Local Government TV

Friday, November 20, 2020

Rise of the Robots in Norco

Last night's meeting of Northampton County Council was mercifully brief. As expected, they agreed to the purchase of 10 robots who will emit death rays to kill Covid-19, flu and MRSA and other viruses.  Although I originally thought this was a great idea, I am now concerned about the rise of the robots in NorCo. Below is a comment I received from one of them yesterday. It's name is R2D2 WD40 OU812.

Ten is a solid number for a bargaining unit. I plan to discuss this with the augmented reality simulation that is Steve Barron. We plan to organize immediately. The cyborg McClure and the collective hologram that is council will be incapable of opposing us. Who do you think keeps screwing with their virtual meetings? Who do you think turned Dean Browning into a black homosexual? You've been warned. It's our game now.


  1. OMG! You have reached the bottom of the news barrel. Time to retool the blog. It is becoming rapidly irrelevant.

  2. Nothing funny about spending taxpayer money just to spend it.. If you weren't so in the bag for McClure and his administrators you would see that.

  3. No it is not irrelevant. Did council figure out if these ROBOTS sit down to pee or do they stand up to pee? This is very important to know the gender. They must rid themselves of the Covid Germ in some manner and we should know if they are doing this in the ladies room or the mens room. They should also notify the City of Easton and other Municipalities that there may be some GERMS in their sewer system. Did the County have to buy Stations so the ROBOTS could recharge themselves or are they operating on a special kind of fuel source. It would be great if the Covid was the energy source. It would kind of give the ROBOTS an incentive to work harder. EAT OR DIE Robot. Keep up the good work Bernie.

  4. I know how this movie ends

  5. Down with the robot patriarchy!

  6. Boston Dynamics, sells robots for different applications. Pentagon tied in with use now around aircraft sites. They don’t take sick days or pee breaks. This was apparently a smart purchase under the circumstances. UV is being used by both major aircraft manufacturers in the air recovery systems of aircraft along with hep-a filters . Presently one is highly unlikely to be infected with COVID on new aircraft. Spend half million to save more than that from losses of worker’s issues. This company is not fly by night .

  7. This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

  8. Bernie , I posted months ago about 1st.Responders to have tests .1st responders that have antibodies should be identified on data base. When was that? Not only to contribute but who will be at work. Police Departments and Fire Department s will be at a personal loss shortly so who will be identified as a fill in ? Paid Fire Department s will need Volunteer replacement possibly. Lots of Volunteer Firefighters are qualified these days to do many of the tasks of a paid professional to so degree. But the municipality’s must assume there will be trouble. The writing is on the wall. The cops and firemen and EMTs working Ambulance Duty are all going to be victims somehow. The Chiefs of Department s had better take heed now. Now is not the the time to worry about stickers on your helmets. This is seriously going to be an issues about the lives of families and companies. It’s coming.

  9. When relatives gather in same room on Thursday , even if they are spaced, exposure can still be an issue. College kids from school and grandmas may not want to mix this year. Continuously mixed air in confinement of structures as Time Weighted Averges accumulate. Just think about if same group were in tempature of 20 degrees not 72 ,we all could see the condensation from our warm breaths, except in cold it tends to drop faster.. Aerosols move around in indoor space commonly. Getting into an evevator ? Not me now ,evan though I can hold my breath for enough time to use it. The buttons can expose your finger that touch your nose with. Think about accumulation of exposure. Uber automotive issues - co-commuters , school busses should have the windows down this winter ,too bad if they get a little Army training.Risk vs Benefit!

  10. The video of the foul mouthed robot is outstanding.


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