Local Government TV

Friday, September 18, 2020

Ballot By Demand

Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure voted yesterday. Let's say you hate waiting in line but are concerned about applying for a mail-in ballot. You can do what he did. It's called ballot-by demand. You can walk into the elections office, fill out an application, receive a ballot and vote then and there. No fuss, no muss.

McClure told County Council yesterday that, starting October 1, the courthouse will be open from 8 am until 8 pm for people who want to vote that way. If you've already applied for a mail-in ballot, you'll have to wait for it.
* The Pennsylvania Supreme Court yesterday extended the time in which mail-in ballots must be received by three days so long as the ballot is post-marked by 8 pm an election day. In effect, it re-wrote the law.


  1. Voting on September 17 for a November election is the act of a mindless partisan who doesn't even want to see debates or understand what develops in six long weeks in this very crazy year. I'm fine with early voting. But six weeks early for a supposed thinker speaks volumes about a small mind and big partisanship. Thats the kind of guy who sits back and says nothing while his elderly are put to death in Gracedale because he's a shitty partisan who wouldn't dare criticize Wolf. Disgraceful. But gram always said, what does one expect from a pig, but a grunt. You be you, Lamont.

  2. Funny how even the left leaning newspapers call it a win for Biden.
    No postmarks on envelopes????? Man, this election won't be decided until mid 2021 at the earliest.

  3. from the Court decision
    "We must in all instances assume that the General Assembly does not intend a
    statute to be interpreted in a way that leads to an absurd or unreasonable result. "
    I admire their optimism.
    Count 3 seems to allow rejection of ballots due to minor errors--wrong ink color if i read that correctly.whether that can lead to ballot rejection based on individual counties and what they view as an error might be a problem.
    Also the fear of third parties collecting and then delivering multiple mail in ballots is negated.

  4. Lamont's a boob. Vote 45 days before an election and boast about it shows true colors, a party politics guy.

  5. Typical Lamont. Voting 45 days prior with no respect for election cycles. Partisianship that doesn't care what develops in local races. Local government is important but he's just a party guy. Here's your proof.

  6. Speaking of partisans, I can't help but think these nonstop attacks on McClure are themselves partisan. By the way, as soon as I get my ballot, I'll be voting. It has nothing to do with partisanship. The choice is that clear.

  7. I wish I knew this before. I would've do so. I am awaiting my ballot. #BYEDON2020

  8. I'm curious...Let's say I vote by mail for Trump. Then, let's presume, video comes out of him on Epstein's Island raping three (3) 10yo girls. It's conceivable. Is there anyway that I be able to change my vote on November 3rd?

  9. Republicans sure hate it when everybody gets to vote.

    Get used to disappointment.

  10. September 18, 2020, at 10:25 AM BO wrote:

    "In effect, it re-wrote the law."

    Even though the law may have needed to be changed, it is not the court's "job" to rewrite the law or to make law in any circumstance. The ends do not justify the means. The writing of laws is the responsibility of the legislative branch. Both federally and statewide. Both the US and PA constitutions divide the government into three specific branches, each with specific duties. IMHO.

  11. September 18, 2020, at 10:25 AM BO wrote:

    "In effect, it re-wrote the law."

    Even though the law may have needed to be changed, it is not the court's "job" to rewrite the law or to make law in any circumstance. The ends do not justify the means. The writing of laws is the responsibility of the legislative branch. Both federally and statewide. Both the US and PA constitutions divide the government into three specific branches, each with specific duties. IMHO.

  12. Correct..the choice IS that clear! The debates are a media sideshow at best and for those who have no clue what is going on politically in Amerika. Wait? For what? Another virus outbreak? Another SCOTUS decision prompted by a trump beef? Vote early and avoid the bs!

  13. No fuss no muss my a$$. First you may or may not have to pay for parking, (I don’t know anyone that pays for parking on election day) And second you have to stand in line and empty your pockets and go through metal detectors, and then get A metal detector wand shoved up between your legs. Forget it I’ll vote the American way, get my a$$ dressed go to my voting poll and cast my ballot.

  14. Bernie, will you be voting left or right as we all know you are a ambidextrous written.

  15. Your nonstop love slurping for McClure is not just partisan but disturbing. Not even one debate yet and needs to have his mug on media by the tax payed photographer he hired. He is an elitist just like you. He was a lazy council person and is a lazy autocrat with a short fuse.

    His nonstop public relations social media is one thing. When he uses voting to get his mug out there is something else. It is irresponsible. Save you love for your texts and spare us the nonstop love letters to McClure. How about some real news.

  16. Bernie, please make your predictions early this year. You're the most accurate prognosticator of the wrong candidates. It's uncanny. I'd like to place my bets earlier this year. Can you do me a solid?

  17. Does this latest Court ruling mean that we can go to the polls, sign in, and come back 3 days later to vote?

  18. No. Three day extension is for reception of ballots postmarked by Nov3

  19. Bernie, I believe I read somewhere, having no postmark is actually OK. But, maybe that was Michigan,, not PA.

  20. The ballots sent out will include postmarked envelopes. But as a matter of policy, USPS always honors ballots with no stamp.

  21. Post marked here only. If. Things get stupid around election time I’ve got spare headroom for you Bernie Evan though your —- if the shooting starts you come here .

  22. Hopefully, whatever is sent out ahead for use, no matter with a traditional stamp, a postage meter print, or a prepaid bulk mail images still requires a final postmark cancellation image of some sort to ensure the returned ballot really WAS received no later than Election Day. If not, every one of the pieces that arrive during the 3 days after Election Night must not be counted in the final vote count, or there surely will be challenges all across the state.

  23. 8am to 8pm what a coincidence the City of Easton‘s parking meters will be in effect.


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