Local Government TV

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Dees: Pen Argyl Schools Close For a Week

Matt Dees has numerous roles. He's West Easton Borough Council President and a very informative blogger. He's the nemesis of West Easton Wingnut Tricia Mezzacappa. But perhaps his most important role is as a school bus driver for differently abled children. In that capacity, he makes the rounds at different school districts. He reports 14 confirmed cases at NorCo school districts, and adds Pen Argyl schools have closed for a week due to two cases. He complains that, as he drives by parks, he sees that both children and their parents are unmasked.

Personally, I think that outdoors, masks are unnecessary unless you are within 6' of another person for more than 15 minutes.


  1. But to be correct you must wear a mask as a political statement, even if you are on the toilet by yourself, outdoors, hunting, fishing, driving in your car. If you dont you are a deplorable and a reactionary.

  2. Give me a break. I have heard no one suggest what you charge, not even among the most strident mask proponents. My point is that masks are unneeded outdoors if you can social distance or limit contact. In fact, that is the state guidance.

  3. 9:39 - YOU are making it a political statement with that comment. Toughen up a little bit, wear the mask in the store as a courtesy to the employees and other customers who don't know you or where you've been, then when you leave the store, take the damn mask off. It really is that simple, nothing more, nothing less.

  4. I never wear a mask during my morning hikes, but I keep one in my pocket should the need arise. If I have to be near others I wear my mask during that time. People need to use common sense, which apparently even the TrumpFuhrer doesn't have much of.

  5. "Mr. Biden, addressing reporters after receiving a briefing from public health experts, said every American should wear a mask while outside for at least the next three months and that all governors should mandate mask wearing."


  6. I agree with you Bernie, but it has become a political statement.

  7. He stated just Pen Argyl High School.


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