Local Government TV

Thursday, September 17, 2020

NorCo Dashboard Shows Spike in Covid-19 Cases

Northampton County's Daily Dashboard shows a spike in new Covid-19 cases. I am unable to state the reason with certainty, but it does coincide with the recent re-opening of local schools.

On a positive note, there are no recent deaths.


  1. And while restaurants are 25% full and most are wearing masks in public. Just saw a chart showing India's spike, despite a mask law from the beginning of their outbreak that can get you several years of jail time. I want to believe masks work. But all indications are they don't; in India's case, not even a little.

  2. It comes down to more frequent testing! More tests means more test results, with the ‘positives’ getting all the media interest. Look, these tests come in many different forms, from many different manufacturers. There are a wide variety of indicators that suggest Covid is likely. When it’s likely, it is recorded as INFECTED.

    Many persons told they were Positive had no way of knowing, they weren’t feeling ill in any unusual way. Most just rest at home. It’s the number of hospitalizations that are the true flags of a crisis. That number is extremely low.

  3. Reopening of schools and we're now almost 2 weeks removed from Labor Day weekend. Honestly, if we don't see a MAJOR spike over the next week or so, we may have dodged a bullet and people were good about staying outdoors/small groups for their Labor Day parties.

  4. It's only going to get worse.

  5. It appears not all legitimate information gets posted here. In any case, 4:30, perhaps it wasn’t really as bad as we were told. I feel in less danger of infection than before. For me, it is not going to get worse!

  6. 4:30 here. No, it's much worse than Trump admitted. At this point, nothing could be more clear.

    And it's only "not worse" if you continue to be lucky enough not to be infected. Why do you think Trump keeps his distance at rallies and requires that anyone who's otherwise near him has a very recent test? He knows the score, even if you don't.

    Too bad you don't. Good luck with that.

  7. Early on, Democrats demanded Trump take the advice of the medical experts on the response team. He DID that, and still is. If you research back, even those “experts” were less concerned. Now, we find those “experts” were pushing false data. Although, they might not have known it at the time. No one could really understand much about this until months later.

    The charge that Trump botched this in the beginning just doesn’t hold-up. Other than Trump immediately halting all new flights from China, the rest was at the advice and approval of the “experts” who surrounded him.

    Oh, he frequently does wear a protective mask, just as the “experts” still advise. Meaning, in cases where social distance is not possible,

  8. 8:06, early on (February and March) much of the public health advice was based on what we know about other coronaviruses because we didn't know much about the new virus yet. As new information came out about the virus causing the current outbreak, the advice from pubic health professionals changed because we were getting more info about how the virus spreads and how it affects the body. They were never "pushing false data". Early on they just had to make reasonable inferences from other virus.

    Trump, on the other hand, did not update his message with the new information. He stopped flights from China several weeks too late, and it didn't matter because some of the strains in the US came from Europe anyway, which also had hotspots at the time. He has also manipulated info coming out of the CDC, including recently the guidelines on who needs a test.


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