Local Government TV

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Conspiracy Circus

I was incredibly disturbed yesterday by a news conference featuring the legal team spouting assorted conspiracy theories in an effort to thwart an election that Donald Trump lost.

As Rudy Giuliani's hair dye streamed down the side of his face, Jenna Ellis proclaimed that she is part of an "elite strike force legal team" giving its opening statement.

The place to make an opening statement is in a courtroom, not a news conference. The elite strike force legal team has pretty much failed when called on to make an actual case. 

Giulani asserts a pattern of switching votes, especially in Democratic cities. It might have escaped his notice that Democratic cities tend to vote Democratic.

Sydney Powell defamed both Dominion and Smartmatic, alleging with zero evidence a conspiracy to reverse votes. 

Jenna Ellis said this is case, not of voter fraud, but election official fraud, from the local level on up.

As a local election official myself, I am outraged at her baseless claim.  I refuse to lend any credence to their nonsense, which extends from Philly mob bosses to Hugo Chavez to even the poor Germans. 

I refuse to publish comments that participate in this circus. 


  1. Like in playing Poker, you don’t start the competition by showing all of your cards in hand.

  2. Well, we witnessed 3 years of the Russian collusion circus, a partisan impeachment and baseless leaks and rumors from anonymous unnamed sources. So I guess we can put up with whatever else is coming. Why should anyone be surprised if years of outrageous partisan attacks are not followed by the same. I suspect this is just the beginning of what is in store for the next 4 years.

    I don't think Trump owes the Democrats any respect, civility or cordiality. You reap what you sow.

    Just wait until we see the coming wrestling match in congress, no one will forget what has transpired in the last few years, not the politicians, and not the citizen spectators.

  3. What Hell are you talking about in your last paragraph?

  4. Bernie got old. Site downhill.
    Was interesting for awhile.

  5. Appreciate your in-depth response. Hope you've fastened your seatbelt, the ride's about to get a little bumpy.

  6. If you can't win it legitimately, steal it. The will of the majority has spoken and Trump ain't have'n it. He is going out as he has governed...as a national disgrace. The only thing worse are the Republicans like Lindsay Graham who are taking the train to crazy town with him. Graham has shown himself to be incredibly attached to Trump's ass before. It's hard to see how he got re-elected.

  7. Mrs. Snover was interviewed by Bobby Gunther Walsh yesterday. Are you calling her a liar and her claims false? https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-gunther-rewind-22862162/

  8. I heard rumor that Tromph would ask Newt to join with himself and Rudy to form a trumpherate to address the whole mess. They will produce a tv series: “We led NINE wives”

  9. As far as I'm concerned they're all a bunch of vexatious litigants. Their law licenses ought to be called into question. Especially Rudy's. I bet at this point he'd have trouble even signing his name to a bar exam.

    I thought the same as you Bernie. Why the hell the press conference? Why tell us (the public)?. We aren't judges with any kind of legal authority. Just a bunch of phony showman much like their boss,

    Not to mention several congressional members who carry on in much the same way. Rather then address their grievances in committee (where something could actually be done). they're on TV peddling their BS.

  10. 8:00, I’ll have to listen first, but she has already implied chicanery non Facebook, and that’’s a lie. She has linked to claims that a Philly mob boss threw the race, and that’s a lie. Lee has gone downhill. I have disagreed with her stances but considered her honest. I think trump has corrupted her fealty to truth

  11. Trump remains in office until mid-January. If he has a legitimate case we’ll hear all about it. I can wait. His term ends according to our Constitution, not according to media talking heads.

  12. The Trump/Rudy show is feeding the goons and stooges that are still willing to lap it up. The cult needs to be fed regularly or they might start to come out of the stupor they've been in for 4 years. It must be scary times for them.

  13. Ms. Snover and her husband live in fantasy land. They are so far right of right they are close to being left.

    Their show during the verification of absentee and provisional ballots was just short of delusional.

  14. Absolute lunacy...Rudy does not even have command of the application of scrutiny to be applied as the standard of review. "The Normal kind"!!!! Priceless. Citations to "My Cousin Vinny" very rich indeed... The way people are so loyal to this maniac Trump that they would destroy there carears and reputations is unreal. Sidney Powell is also a passenger in the crazy train. Very pathetic.

  15. The reason Giuliani is the leader of the "Elite Strik Force" is that no reputable law firm will ruin their reputation by taking up Trump's delusion.
    Giuliani obviously doesn't have all his faculties and his cohorts are just hoping to get some attention. Trump is now 1 for 28 in his BS lawsuits and his "winner" dealt with nothing that influenced the election outcome.
    Even the majority of Republicans aren't buying the "rigged election/fraud/computer program" BS being fed them.
    When Trump is done having his baby-Trump tantrum, his legacy will be one of trying to destroy our democracy, by failing to honor the will of the majority, and conducting a scorched earth policy on his way out the door.

  16. As a former lawyer, O'hare, I would hope you at least would understand that we should allow the legal arguments, and system, reach the logical and legal end. But, apparently, you are also blinded, or ashamed, or ignorant, and will stand with the mob to force your opinions and ideals on all, right or wrong.

  17. My ward experienced a huge turnout. My poll workers did a great job as did the NorCo elections office. When we experienced problems, there was always a quick response with a great attitude. Those who surrendered their mail-in ballots all brought both necessary pieces. Frankly, I was expecting more confusion and more pissed off voters because of that. Well
    done in educating the voting public. The pic of Mike Snover with binoculars is great. The R's were/are quite picayune with their challenges. I do not believe they want to "disenfranchise"
    anyone (at least locally), they are concerned about the integrity of the election system. Voter fraud does indeed occur. To what extent, I do not know. Mail-in voting increases the risk for irregularities. We should all be concerned about election integrity. There were many confused voters, especially mail-in voters this time. I received 2 mailers from the PA GOP, Harrisburg. The outside of the mailer clearly states, "ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST FORM ENCLOSED". One even has a photo of an older couple holding an absentee ballot. The inside contains an application for a mail-in ballot. Even though the ballots are the same, the applications and criteria for each are not. I believe this to be misleading, disingenuous, and confusing. It was done on purpose to confuse voters. IMHO. There has been no proof so far of any voter fraud which turned the election to Joe Biden. At least, I haven't seen any. Time to put up or shut up. IMHO

  18. LVCI, November 20, 2020 at 8:53 AM

    "vexatious" is in the oath the poll-workers(some) recite on election day! I only heard or saw it twice a year, till now.

  19. 1:17, The legal arguments are being rejected. That's not what bothers me, although the proper place for an opening statement is the courtroom, not the press room. What bothers me is that Trump and his ilk have no intention of letting things take their course. What they instead want to do is subvert the will of the people and have GOP legislatures in key states like Pa pick the electors. https://whyy.org/articles/meet-pennsylvanias-electoral-college-voters-everything-they-can-and-cant-do/

    Trump is meeting with GOP legislators from Michigan today. He lost the popular vote, so now it is he who actually intends to steal the election with baseless claims of fraud.

    He is an evil person, as I have often observed.

  20. Jeff I see vexatious behavior all the time. Come to the courthouse and you will, too.

  21. Here’s my problem. Trump and his supporters do not believe he lost the popular vote. They state a wide variety of reasons why the announced results for every voting district are not all true, or maybe are incomplete. Such IS possible.

    Why would any American not want to know how trustworthy our elections are? If tampering, carelessness, or faulty equipment resulted in false outcomes . . . we need to know. Let’s say, for the moment, there really are problems inherent in the way we determine election winners.
    Those problems need to be corrected before any next election!

    Once again, why not know the truth? Our democracy depends on honest elections. The claims being made by the Trump supporters need to be validated OR disproven. There’s time for that.

    Any good reason to ignore what is being alleged? I can’t think of one.

  22. I have no issue with and welcome audits, hearings and even lawsuits designed to strengthen the system. But that's not what is happening. Trump's elite strike force legal team has no intention of winning in court bc it knows it can't. What it is instead doing is trying its case in the newspapers, trying to whip up a frenzy among Trump's acolytes. Its hope is that this will lead GOP legislators in battleground states like Pa. and Michigan to ignore the vote count and appoint GOP electors who will vote for Trump.

  23. I would like to know where trumps hat were made

  24. Bernie @ 2:07, you are so sure he knows he can’t win in court? Then, why not let him fail there? Everyone deserves their day in court if they believe they were injured, or even just deceived. I’m not afraid to hear a properly adjudicated decision I don’t agree with. There is too much at stake here to discount what is being claimed without each side proving their case to the best of their ability. There is no doubt in my mind results reported in some places are difficult to believe. A thorough examination and reports made under oath are what I want.

  25. I am perfectly willing to let him fail in court, but that's not his game. I told you his real goal is to subvert the popular vote in battleground states by making outrageous claims that are being rejected nearly every day bc there is no proof. But he is not trying to persuade state courts. He is hoping to stir up his base and pressure state legislatures. This has nothing to do with winning in court.

  26. trump wants to stretch out the grifting with all of the appeals for money from his followers.
    trump will use this to pay down his campaign debt.
    trump probably thinks he can flip several legislatures and the republican party is going along.
    The republican party needs trump to fire up his followers for the Senate races in Georgia.
    So the price they have to pay is to play along with trump.
    If the spotlight is on trump rather than Georgia this benefits the republican party.
    Course why would trump care about Georgia Senate races?
    That is the republican party's biggest problem.
    trump only cares about himself.

  27. I encourage all to read or even re-read Orwell’s 1984. Democrat platform is working to create that very world he spoke in the book. They are trying to silence any freethinkers and failure to comply to their wishes deems you irrational, erratic, and all -isms you can’t imagine.

    What we have at this point is an election that has yet to be determined and as much as Democrats are pushing the words: “New Norm” and “My mask protects you” they are trying to push this decision just to name and accept Biden as if it is already over.

    Continue to be freethinkers.

  28. A person who calls herself Warrior is no freethinker. A person who makes a sweeping generalization about a political party is no freethinker. Orwell's 1984 bears a lot more similarity to the authoritarian Trump regime than whatever my party has conjured.

  29. It appears that Trump is having a contest with the president of Russia to see who can kill more people and the Republican party is doing nothing to stop it.

  30. 'What You're Seeing... Is Not What's Happening.' People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

    “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,” Trump said.

    For some, the quote immediately recalled a line from Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


  31. Depending on which 2-3 media outlets you rely on for news . . . . . you might not have a clue about what’s really going on. Journalism in America has lost its way. Trust no media talking heads. Do your own research.

  32. @11:55am-"Do your own research." I am sure Anonymous means clicking on total bullshit conspiracy craziness on Facebook or watching OAN...

  33. Could be. I'd agree that the MSM has lost all semblance of objectivity when it comes to Trump. But they still try to be truthful. The uber right sources concoct outright lies, and many Rs will believe them bc that is what they want to believe.

  34. We must all stop winning in America because it is just to exhausting to watch day in and day out.

  35. Newsmax is the new media outlet with the guts to tell the American truth!

  36. OK- Here’s an example why “Do your own research” is good advice.

    Within hours of last night’s Pennsylvania court decision, personal research outside and deeper than “talking head” information allows, you were able to read ALL 37 pages of the actual decision document. Also, to read statements by learned and respected jurists who explain why this preliminary action is not the end of this particular issue.

    You would understand why Pat Toomey’s reaction was not only premature, but revealing of his true character. There’s still road to travel.

  37. Resist all audits. Should one State fail then more will collapse. Mail-ins and other support from workers at the polls saved Biden. He is the clear winner up to now.

  38. I dd read all 37 pages of the rather scathing opinion.


    It was a frivolous action with no evidence. Of course there will be an appeal and that will be rejected.

    It is also clear that the end of this issue will not come until state legislatures accept the certifications. In the meantime, you will continue to claim massive evidence of a coordinated election fraud scheme involving local election officials state election officials and voting machine companies. It is absurd on its face, but the desire is to whip up the mob to ignore the truth. Everything you dislike will be labeled corrupt or fake news.

  39. Newsmax has been a font of disinformation, but you will flock to sources that tell you what you want to hear. Anything you disagree with is "fake news."

  40. "Resist all audits."

    If you know what you were talking about, which you don't, you'd know that nearly every count in Pa performs a risk limiting audit after every election, and this one is no exception. This is pretty much standard practice.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.