I don't live in Allentown, but it Seems to me this is exactly the type of leadership that Allentown needs.

  10. Life long Dem, and he's got my vote.

  11. I'd have more faith in Hyman if he had not been a lifelong Dem and more importantly if all of his construction projects WERE NOT substandard. Should stick with the jewelry business where he can hide behind the brand names of the jewelers.


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