Local Government TV

Monday, June 22, 2020

Biden's Best Campaign Strategy? Do Nothing

With the presidential election looming just five months from now, what should Joe Biden be doing? I'm no campaign manager, but think our former VP has hit the right strategy in doing as little as possible while Donald Trump implodes.

Trump's Tulsa rally was a disaster. Amazingly, only 6,200 of his faithful showed up. His re-election has been hobbled by his poor leadership during a pandemic, which has resulted in the worst crippling unemployment seen since the Great Depression. Instead of attempting to soothe the justifiable outrage at police brutality towards minorities, Trump stoked the flames. Before the rally even got underway, he lumped peaceful protesters with "anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes." He ominously warned "you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!" Can anyone say banana republic?

Trump failed to even mention George Floyd, whose death sparked this national outrage. Instead of addressing racial divisions, Trump drove the wedge in deeper by defending Confederate statues. He slurred anyone of Asian descent by referring to Covid-19 as the "kung flu." In other words, he was his typical, ugly self.

Biden, who has always been gaffe-prone, is suddenly ahead in six battleground states. I believe he will stay that way and might even pick up support if he remains above the fray and refuses to engage Trump. He has portrayed himself as a uniter, and as such, should refuse to debate Trump. Not because he'd lose, which he would, but because Trump would drag him down into the gutter. The argument could be made, and I think it;s a good one, that the office of President has been tarred enough.


  1. We are witnessing an all out, desperate attempt to remove a non-politician from the White House. Trillions of dollars are at stake for several factions who make fortunes from a corrupt, special interest driven Federal bureaucracy. Yes, the Deep State, the Swamp, whatever you want to call it, is real. It’s dangerous.

    Even a Trump second term won’t be able to fix this predicament for American taxpayers and their families. That would, however, buy a little more time to prepare for what’s ahead. The outlook for this once great nation is not good.

    For a preview of life in this ‘new’ America, look to Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City.

    Can’t already see the pattern, the plan? It’s all before you, just open your eyes.

  2. 1:39 am: You mean we're watching the end of amateur hour in the White House.

  3. Nailed it to a tee @ 1:39 AM I Feel sad for Biden why on earth his Family keeps putting him out there is pitiful ! Let him retire without making a fool of Himself.

  4. "For a preview of life in this ‘new’ America, look to Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City."

    So if Biden wins???????????? America becomes Great?

    @1:39 says it best right now.

    Bernie, what happens if Biden wins??????

  5. If you feel bad for Biden, that's a good thing. You have empathy for him, something you lacked with Clinton. Biden is a better candidate than she. He is gaffe-prone, but likable. If the economy turns around in a hurry and Covid-19 goes away, Trump has a shot. Otherwise, he loses.

  6. @1:39 - As it happens, I have been to "Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City." and a few other major cities, in some cases multiple times over the past 24 months. Felt completely safe in every one of them as I traveled around them. You need to get out of your house more and stop judging people so much, you might find some happiness in your life.

  7. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "..refuses to engage Trump. He has portrayed himself as a uniter, and as such, should refuse to debate Trump. Not because he'd lose, which he would, but because Trump would drag him down into the gutter.

    You can't be serious.

    You routinely blast candidates because they won't debate their opponents, yet you expect this country to elect someone as President who is afraid to debate HIS opponent? If he can't stand up and win against Trump, how is he going to stand up and win against the leaders of nations that are our enemies?

    Biden isn't all there. He hasn't even had a press conference for 80 days because he's going senile and can't handle anything beyond prepared questions.

    I guess you're being a good DNC operative but regurgitating their trial balloon for Biden skipping debates, but what you're proposing is ridiculous.

    Besides Biden's diminished capacity, the Democrat party fears having their positions on issues going head-to-head with Trump's positions. In multiple debates that are watched by millions of Americans, it reduces the ability of democrats in the press to spin whatever is said to Biden's advantage. It's harder for the press to lie when people hear and see the candidates up against each other.

  8. 9:49 -

    Then why don't you live in one of those Democrat utopias?

  9. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" - Napoleon

    My guess is Biden is going to stick with the low profile agenda thru July, probably into mid-August and the convention if he can. Right now that strategy is working as Trump is seemingly walking around a dark room full of garden rakes and doing Biden's work for him.

    With 5 months to go and polls in his favor, there is really no benefit for Biden to raise his profile right now and risk making some goofy/corny misstep that shifts focus/narrative of the campaigns. Biden can't/shouldn't duck the 3 scheduled debates with Trump, but certainly not agree to any additional ones either.

    Independent/undecided voters are looking at Trump right now and at best, see a guy pushing buttons and pulling levers trying to make something happen but with a lot of bluster and chaos, at worst they're focusing on a sitting President out of touch with the majority of the country and seemingly very willing to abuse his powers to stay in office.

    Luckily for Trump the election isn't tomorrow and there is time to make up ground. He's losing by 10 points right now, the clock is ticking and his offense is out of sync at the moment. The question to be answered over these summer months is who is holding the clipboard and headset on the sidelines - Bill Belichick or Rich Kotite?

  10. Trump has surrounded himself with incompetent, self serving idiots who have completely mismanaged his administration with blunder after blunder.

    He/they hung their entire reelection hopes on "Look at the economy!" With that tent pole snapped, they're trying to pivot to "Law & Order" and Rally around the flag?!?!? Jeezuz, read the room.

  11. Trump was at his best at the rally. An amazing 2 hours of energetic speech. The crowd was highly enthusiastic. The arena was not full, probably due to last-minute concerns people may have had about the virus, or pranks on social media. But if was the first in months, and but a "warm up" to what should be far larger crowds in the future. The lame stream media's attempt to portray Trump as being in failing health was a farce. Trump showed more energy in one night than Biden could muster in a year. If Biden wins, he will be a puppet president. AOC and the far left wing of the party will be pulling the strings. Our nation will be destroyed. The pandemic was a lucky break for the Dems. Trump was coasting to a second term. The economy was roaring and everyone was happy. The pandemic and George Floyd tragedy has made people miserable. And misery wants change. If our economy bounces back and Trump displays more statesmanship, he has a chance. Especially if Biden continues a litany of gaffes, and his poor legislative history is properly highlighted. But that would require honesty and integrity from the main steam media. Won't happen.

  12. I tend to agree with you that the less Biden does at this point is a pretty good strategy. Trump has a shovel in his hands and he continues to dig the hole deeper by the day. If anything..Biden can stand by the hole and have an extra shovel available if he wears out the one he's now using.

  13. Then you predict a Biden victory, I take it. You and I must have watched different speeches. Even the crowd was far less enthusiastic than I've seen at his other rallies. His appeals to the dark side of people are getting old.

  14. 45's reality Prez show has run its course. People have seen enough and the powers that be will cancel the show later this year. His shtick has grown old and tired and the country has other issues beyond his capacity to change them. The pandemic and racial unrest and depression era unemployment numbers are way too much for him. Time to move on and try something a bit different.

  15. @11:43 "Trump was at his best at the rally. An amazing 2 hours of energetic speech. The crowd was highly enthusiastic..."

    I agree! The whole thing was a magical patriotic experience that the rest of the pinko communist nation will never understand! We need to get more of us cheering on the President and his awesome Republican friends to save us from Pelosi and her Libtard Legions! I stand with you @11:43! We need to Get America Yelling for Trump once more. Together you and I are #GAY4Trump2020!

  16. 9:49 - this is 1:39AM.

    I am old, experienced, highly educated, and just as well-traveled as you claim to be. So, starting there, I want to add this for your consideration.

    Our nation is staring down a growing Marxist Revolution within our borders. This is the promise made by President Obama when he said he plans to ‘fundamentally change’ America. Fortunately, he wasn’t able to finish the job during his two terms. Although, he did plant the seeds for what we are witnessing.

    American families have an important decision to make in November. Maintain the leadership and effort we already have in place, or move closer to a nation in which our Founding Principles, law and order, citizen control of government through free and fair elections, Freedom of Speech and Religious Liberty are all diminished.

    This is not ‘your father’s Democrat Party.’ It’s been co-opted by a much more radical view of governance. We are well past merely getting a different First Family in the White House. That can wait another four years. It MUST, for you and you family. Democracy and Capitalism are in jeopardy this time. Preserve what has served all of us well.

  17. Anyone who watched that event on Saturday night and came away with any good vibes or saw any momentum generated is deluded or wishcasting.

    About the only positive is that the people of Oklahoma were intelligent enough to recognize that being packed into an arena with 20,000 people wasn't the greatest idea right now.

    Even most Trump die-hards have probably tired of these repetitive rallies. It's almost become like a Grateful Dead concert, with the same groupies touring with the band, selling their souvenirs, flags and trinkets to the locals then going inside the arena to hear the Greatest Hits like "Build the Wall", "Lame Stream Media", & "I Love the Flag (Watch Me Hump it)", personally I thought the newest 10 minute cut "Ramp Walking" was kind of boring, but "One Hand Water Drinker" really seemed to get the crowd on its feet.

  18. Mr. Trump, did you slow down testing? "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

  19. @12:16 - We sound very similar in terms of age and experience. My guess is that our difference comes from the fact that I've never given AM talk radio and the generic "Conservative Media" much credit for its accuracy or interpretation of what actual society looks like or how it behaves. In no way do I believe that a Democratic President will be the end of society as we know it, nor should it with the proper checks and balances in place, much of which Republicans have done their best to ignore these past 3.5 years. That you think Obama was a Marxist and that Trump's actions and behavior are normal, that you type it out and truly believe what your wrote down makes me question your ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. But you do you. My guess is you'll be the one throwing fits in the streets in November, just like "The LIBS" did in 2016 completely ignoring the irony of it all.

  20. He doesn't have to do anything...a rubber tire would be better than trump at this point.

  21. because he offers nothing.

  22. Nothing would be just fine at this point. Trump has done nothing but create crisis over crisis. The only crisis not of his own making has been the pandemic, and he has failed there. He has also failed in nearly every crisis he created. He needs to go away.

  23. Trump's an empty suit facing empty seats.

  24. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napolean Bonaparte

  25. "Careful with those French pastries."-Josephine Bonaparte

  26. You can't say Biden has done nothing, he has gotten rid of the #metoo movement.

  27. The religious far right are still trying to pray away the gay so if they stop praying, the gay will go away!

  28. What would happen if we stopped talking about Trump?



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