Local Government TV

Monday, June 22, 2020

Zrinski Smears Elected Officials Who Missed a BLM Rally ... in Hellertown

Earlier this month, a BLM rally in Hellertown drew a crowd of about 300. Ordinarily, rallies about racial injustice are city affairs. This time is different, with many smaller communities participating. Nazareth, where I live, had one of the first of these peaceful protests. They are an opportunity for victims of prejudice to speak out and express their fears. But if you're running for the State House and your name is Tara Zrinski, it's the perfect opportunity for virtue signalling while throwing other elected officials under the bus.

Zrinski was at Hellertown's rally. Though she herself is a product of white privilege, she spoke. According to Saucon Source, she asked those who are elected officials to raise their hands. Lower Saucon Council member Priscilla deLeon raised her always well-manicured hand, but she was the only one. “We should be all asking here today, where are you?” Zrinski zinged at every elected official everywhere.

Funny thing. I did not see Zrinski at the rally In Nazareth, and I'm sure she's missed most of them. She has a hard enough time getting to Council Committee meetings. But there she was, blasting away at elected officials who have helped her raise money in her quixotic quest to become state representative in a heavily Republican district.


  1. You can't be surprised, the woman is nuts. Some of her former supporters have said her plan is state rep, then state senator and then Congress. Seriously, she is whacko.

    Her sellout of her fellow local elected officials did not go without notice. She went to Hellertown and screamed where are they. She also screamed "I am white" over and over, very weird. Many officials were not even aware of the rally she was being deceitful to male herself look good. The only reason she went to that and not Nazareth was that Hellertown organizers promised her she could give a speech. I doubt Nazareth was interested in hearing from a pampered white woman.

    She will hopefully lose in the Fall and I hear other dems don't even want her on county council anymore. She is all about herself and is a user. She should get therapy.

  2. She attended a crowded rally with zero concern for public health. My aunt died without family by her side and her funeral was limited to 10 family members. She's criticizing people for following safe distancing practices, while spreading her filthy germs to untold numbers of her potential victims? She is a soulless, heartless excuse for a human. I see her gums flapping about caring for others. But I watch her actions, which are thoughtless and careless and sociopathic. A million masks can't hide the hateful, hypocritical ass that she truly is. Is this idiot running for something? I'd like to show up early to vote against her. What a POS.

  3. Can't believe she is considered a viable candidate. But, I am sure most of the ones who are considering voting for her have rarely showed up at a Northampton County government meeting or attempted to watch it online. Opponent should publish her attendance record and disruptions and inane comments when she does show up.

  4. She was also at the Easton Hospital protest by workers who St. Lukes issued pink slips to as was Matt Muncey and Jim Irwin the local union rep. among others as well as McClure. She spoke there and issued a FB video of her impromptu speech. FYI.

  5. Where's the Lehigh Valley democratic party leaders? Can't find a candidate with half a brain?

  6. there is no Lehigh Valley Democratic Party Leaders at this point in time
    The Ds only have Munchie in Easton and who knows who runs Lehigh County
    it is a total mess

    1. Stretch the old meat wagon cop that road with hanna from Allentown. Criminals one and all from top to bottom, remember they also worked for the indicted Allentown mayor palumpashitsky!

  7. I'm white without privilege. No hand outs, special favors, and I paid traffic and non traffic fines. Got a good job without knowing ONE PERSON there. And there are blacks, Spanish, ...... there also. White privilege is someone trying to make whites feel guilty. I've probably given more money to Gofundme campaigns involving blacks than whites. For medical costs, accidents,.. And give to Asian... (Hope Asian is not a slant word.) I am NOT voting for this idiot either. We're all one.

  8. 7:47, I have no problem with any rally, whether it is to support unions, BLM or to oppose the shutdown. We have a first amendment. But Zrinski is a strange choice for a pro-union rally as she herself does not and has never belonged to one by her own admission.

  9. She has publicly supported looting and she has the right to do so. But...how would she feel if the looting came to her quiet little neighborhood in West Bethlehem? How would she feel if the looters stopped destroying their own neighborhoods and started looting in the white suburban areas? If the looters came to her community to smash down doors, loot personal belongings and burn houses and businesses down would she passively step aside and allow it since in her mind it's only fair? This scenario is not as far fetched as it may appear, especially in light of efforts to de-fund the police.

  10. She's probably the only D who will lose in the Lehigh Valley.

  11. She reminds me of the “despicable me” character.

  12. She will never be elected up there in the SB. She is just a name and the region is overwhelmingly..RED! There is no stepping stone to where she wants to go. I only knew her previously as an educator of sorts and a religious studies person. She has no idea what representative government is about. Her reign will be short lived at county.

  13. I'm sorry, but there's a difference between "Black lives matter" (the statement) and Black Lives Matter (the organization).

    The former is a statement that I think most can agree with. The latter is a radical socialist group that's using (and even deliberately stoking) racial unrest to further their radical socialist goals. A recent BLM rally in Allentown's Rose Garden was even organized by the Democrat Socialists of America (DSA).*

    So I guess that's my way of saying that I'm not surprised that a radical democrat socialist like Zrinski shows up and spews at a BLM (the organization) rally.

    *As an aside, the DSA-BLM connection at the Allentown Rose Garden rally came from a little investigating by Michael Molovinsky, so credit to him. You would think that our local newspaper would have reported something like that, or would at least be asking those questions themselves. But apparently they either didn't think of the question or didn't feel reporting on that was newsworthy. Above all, the narrative has to be protected, and that doesn't fit the narrative.

    I expect that BLM and the DSA won't be so sloppy in the future, and will do better at hiding the coordination between the two groups.

  14. I've seen way too many elected incompetent officials think that they're best suited for a higher office. Here's another.
    She obviously has delusions of adequacy.
    Her actions and words are totally unencumbered by the thought process.

  15. There are 2 black lives matter...

    The first, black lives matter is a general sentiment most people hold which is that darker skinned people matter as much as anyone else.

    That is not at all what these so called protest are about, they are Biden rallies.

    The second, "Black Lives Matter" is a false pretense, a corporate fiction, created for the purpose of supporting democrats running for office of mostly lighter skin hues.

    BLM provides an insurgence to destabilized the national politic, create mayhem, while insulating Joe Biden and the corporate democratic party from the civil unrest they instigate then blame on the boxed out Bernie Sanders progressive left. The BLM corporation has little to do with helping darker skinned people and more to do with electing Joe Biden.

    Sunblest Holdings is to Mark DiLuzio


    Black Lives Matter is to Democrat party and Joe Biden


  16. 10:29 am
    I had been wondering what that rock that thing crawled from beneath? I see now it is a cartoon chapter that runs with whatever circus carnival it thinks is relevant.

    The whole of the lehighvalley needs some real leaders not these imports thinking they know what is best for us life long institutional residence know is best.

  17. Met her at a seminar over a year ago.. She is full of herself. An elitist without credentials. Only reason she got elected to County Council was a terrible stain on local government left by John Brown and crew. She is blind ambition , no real talent or intellect . She is running in a district that is incapable of ever voting for a candidate that mouths her nonsense. Her Republican opponent is weak. That said,Zirinski will not get 30% of the vote. She is a joke as a county elected and hopefully will leave political life allowing a centerist democrat to replace her on county council. If she really has any followers they should be watched for potential brain wave malfunctions and could prove hazardous if allowed to drive on local roads.

  18. "The whole of the lehighvalley needs some real leaders not these imports "

    So far as I know, Zrinski is a LV original.

  19. "She is a joke as a county elected and hopefully will leave political life allowing a centerist democrat to replace her on county council."

    If not, she should be primaried.

  20. I will vote for her in November, if for no other reason than in this climate I refuse to vote for any Republican. Why is that? They have horrendous policies that impact the environment, they passed a bill to legalize airborne fireworks that destroys people's ability to enjoy their properties, and they are playing political games against Wolf at a time when we need them to legislate needed laws. On the federal level they have clung to Trump like superglue despite peril to the country and their party. I am an independent, and have voted for both R's and D's. No way no how, in 2020.

  21. I would never vote for a candidate I know is bad, and you are no independent.

  22. Anon 7:04, Instead of pretending to support BLM when she is allowed to give public speeches she should take care of her own kids. Check into the shameful way she abandoned her own as a child. She brags about her involvement in his life and it is a lie. She cut him loose in his youth.
    She is not a good person. She is a fraud who was running for higher office the minute she got elected to county council. She told people she is bored with county government and seeks a bigger stage.

    I am a proud lifelong Dem and will vote for Flood!!!

  23. 100% Tara Zrinski learned about Juneteenth because of Trump 100%

  24. It would be helpful if you wrote more clearly. Your comment makes 0% sense.

  25. On Facebook she stated she is going to introduce a County Resolution banning private fireworks in the county. Was not aware the county was responsible for fireworks. Who knew?

  26. @12:55
    If that's true she is a bigger idiot than everyone thinks she is. She can't ban the sale of them through a resolution and every community already has an ordinance banning their use in populated areas.

  27. I see nothing about this on her candidate Facebook page. Is this from her personal Facebook page. She blocked me after the first time I criticized her here so I am unable to see it.

  28. So she supports defunding the police. Great. BLM's main demand is to defund the police, you can't support one without wanting the other.

  29. Sure you can. Don't be ridiculous. Zrinski screws up enough on her own without your silly and illogical arguments.

  30. She posted it on someone else's Facebook page after complaints about noise. She commented that she could do a county resolution pushing municipal leaders to enforce local noise laws.

  31. Below is what she said in response to a fireworks complaint, this just shows you she doesn't know what she is talking about. Willing to bet most, if not all are already municipal ordinances.

    I hear you. I think the most we could do at the county level is a resolution urging municipalities to put restrictions —either time or distance— through Zoning.
    “What are the restrictions on where they can be used?
    They cannot be ignited or discharged on a public or private property without express permission of the property owner.
    They cannot be discharged from or within a motor vehicle or building.
    They cannot be discharged toward a motor vehicle or building.
    They cannot be discharged within 150 feet of an occupied structure, whether or not a person is actually present.
    They cannot be discharged while the person is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or another drug.
    Also, it is recommended that you check with your local municipality, as you may also be subject to applicable local ordinance.”

  32. Some laughable inaccuracies in these comments, but the gossipy and ultimately trivial focus on Zrinski's appearance instead of the main fricking point is sadly unsurprising.

    She was one of about 12-15 speakers who were virtually all people of color including the young people from Saucon Valley who got the movement going in Saucon. Which you ignore 100%.

    There was no pressure or expectation from organizers for officials to attend, and the emphasis was on POC speakers and POC organization and some pretty damn notorious problems of racism and injustice in Saucon Valley that those speakers enumerated again and again. That's what you're missing here, above all, and it sucks. Instead, once again, as always, we're back to the woundedness of white people.

  33. Bernie,
    I watch the videos of the Northampton County Council meetings and I don't think I've ever seen one where Tara Zrinski wasn't there.

    I personally think it is legitimate to ask where are our elected officials in improving a country where people of color can be murdered and assaulted by police officers with impunity. Police officer Protections are written into the laws and statutes of nearly every community. It shouldn't matter who you are assault is a crime, murder is a crime.

  34. anon 12:39, You are missing the point. This post is about Tara Zirinski. She is an opportunist who could care less about your cause. She was never involved in anything until she decided to get a job a a state representative.

    She is a phony and a fraud. You should direct your concerns to her.

  35. "I watch the videos of the Northampton County Council meetings and I don't think I've ever seen one where Tara Zrinski wasn't there."

    Her attendance at County Council meetings is pretty good. Hewr attendance at Council Committee meetings is not.

    "I personally think it is legitimate to ask where are our elected officials in improving a country where people of color can be murdered and assaulted by police officers with impunity."

    If course, but that is not what she was doing. She was instead slurring elected officials for not being at a racism awareness rally in Hellertown. That was petty.

  36. "Instead, once again, as always, we're back to the woundedness of white people."

    Is that even a word? I have written numerous times about racism, including several stories about what happened at Saucon Valley High School. The focus of this story was a white woman running for office who smeared elected officials everywhere, including those of color.

  37. So my friends daughter just graduated college. She says to me that she supports BLM. I said really? Do you support defunding the police. She says no, that would be stupid she says. Have you ever been on their website? No she answered. Did you know defunding, and in some chapters, abolishing the police are their number one demand? No way she says. You should check out what something stands for, and what their demands are, before wholeheartedly throwing your support behind that organization. The demands vary by chapter. They have raised tons of money on the pretense that it goes to help black people, but nobody really knows where the money goes. BLM's leaders do not have to answer question they don't like, because they'll just call you a racist and move on.

  38. Woundedness LOL. Wow.


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