Local Government TV

Monday, June 22, 2020

Axios: Pa's Swing Voters Tire of Trump

A swing-voter focus group located in Erie and organized by Axios has been conducting monthly sessions. For the first time in 16 months, more of them oppose than support Trump. They are tired of all the chaos he has brought, and want more stability. Note that a focus group is no poll.


  1. The fallacy of that examination is in the failure to understand what has really brought so much chaos and disruption into our daily lives. It wasn’t President Trump. It was the teachings and students of Cloward and Piven. Saul Alinsky, and, of course, competing foreign nations.

    A political strategy in quest for power is playing out and now in high gear. President Trump is in the way of their plans. This is the ideology of destroying everything in order to re-make it our ‘better’ way. Beware.

  2. 12:33, it must really annoy you that poor people want their vote to be counted.

    Get used to disappointment.

  3. People are afraid of democracy only when they think that "their side" will lose.

  4. a story that may or may not be relevant;... years ago the morning call/muhlenberg poll did a series with 8 or so "undecided voters". each week the professor would survey his group of "undecided" as the election season progressed, and the paper would publish the results of their current leaning. at the end of the series, they showed a photo of this group of "undecided" voters. as it turns out I knew all of them, and I'm sure none of them ever voted republican in their lives, nor would they... just a group of snobs taken with themselves, who liked to think that they were open minded, flexible and "undecided."

    as to this particular focus group and donald trump...although the "undecided" group I wrote about above was bogus, I do believe that in previous elections being "undecided" was very possible. However, I don't think that state of mind pertains to Trump, he may be unique in that regard.

    I do not believe that trump has gained or lost any votes in the last four months.

  5. Polls showed Hillary with a solid lead at the same point in '16. Same with MI and Wi.

  6. I know of no poll that can’t be rigged to provide whatever result is desired. Ignore them.

  7. @12:33 - you must be the life of every party you're at. Assuming you have any sort of social life that doesn't involve Conspiracy Theories, Dystopian Fan Fiction Websites and short wave radio club meetings. Pretty sure even the fellas at the Gun Club avoid you with your pseudo-intellectual ramblings about Liberal Indoctrination Camps...

  8. This is not a poll, 3:32, and is just a focus group.

  9. MM, I recall you discussing this at the time. This is a pretty shitty way to do a focus group. For that reason, I paid close attention to the first video. There were nine people from Erie. Six were Obama-Trump voters and three were Romney-Clinton voters.

  10. @3:32 - Polls showed Hillary with a solid lead at the same point in '16. Same with MI and Wi.

    They certainly did, she had a 15 point lead coming out of the convention in August, but hanging your hat on that and expecting history to repeat itself is setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Different candidate in Biden who doesn't have anywhere close to Clinton's unfavorables, different circumstances in that Trump is no longer the plucky outsider, but is the incumbent who's own unfavorables have gone down even further from 2016. He's lost support from Independents, and suburban educateds that broke heavily for him over the last 2 weeks of the 2016 campaign.

    Republicans in general have been getting drummed in many areas/states that went for Trump in 2016 and the national mood still does not seem to be very Republican friendly right now. By all means nothing is over, and there is nothing wrong with projecting confidence 5 months out, but 2020 is nowhere near the same equation as 2016 was.

  11. The president quite simply cares more about his image than anything or anyone else. It is made crystal clear, time and again. Remember in the beginning, when he wanted a cruise ship refused docking because "it will make my numbers look bad". HIS numbers, not OUR numbers. He owns this coronavirus disaster, through and through. Don't wear a mask, because that will send a message of "weakness" in his mind. What it DOES is send a message to 38% of America that they don't need to wear a mask. Trump has the blood of literally 10's of thousands of deaths on his hands, due to his month+ delay in responding to the threat, and caused the US to become the CV-19 epicenter of the world. His response to the situations since then are almost as bad. Then he holds a rally that apparently even many Republicans realized was a horrible idea (could it have been the legal disclaimer on ticket requests that tipped them off?), again to show strength in image only. He is a total menace. Today he is back to falsely claiming mail in voting is a big threat, not telling us how he is addressing CV-19, and police responses towards blacks. Mail in voting is only a threat in that it will make it easier for Americans to vote him out of office, by not having to stand in long lines and driving to the polls.

    1. I'll give you this- you're one great bullshitter! LOLOL

  12. Anonymous said...
    I know of no poll that can’t be rigged to provide whatever result is desired. Ignore them.

    June 22, 2020 at 3:41 PM

    Well then, at least you have to admit that all of the pollsters are in on the conspiracy. Be sure to keep your tinfoil hat on straight.

  13. Anonymous said...
    I know of no poll that can’t be rigged to provide whatever result is desired. Ignore them.

    June 22, 2020 at 3:41 PM

    Well then, at least you have to admit that all of the pollsters are in on the conspiracy. Be sure to keep your tinfoil hat on straight.

  14. I do not know how often I must say this, but this is no poll. Some of you need reading lessons.

  15. A focus group is more like the "#walkaway testimonies" seen here.


    They are more in-depth in explaining reasons why people #walkaway from a previous voting pattern.

  16. Even with her unfavorables, Clinton still won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.

  17. Anyone with half a brain can see the turmoil in democratic governed cities. If that is what you want, vote demo. Now the media is reporting that protesters want the removal of all WHITE CHRIST STATUES" and "STAINED GLASS". Appears to be an attach on ALL CHURCHES, (but I could be wrong)but, Leave Black Statues alone. When will it end. The liberal left has gone too far. Last night in DC the "Mob" wanted to topple the Andrew Jackson statue. Use your head when you vote in November. Keep voting Demo's into power positions as Federal and State Legislature Positions or Governor or President and this will continue to get worse.

  18. You are taking the demand of one BLM activist and equating it with the claims of ALL protesters and ALL Demos. That is nonsense. Shall I take the agenda of the extreme right white supremacists and equate them with all of the GOP? That would be equally nonsensical. You need to get a grip.

  19. US citizen should assimilate to American values if they want to live here. I respect and enjoy the Cultures they bring to the Country. However, the American values come first. Many of my friends come from different cultures and I enjoy in their sharing of same. Keep your culture identity, but practice American ideals. Work toward making those ideals a reality.

  20. @8:58 - "Anyone with half a brain can see the turmoil in democratic governed cities."

    That is precisely what you seem to have, half a brain, and why you see things the way you do, which isn't close to reality. Not to mention that your half brain has been completely programmed by "right wing media", which is the ONLY media that is FALSELY reporting the demand to remove statues of Christ and/or stained glass as being remotely legitimate. Right wing media is made and consumed by people who are scared of their own shadows and are the equivalent of 10 year old girls telling ghost stories at a sleepover.

    Not denying that some radical left wing individual might have said it, but reporting it and giving it any credence is at best laughably incompetent, but mostly its just irresponsible and misleading to a segment of our population that is too easily manipulated or gullible.

  21. @10:47 - Agree with you I think. Culture and "American Values" though, do seem to have different definitions to different people. In general if we can all agree that our individual differences coming together make us a stronger whole that is a good thing (The whole "Melting Pot" metaphor). The intolerance, lack of understanding or empathy for the plight/struggle of others isn't.

    Our biggest problem seems to be that we've allowed ourselves to be split into teams, and worse gleefully and enthusiastically identify ourselves with those teams. Red vs Blue, Dem vs Rep, Conservative vs Liberal, etc. I used to (still do really) cringe at anyone with a political bumper sticker on their car or candidate signs in their yards. That people now wear hats and hang flags on their property just strikes me as dumb - what exactly are you gaining from it?

  22. One of the most important ideals held by Americans is the need for Law and Order. What is being allowed to happen in majority Democrat-controlled states is not a winning look for that political party. I don’t care how one tries to justify such unlawful behavior, a great majority of voters find these tactics revolting. Some of them know exactly what is being attempted, creating unrest to blame on the Trump term in office.

    Even worse, Black Americans are being used as pawns.

  23. It’s simple, 1:13 PM. Create turmoil and unrest. Next, convince people that only some new, and different, ideology can solve all of this. In other words, ‘Vote for Change.’ Everyone can see we need change, right? Vote for us. we’ll save you.

  24. 12:46 u seem to be the one with his head in the sand

  25. 12:46 Not denying that some radical left wing individual might have said it, but reporting it and giving it any credence is at best laughably incompetent, but mostly its just irresponsible and misleading to a segment of our population that is too easily manipulated or gullible.

    Your right about manipulated or gullible which is the far liberal left.

  26. Right now I see NO LAW AND ORDER.

  27. Yes, the cops are very bad right now.

  28. 5:48 - the cops are the only thing standing between you and lawless anarchy throughout America. Thank a cop today. You might need to call him/her to save you, or your family, from harm.

  29. I appreciate cops, but I also expect them to treat all citizens with respect and to be much more restrained when it comes to using deadly force.

    Otherwise, the only "anarchists" I really worry about are the gun nuts who make a show of being armed. And those who complain about "anarchy", of course.

  30. 10:05 - Open carry of firearms is legal in many states. In addition, if what you see happening in Democrat governed states is not anarchy, then what is it?

  31. 12:45, 10:05 here. I didn't say that carrying guns is illegal, but I'm telling you that I'm one of many, many people who are seriously put off by gun displays.

    And I'm a lot more worried about white supremacist militias than I am about a handful of Black Lives Matter protestors who pitch tents or try to pull down statues.

    And I will never support writing a blank check for the police.


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