Local Government TV

Monday, July 13, 2020

Jewish Lives Matter

Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson has tweeted not one, but a series of anti-Semitic slurs. After being taken to task, he initially claimed others "took my post the wrong way. " He followed up by reposting part of a speech from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan claiming, " "The [white Jews] will extort America, their plan for world domination won't work if the Negroes know who they were." I see. That explains everything. He's both racist and anti-Semitic. I agree that black lives matter. So do Jewish lives. Amazingly, the Philadelphia Eagles, whose team owner and President happen to be Jewish, have been painfully slow to react.

The Eagles have just announced an unspecified fine for "conduct detrimental to the team." Jackson has, of course, issued a bullshit apology written by crisis managers. He supposedly is going to "educate himself." Seems to me he's already been educated. The only appropriate reaction is to dump him.

If Eagles refuse, dump them.


  1. or the extreme attempt at an excuse
    "In a letter written to the Wilmington Civil Service Board, Gilmore explained that he believes he should not have been fired, because his comments were not motivated by racism, but rather by his personal religious beliefs about idolatry."

  2. This story very clearly shows the dangers of living in a bubble. Despite being a public figure, evidently, DeSean Jackson only interacts with people who think just like he does. It never occurred to him that this was objectionable, and there’s some question as to whether he realizes it even now. A handful of his teammates have actually come out and said he “spoke the truth.”

    This obviously doesn’t fit the media “narrative”. But consider some other things that the media seem to be uninterested in:

    The silence of the NBA regarding oppression in China (and in some cases, blatant racism.) And along those lines, do you suppose Nike products are manufactured under humane conditions?

    The silence of countless “people of color” who played for the Washington NFL team through the years who had no problem with the nickname.

    At least Malcolm Jenkins was honest when he said “allow those who were impacted by it to voice their grievances.” In other words…not my problem.

    We increasingly live in a world where freedoms are considered “conditional” things. Basically, “you’re free to do what you want, on the condition that ‘I’ don’t disagree with it.”

  3. Done with the NFL, it's no longer sports, it's all politics all the time. Makes me sick. No longer enjoyable. I have moved on.

  4. They didn't dump Riley Cooper a couple years ago, so they've sort of painted themselves into a corner here, not to mention that Jackson's first run with the team ended in a bad light with Chip Kelly insinuating unsubstantiated gang ties as one of the reasons he was let go.

    Apparently Jackson and Patriot WR Julian Edelman will spend a day together in DC touring the Holocaust and African American History museums. Ignorance certainly isn't a defense, but hopefully the series of events will lead to some enlightenment.

  5. I am insignificant matter.

    The self delusion amazes me, that one can know of the universe and think they are of any importance to it.

    Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.


  7. Seems Jackson has now accepted an invitation to Auschwitz. Maybe Lurie will escort him and pay for the plane tix. This guy is scum.

  8. Jews are OK until they start acting Jewish. It's just like Catholics are OK until they act Catholic. Muslims seem to be OK until they start acting Muslim. As we become more secular, fewer have any problems when someone spews their hate toward religion.


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