Local Government TV

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Is Your NorCo Ballot Being Challenged?

 Republicans have filed 480 challenges to ballots cast in the Presidential contest. If you'd like to know whether your ballot has been challenged, check this list.

The Elections Board will spend the entire day on Friday to review these challenges. 

One registered independent who is traveling and is in Arizona is perplexed that Republicans have challenged his vote, and is attempting to take a flight back.

Incidentally, he voted for Trump. 

A number of East Bangor provisional ballots are under attack because of an error by pollworkers. who never put the ballots in a secrecy envelope. 


  1. No secrecy envelope, no vote. It's simple rule. There were radio and TV ad, ad nauseum regarding the simple procedure. All these votes should be disqualified, regardless of party affiliation.

  2. We rushed mail-in and bad law was created by bureaucrats lacking the authority to do so. This is why these challenges are so important to future election integrity. A Pennsylvania judge ruled in favor of the Trump campaign Thursday, ordering that the state may not count ballots where the voters needed to provide proof of identification and failed to do so by Nov. 9.

    “[T]he Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Boards of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline … for certain electors to verify proof of identification,” Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt said in a court order.

  3. None of the votes affected by the ruling had yet been included in the state’s official tally – which as of Thursday had Joe Biden at a 54,000-vote advantage over Trump.

    Big win for Trump? Doesn't change the outcome of the election, though it might make the crybabies feel better about keeping the margin of their stompin' from getting a whole lot bigger.

  4. Might be off topic , however interesting .


  5. 480, how can one person do this to 480 people?

  6. There was no need to challenge ballots of persons who failed to sign the provisional ballot or who failed to register. Those will be rejected as a matter of course. Unfortunately, some of the ballots fail to include a signature from pollworkers at the precinct. That is not the fault of the voter.

    Objections based on the signature, however, are frivolous. Lee Snover is no handwriting expert. My own handwriting changes every five minutes.

  7. Please challenge my ballot. I'm perfectly fine with it. When I get worked over at an airport by TSA, I tell them to please check everything thoroughly and do the same for everyone else. Safety is everyone's business. Nobody will care in six weeks. The only time election issues get addressed is in this brief window of time. That's how our system works. Not my rules. But they're OK rules.

  8. Bernie, I'm confused about how this process works. If voting is secret, how does the Republican Committee know who these people voted for? Or do they only know party affiliation? Also, if the ballots are separated from the return envelope (which if I remember correctly was the only place with the voter's name), how would they locate that specific ballot later to invalidate it if the lawsuit would be successful?

  9. 7:13 - you have touched on one of the main points of contention, the pre-canvassing of ballots and the requirement that no specific count of results is ever revealed beforehand. According to some public statements from voters, they were called ahead of Election Day and told their ballot was rejected, so here’s what you need to do, etc., etc.,

    I have no idea if the above is accurate. Bernie really should explain this circumstance as it related to Northampton County. For the rest of the nation, who really knows?

  10. "Bernie, I'm confused about how this process works. If voting is secret, how does the Republican Committee know who these people voted for? Or do they only know party affiliation? Also, if the ballots are separated from the return envelope (which if I remember correctly was the only place with the voter's name), how would they locate that specific ballot later to invalidate it if the lawsuit would be successful?"

    "7:13 - you have touched on one of the main points of contention, the pre-canvassing of ballots and the requirement that no specific count of results is ever revealed beforehand. According to some public statements from voters, they were called ahead of Election Day and told their ballot was rejected, so here’s what you need to do, etc., etc.,"

    Voting is still secret. Mail-in ballots are not opened until election day. The outside envelope is pre-screened to make sure the voter's declaration is properly filled out with name and address. If not, it will be rejected as a No vote. This happened to 38 voters. Dems sought and obtained the identity of these voters so they could vote provisionally. Republicans sued and lost.

    On election day, the MIBs are opened. If the outer envelope just contains a naked ballot, the vote is rejected bc it is not inside the required secrecy envelope. The opening is done on the presence of party officials who can challenge any ballot that is not properly inside a secrecy envelope. I do not believe there was a need toi challenge this bc elections officials followed the law.

    In addition to MIBs, there are about 2,700 provisionals. These are filled out at the precinct by voters who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to vote at the precinct. The outer envelope must contain the name, address and signature of the voter. It must contain the signature of both the Judge of Elections and Minority Inspector. It must contain the reason for voting provisionally. But how the person voted is unknown bc the vote is inside an interior sealed envelope.

    Some of the challenges made by Rs will be rejected by elections officials bc the voter is not registered and is ineligible. There really is no need for a challenge. Some will be rejected because the voter failed to sign.

    If they provided phone numbers or email addresses, these voters are being contacted so they can sign the outer envelope by today or forever hold their peace. One person is flying in from Arizona so he can vote for Trump.

    Other challenges are objections to the signatures on the outer envelope, which is silly. Rs are not handwriting experts.

    Other challenges are based on failure to include an address. Others are bc the pollworkers forgot to sign or check off a reason. Still others are based on elections workers who just returned naked ballots with no identity at all (E Bangor).

    I hope this answers your questions.

  11. No its not. I voted at the polls like a true American should . I'm not lazy and trust the polling place much more than a mail in ballot bogus third world crap. With tech. what it is today, why can't a system of checks and balances be made for a secure voting process? We all know the true answer to this don't we? We should have multi day voting at the pools, Have voter chip ID either by drivers license ( REAL License ID) , voter id card or regular photo id. ( need them for everything else in life). This chip would contain party affiliate, SS number, polling location address , photo , signature confirmation and a your home address. Swipe at the polls and once finished, you can not vote again until the next election.
    A simple solution that many don't want or are afraid of. We have proven in 2020 thru the covid crap and the liberal we can do this and the cost is not an issue. This cost would take the place of the of the printing, counting ( including staff and overtime) and mailing of all these ballots. Wake up America !

  12. 4:15. Listen to Fox News much?


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