Local Government TV

Saturday, June 06, 2020

(Updated) NorCo EMS Characterizes Peaceful Racial Awareness Protests as "Civil Unrest"

Michael Rinker, Planning Director at Northampton County Emergency Management, has fired off an email warning municipal officials of "civil unrest"protests this weekend in NorCo. Here's what he sent:
Below is a list of Civil Unrest Protests that will be occurring this weekend. If at Municipality or Local Emergency Management Coordinator is aware, or becomes aware of any events,
please provide the following details to Northampton County Emergency Management so this can be forwarded to PEMA; Location, Route of Travel (if any), Duration,
Possible number of Participants, etc.

Civil Unrest Protest:


North Catasauqua Borough:                  

1500hrs  starting at Catasauqua Park in Lehigh County (St. John Street), West  on Bridge Street to Front Street,
North on Front Street into N. Catasauqua to Chapel Street ,East on Chapel to Howertown Road,
South on Howertown Road back to Catasauqua Park.

Bethlehem City:
1200hrs at City Hall, 10 East Church Street (Payroll Plaza) Duration should be 2 hours.

Nazareth Borough:                                                                                                                                                         
1600hrs starting at Nazareth Police Department, 134 S. Main Street. March will proceed North on
Main Street around the circle and continue back down South on Main Street to 134 South Main Street.

Easton City:
1200hrs at Easton’s Center Square (Circle). Duration should be 2 hours
Bethlehem City:                                                                                                                                                                
1500hrs at City Hall, 10 East Church Street (Payroll Plaza). Duration should be 2 hours.

West Easton Boro Council President Matt Dees has responded to Rinker:
Please provide the name of the government official, government body, or protest group, that designated these local protests as, "Civil Unrest Protests."

I am not aware of the past peaceful protests held in the Lehigh Valley demonstrating any "civil unrest," other than demonstrating peacefully.

Thank You,

Rinker's characterization of racial awareness protests as "civil unrest" is itself an example of the systemic racism that exists in this country.

Update 6/7/20 at 11:15 am: "Civil Unrest" is term used by woke Wolf administration!

Todd Weaver, who heads NorCo's Emergency Management, has responded to West Easton Boro Council Prez to say that PEMA uses this terminology in its daily briefs, and that it is "important we have situational awareness of events that are occurring throughout the county."

First, PEMA's systemic racism is no justification for Northampton County continued usage of this inappropriate termionology.

Second, emergency management should confine its activities to emergencies, not the exercise of democracy. We've had enough Big Brother government.


  1. The best outcome tonight would be to have no violence, no property damage in Washington, D.C. tonight. Unfortunately, I expect there to be several incidents. The D.C. Mayor has reportedly decided there will be no curfew tonight. So many hours after dark will be very tempting for those who are there to start trouble.

  2. He should of used the word "potential" civil unrest.
    Given the amount of destruction caused by protests that started out as peaceful but turned into riots/lootings over the last 12 days his concern is understandable. I will always defend peaceful protesting whether i agree with their issue or not, however, standing an inch away from a cops face swearing at him/her is NOT peaceful protesting. Refusing to obey a lawful order to clear an area is NOT peaceful protesting.

    1. So you are saying that the twerps who came packing heat to protest about their virus lockdown who were screaming in cops faces were not peacefully protesting...good to know.

  3. Maybe he's just anticipating that the demonstrations will draw more than 25 people. Since our region is still yellow, that would violate the Guv's restrictions.

    That by definition would make them civilly unrestful.

    Of course, the Guv himself seems to now think his own restrictions don't apply.


    Obviously, attempts at prosecution would make for interesting court cases.

  4. Demonstrations for awareness are not protests or civil unrest, their goal or intent is toward education.

    A non-violent protest is, citizen or "civil unrest", usually in response to a civic policy or action with a goal toward peacefully changing civic policy.

    A riot is a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd of lawless criminals.

    "Rinker's characterization of racial awareness protests as "civil unrest" is itself an example of the systemic racism that exists in this country."

    Ridiculous. Bernie, just because you see a group of protesters properly peppered doesn't make it about race. This is not about "racial awareness", this is about police brutality irrespective of race.

    Civil unrest as a result of police brutality.

  5. Drop the pretense, they're Biden rallies.

  6. Yes, Mezzacuckoo, it's called systemic racism, and I could see myself making similar mistakes. Not everyone is an overt racist like you.

  7. Bigger question that would provides an answer to the intent of the wording.
    Are all protests designated as civil unrest or is it just these that involve BLM? When white supremacists hold a rally does or the women's rights advocates march, does EMS refer to it as civil unrest?

  8. Again you attack this young woman. It is shameful. Why don't you just continue to write glowing stories about your buddy McClure and your inside man Dertinger, Like how McClure surrendered powers he only had because the council gave them to him and were going to reduce them anyway. Those are the stories you won't write or allow. Yet attaching an innocent young woman is fine.

  9. Bernie, did you see the Washington monument was struck by lightening recently. Now that is just pure racism on God's part to have sent such a force to strike a national treasure. Carnival and more bread.

  10. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "Rinker's characterization of racial awareness protests as "civil unrest" is itself an example of the systemic racism that exists in this country."

    Two possibilities:

    1). You could be wrong and he's using a different definition of "civil unrest" than you are. I realize most people only stop at Wikipedia, but it didn't take me long to find a different definition that says:

    "The term civil unrest is the broadest of the three [between riot, rebellion and civil unrest]. Simply put, civil unrest involves a disruption of the typical social order; it can involve a strike or protest, and it can be peaceful or involve violence. Both riot and rebellion are forms of civil unrest. Civil unrest often occurs when a group strives to gain attention for something they feel is unjust."


    2) Your could be right and this is just another example (like the George Floyd killing) of "systemic racism" taking place in a democrat-controlled utopia, in this case the Northampton County administration.

    I do think before you jump to a conclusion where you charge racism, you should contact the person who wrote the e-mail to determine what definition of civil unrest he is using. I would also think it would be important to know how the state defines civil unrest, since the county might be conforming the whatever the state definition is.

    Who knows, you might even discover some "systemic racism" in woke Tom Wolf's administration.

  11. Don't bother trying to call Mr. Rinker for a comment, he'll just hang up on you. Heard he liked to do that as a 911 dispatcher.

  12. Protests are "civil unrest", that does not mean they are not lawful or peaceful, people are upset and are out displaying their " unrest". again labeling people and vilifying people for just doing their job of notifying the communities that they need to be aware and take precautions to protect citizens and protesters. It is not helpful and just adds to the animosity.

  13. "He should of used the word "

    Next time you wish to give advice on word usage, you should be correct your own errors. There is no such thing as "should of." It is "should have."

  14. "Bernie, did you see the Washington monument was struck by lightening recently. Now that is just pure racism on God's part to have sent such a force to strike a national treasure. Carnival and more bread."

    Comments like these are why I refuse to let Redd post here. They tend to contain way too many spelling errors (only one here) and tend to make no sense.

  15. "Protests are "civil unrest",

    Here's what Wikipedia says: "Civil disorder, also known as civil disturbance or civil unrest, is an activity arising from a mass act of civil disobedience (such as a demonstration, riot, or strike) in which the participants become hostile toward authority, and authorities incur difficulties in maintaining public safety and order ... "

    None of the events in the LV have been civil unrest. They have been peaceful protests.

    The phrase is apparently what is being used by PEMA and is entirely inappropriate. EM believes it has an obligation to track these things. I think that is also inappropriate. I am tired of Big Brother government, whether it is a lockdown or EM sticking its nose where it does not belong. They should be preparing for real emergencies. Last time I checked, pure democracy is not an emergency.

  16. "I do think before you jump to a conclusion where you charge racism, you should contact the person who wrote the e-mail to determine what definition of civil unrest he is using."

    That is precisely what Matt Dees did. I will update my story with the response.

  17. Congratulations on using the latest greatest Dem buzzword of the month (so far);
    That's mighty white of you, cracker.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Congratulations on using the latest greatest Dem buzzword of the month (so far);
    That's mighty white of you, cracker.
    June 7, 2020 at 1:53 PM

    Guess what? You're part of the system.

  19. Tinker is full of himself. I didn't vote for him for Upper Nazareth because of that reason. He doesn't listen to the residents. Shouldn't be allowed to work for County AND Upper Nazareth Township. Needs to go!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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