Local Government TV

Monday, July 13, 2020

APD Updates Public, Produces Video Showing Police Were Rendering Assistance

From Allentown Police Department: The Allentown Police Department continues to swiftly investigate the event of July 11, 2020 outside the
Sacred Heart Campus in the 400 block of W. Chew Street. Pursuant to the investigation, witnesses are being interviewed and evidence is being collected.

Attached to this updated press release is a video of the event captured from a vantage point from across the street from the incident. The video is approximately 9 minutes in length. During the first 4 minutes of the video an individual is observed to enter the frame who appears to be suffering from a medical, mental health or drug and alcohol crisis. The individual appears to vomit multiple times, he is also observed to drop his cell phone and he appears to have trouble walking and standing. Two Allentown Police Officers who were at the hospital on an unrelated matter are observed communicating and interacting with the distressed person in an effort to direct him towards the emergency room entrance.

The Middle portion of the video depicts a physical interaction between the individual, police and hospital staff. Approximately 23 seconds of middle portion of the video is reflected in what has been observed on social media. During the physical interaction, a breathable spit mask is placed over the head of the individual. The mask is used to protect hospital staff, officers and others from coming into contact with bodily fluids such as vomit and saliva The final portion of the video depicts hospital staff and police escorting the individual into the hospital. The individual received treatment and was later released.

The investigation is ongoing and additional information will be forthcoming. The Lehigh County District Attorney continues to investigate the matter and will release a statement when his review is complete, which is not anticipated until late this week.

The video can be viewed via our website at https://www.allentownpa.gov/police

Blogger's Note: I watched the video in its entirety. It showed a man who was disoriented, unsteady on his feet and vomiting repeatedly into the street. Two officers spent a number of minutes watching him. It looked like he was at the hospital because he was in need of treatment. He tried to assist officers, but was a bit out of it and fell to the ground. From there, officers attempted and eventually succeeded in putting a spit mask on this gentleman. From time to time, one officer's knee appears to have been on this person's neck. It appears to have been inadvertent and related to difficulties in placing a spit mask on someone who was really a patient. I saw no abuse. I saw nothing to justify the histrionics started by convicted drug felon Hasshan Batts. He referred on Twitter to police officers trying to help their fellow man as "savages." Sounds like a racist term.


  1. just might want to check out 4:47....seems like he had a little help "falling to the ground"

  2. That's bullshit. Two officers were attempting to walk with the gentleman when he lost his footing, which was already very unsteady, and went down. There is not even a hint of brutality.

  3. Maybe Dr Hassan batt shit crazy enticed the activists of today's party with the same as his institutional crime of giving children in his care street drugs. Very simple to induce impressionable children with government paid for drugs from the great Alan Jennings money pot of the valley.

    Tell it like it is Bernie, I had seen the same drug interaction with the other person too!

  4. "That's bullshit. Two officers were attempting to walk with the gentleman when he lost his footing, which was already very unsteady, and went down. There is not even a hint of brutality."

    Correct analysis Bernie.
    What they should be protesting is the embarrassment of a brother's behavior. If they did nothing, they'd be ridiculed. They attempt to take this guy off the street as he could be hit by a car. He was staggering in the street and some cars had to swerve so they would not hit him.

    The officers tried to help him with medical personal and they are protesting in the streets of Allentown. Nice job officers! You handled it with professionalism and as gentle as you could be with this guy who was spitting and fighting you every step of the way until you had him under control.

  5. Totally agree with your assessment, Bernie. The guy was a mess, stumbling around, vomiting, incoherent. The cops were there on another matter. They tried to direct the guy to the ER entrance. Eventually there was a scuffle requiring the cops to get him on the ground. The one cop's knee was clearly on the guy's shoulder blades, not his neck. His shin was on the guy's head. There was no obstruction of airway. Batts is a demagogue who took full advantage of a 30 second passerby video to stir the police brutality pot. Outside BLM agitators were bussed in with professionally produced banners and t-shirts. Just another rodeo for them.

  6. And look how predictably fast and prematurely your favorite public trough feeder Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg was in condeming the police. He was first out of the gate in shilling for votes. At least C.C. "Rider" Gerlach kept her powder dry, suggesting that people wait for a thorough investigation. But irresponsible elected officials like Schlopsberg couldn't help themselves in piling on.

  7. Bernie, even the police's account contradicts yours. They claim he spat at them which sounds to me like they realize they messed up and are making excuses. The Allentown PD says "the individual began to yell scream and spit at the officers and hospital staff", which is not supported by the video.

    He was already on his knees when the officers approached him. They lifted him to his feet and the officer with his back to the camera kicked the man's legs out from under him. Watch the full video posted on the Allentown PD's website starting at 4:21. He didn't fall on his own as you are suggesting.

  8. You know nothing. You claim to be the judge of what is right and wrong but it always depends on who you like or don't like.

    In this case two prominent county leaders have condemned the actions of the APD., Amy Zinnelli and Tara Zirinski have stated this was wrong and a civil right violation.

  9. Should not have been police involved at all! Outside the doors of a hospital emergency room, where were the medical experts trained in this type of situation? No one appears to be talking with him, encouraging him to come inside for help? He gets on his knees and assumes the position then seems to be forcibly cuffed? Couldn't he have been coaxed into walking into the hospital?

  10. Don’t let a 5 second clip distort the reality of this

  11. "Should not have been police involved at all! Outside the doors of a hospital emergency room, where were the medical experts trained in this type of situation? No one appears to be talking with him, encouraging him to come inside for help? He gets on his knees and assumes the position then seems to be forcibly cuffed? Couldn't he have been coaxed into walking into the hospital?"

    This situation shows why police involvement is so helpful to hospital personnel. The patient was vomiting all over the place. If he came into the hospital without a spit shield, it is very possible he could vomit all over staff or other patients. Had you been there, he could have vomited all over you. Then you'd be demanding to know why police did nothing. It is obvious this guy could not be coaxed to walk unassisted. The only persons who have the training to deal with a disoriented person like this are police. They reacted professionally and only used the force needed to get a spit shield on.

  12. "Eventually there was a scuffle requiring the cops to get him on the ground. The one cop's knee was clearly on the guy's shoulder blades, not his neck."

    I saw no scuffle. It appears to me that the patient lost his footing. It also seems to me that the officer may have incidentally had his knee on the patient's neck from time to time, but you may be right. In any event, he was trying to help the guy, not hurt him.

  13. "In this case two prominent county leaders have condemned the actions of the APD., Amy Zinnelli and Tara Zirinski have stated this was wrong and a civil right violation."

    I'm fairly certain this is outright disinformation.

    "Batts is a demagogue who took full advantage of a 30 second passerby video to stir the police brutality pot. "

    Agree. I would add he is a convicted drug felon.

    "And look how predictably fast and prematurely your favorite public trough feeder Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg was in condeming the police."

    This also appears to be disinformation. He claimed to have been "horrified" by the brief video available, but called for an investigation, saying "[i]t is only through an investigation that this truth can be obtained and any consequences can be determined."

    It increasingly appears that the sole consequence should be an apology from instigators like Batts.

  14. “I saw no scuffle. It appears to me that the patient lost his footing.”

    He lost his footing because the video shows one officer tripping him to get him down so that he could be dealt with medically - a perfectly acceptable technique. The incredibly short amount of time (seconds) that the officer’s shin is on the individual’s head and the the officer’s knee is on or near the top of the individual’s spine is probably less time than that taken by the person driving to stop, focus their camera, and start this entire unwarranted attack on the police officers. Professional action by all law enforcement and medical personnel on the scene.

  15. FLAKKA must get more FLAKKA, I can read the details ones lips between puking and spitting and that's what he is saying.

  16. Why didn't someone get a wheelchair for this individual. He certainly was unsteady on his feet. If a hospital employee had been proactive the incident may not have happened.

  17. Three Points:
    (1) Where is this so called victim at the protests? MIA
    (2) Everyone seems to be overlooking the fact police had no idea if this guy was armed.
    (3) From the time of the first encounter till he was walked into the hospital was less then 10 minutes. I'd say that's a pretty good response time.

  18. Good for you, Bernie. As Churchill said, "A lie gets halfway around the world before truth puts on its boots." Welcome to the same lies and distortions that still carry the myth, "hands up, don't shoot," re: a violent and dangerous criminal who was justifiably shot - per everybody, including Obama's DOJ, in Ferguson MO. A lot of bad policy is based upon lies like this.

    It's a tragic version of the scene from Animal House when Blutarsky reminds the frat that we didn't give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. "Germans?" "Forget it. He's rolling." The only acceptable narrative among politicians and media at this time is that cops are bad and they are routinely murdering blacks. Full stop. Those who beg to differ - especially by evaluating on a case by case basis - are keeping their heads down and mouths shut for their safety and that of their loved ones. I hope they show up on election day when expressing one's opinion can be done in privacy and safety. Something tells me they will.

  19. Watched the video and the officer put his knee on the guy's neck twice...long before they actually put the head covering on him. The officer had only his hand holding his head down for a while when they finally approached with the head covering. So the knee seemed to be unnecessary both times they did it.

  20. Those who lead the BLM organizations need to stop doubling down on their demands against these officers. We can all see the video and it is not a George Floyd situation. Many of us believe the statement "black lives matter" but don't subscribe to de-funding police, and the other extreme demands of the organization Black Lives Matter.

    It would be best if those who believe black lives matter, created an organization separate from Black Lives Matter. The conservative right and racists are using a broad brush to discredit the call to end systemic racism.

  21. @ 10:33- You are spot on. BLM has become the Tea Party of the Left only more extreme.

  22. This is certainly not like the George Floyd 8:46 incident.

    George Floyd was being handcuffed and arrested by police, something he was familiar with bases on his criminal record, and was uncooperative and the police clearly screwed it up.

    The :23 video appeared to show a man resisting arrested while being cuffed, it appeared to be good police work.

    The 9:39 video showed a man that was visibly disoriented and ill 30 feet from the entrance to the emergency room and was on he's knees apparently fearful of the police.

    I'm not sure I understand why he had to be first cuffed to be assisted or to assist medical personnel with the puke shield, he didn't appear to be intentional spitting or resisting.

    Although some explanation as to the cuffing is necessary, I don't think this video shows brutality as much as indifference, and believe that upon procedural review the assistance rendered leaves room for improvement if perfection of the craft is the goal.

  23. I need you doctors to patch up this Commie so I can get him down to Seoul to be executed.
    Signed Colonel Flagg


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