Local Government TV

Friday, November 13, 2020

Trump: I dont wanna go!


  1. F*&)ing idiot. How the hell could 70 million people vote for this idiot? THAT is what looks like fraud. He should be grateful he pulled the wool over that many people's eyes.

  2. I never want to leave a theater until the final act is played out. Could be a surprise ending!

  3. c'mon man...
    When we're faced with paying for the entire worlds CO2 reduction (paris accord), faced with renewed loss of jobs to China, faced with a new push for immigration when our neighbors don't have jobs, and staring down an increased push towards socialized medicine, don't you think the fight might be worth it?
    Besides, what do the left have to lose? Let it play out and when Trump loses again, we can all sit back and know there is no argument.
    The courts are there for a reason. However, I understand, the left fights in the court of public opinion by rioting and stoking fear in their neighborhoods.
    Does anyone else notice the news headlines? They aren't reporting news. They are reporting 'Frivilous', 'illegitimate', 'unfounded', and many other opinion based headlines. Let the courts determine if they are indeed without merit, before an editor tells you what to think of them.

  4. The claims of widespread fraud are clearly unfounded. But Rs will certainly succeed in having some ballots tossed. Not enough to matter. The media needs to do some soul searching, but so do you.

  5. And now state GOP legislators are trolling for witnesses to fraud. Emailed newsletters from Marcia Han and Justin Simmons both ask for people to come forward and identify themselves if they witnessed voter fraud. Rep Han's newsletter mentions that there will now be state hearings on the 2020 election so that they can "develop a comprehensive legislative fix." Great. First, perhaps they should focus on the broken unemployment comp system so that their constituents can actually get money. Second, they should get the darn CARES Act money out to businesses/agencies, etc.

  6. Hey Bernie, there's some demonstration today up on Route 100 in front of the Wawa on Schantz Road about the election being stolen from Trump. Some PAC group.

  7. I received this a week ago from someone in France so this is a global view. Unforunate for the Country

  8. A vote for Biden was like shitting your pants and changing your shirt! Likewise a vote for Trump was like farting upwind from a porta potty.

    It's all smelling like shit at this point only some forgot to wipe?

  9. 72.5 million don't want him to go.

  10. 10:58 AM,
    They aren't the only ones. I get a few newsletters from other state legislators in PA Republican counties.
    This BS is from State Rep Zack Mako and is a good example:
    Specifically, we are calling for the immediate establishment of a bipartisan investigatory committee with subpoena power... Public sentiment and the sheer volume of lawsuits filed both before and since the election warrant such investigatory action.

    Public sentiment is, Pennsylvania voted for Biden. Almost every lawsuit has been squashed and the "sheer volume" argument is exactly the rhetoric Trump wants to use to undermine the election. So many lawsuits must mean there was corruption.
    Smoke and mirrors.

  11. He was framed I tell ya! Yeah, an inside job, that's the ticket!

    You tell em Donny boy!

  12. annon 6:17. 76 million want him to leave!

    1. Obviously. However the76 million need to have some respect that72 million have different ideas of what the United States is about. Or we will never be united again.

  13. TO the idiots. How many cast a vote for Biden because they didn't want Trump? You think Biden earned his votes. Ha.

  14. TO the 8:00 AM idiot.

    Then you are pointing out Trump didn't earn his 2016 votes, because people didn't want Clinton.
    Stick to Trump's newest flavor of Kool-aid - The election was rigged!!!

  15. Marcia Hahn
    This is why I'd take nutty Zrinski over any Republican

  16. annon 11:14, That would have some sentiment behind it. If not for the BS way Trump governed for the last four years. He governed for his base and the Hell with everyone else.

    Your platitudes are nice but they need to be enforced regardless of who is elected. You and Mitch the turtle seem to not get tat part.

  17. 11:14,
    The 2 million more voters for Clinton in 2016, didn't get any respect.
    You're lucky, though. President-elect Biden, even with 5 million more voters will respect the 72 million by attempting to unite Americans, rather than further dividing us. The die-hard Trumpsters need to be willing to step back from lies they've been fed for the last 4 years.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.