Local Government TV

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Exterminate! Exterminate! NorCo Buying 10 Covid-Killing Robots

Dr. Who would be impressed. 

If County Council agrees, Northampton County will be purchasing 10  Covid-19 killing robots to be used when cleaning the building. Apparently, it shoots UV death-rays that kill Covid-19, MERSA and even the flu. The robot must be by itself when inside a room or it just might exterminate humans as well. 

Each machine costs $55,000 and there's a three-year $30,000 maintenance contract. Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron said the County will pay less because it's buying in bulk. 

Above you can see one of the robots in action. He told me he intends to run for Exec next year. 


  1. You have got to be kidding!

  2. This doesn't sound like a waste of money.....not even the slightest.

  3. I was a critic, too, until the robot visited me. The Exterminate robot will now be visiting you and your thinking will change, too ... will change, too ... will change, too ....

  4. Ten is a solid number for a bargaining unit. I plan to discuss this with the augmented reality simulation that is Steve Barron. We plan to organize immediately. The cyborg McClure and the collective hologram that is council will be incapable of opposing us. Who do you think keeps screwing with their virtual meetings? Who do you think turned Dean Browning into a black homosexual? You've been warned. It's our game now.

  5. Spend money on bullshit. Typical county ways. Let's cover up the real issues that the county has like spineless leaders that make their departments look like sissys instead of letting them do their jobs

  6. The County frowns about giving HS workers the measley 1.75 % pay increase that both parties agreed upon from an expired contract from 2014, but they will throw thousands away for robots.

  7. "HS workers"?

    That's your problem. Too many of you in CYF are not "workers" at all. And you got caught.


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