Local Government TV

Saturday, June 06, 2020

"Civil Unrest" in Nazareth

About 4 pm on Saturday, a peaceful crowd of about 300 people met in the public parking lot next to the Nazareth Police Station. After three short speeches, they marched to Nazareth Circle (about two blocks). Some took a knee, laid down or just remained silent for 8 minutes and 46 seconds,the time a Minneapolis police officer had his knee on George Floyd's death. Below are some scenes:

A boy in a yellow shirt is closely reading this handmade sign.

A large number of children attended this event, and several carried signs asking, "Will my Dad be next?"

I loved the cute little girl in this family.

The group met at the parking lot next to Nazareth's Police Department.

Instead of knocking people over or shooting tear gas, this Nazareth police officer joined the crowd in prayer.

This young man had the best seat in the house! What little boy or girl doesn't like riding on their daddy's shoulders?

Kate Brennan, a former court reporter and tipstaff, participated. She is running against Joe Emrick for State Rep.

Donald Trump is not too popular with this young man!

The plague doctor is in the house!


  1. One man tragically killed by a policeman. Two weeks of protests and headlines. 110,000 dead from covid. All races. Who cares? Guess those lives no longer matter.

  2. It’s encouraging to see our Lehigh Valley protest gatherings remain peaceful. The messages participants wanted to send went out without all the violence and destruction still ongoing in other parts of America. I’ll never understand how so many can think matters are being helped by burning down the very neighborhoods in which they live.

    We need to recognize the biggest group of anarchists were ‘brought in.’ They are heavily funded, well-organized, and on a mission to change America into a more Socialist/Communist form of government. Actually, the chaos in our cities was less about George Floyd and similar incidents. Those incidents were co-opted by radical Leftest groups who want their warped vision of Utopia unimpeded by a free and fair citizen election process.

    Similar events happened all around the world this weekend. Hope you noticed. Many places not at all related to American politics and policing.

    The tough part for many of you is recognizing President Trump didn’t create this mess. The attack on American Greatness began decades ago. It has now infiltrated our two major political parties, fueled by a decline in morals, a broken education system, and weaponized news and information outlets.

    America works because of federalism. That is, at the unique design of each and every STATE, and their supporting local government bodies. Some states can handle their societal responsibilities better than others. No way would I choose to live in New York, Illinois, California, and a couple other dysfunctional states. Our own Pennsylvania is being challenged now by misguided, bad government. Let’s improve it the right way by voting more carefully as we go forward.

  3. I feel sorry for the kids being used in this protest.

    One is wearing an anti-Trump shirt, despite the fact that the George Floyd killing took place in the progressive utopia of Minneapolis, by a local (not federal) police officer.

    They're all being indoctrinated into believing that they should fear the police. This will only perpetuate a cycle of distrust.

    Meanwhile, the leaders of the movement (at least on a national level) are advocating a radical plan to defund the police departments. That idea, if put into practice, will do nothing but harm to society as a whole and particularly to poorer (and often minority) neighborhoods that need policing the most.

    I guess in general I'm having a very hard time with the anti-police movement. Certainly there should be accountability for the killing of George Floyd and any other officer who commits a crime. In the George Floyd killing that process seems well underway.

    But to hold an entire group of people collectively guilty for the conduct of a few seems counter to our system of justice, and justice is what I thought the protestors wanted.

    It seems like just a few weeks ago that we were holding our first responders up as heroes for the work they continued to do in the face of the coronavirus.

  4. No burning buildings? No looting? No civil unrest? PEMA must be bored with Northampton County.

  5. "One man tragically killed by a policeman. Two weeks of protests and headlines. "

    Just not fair, is it? Do you realize how racist you sound?

  6. "I feel sorry for the kids being used in this protest.

    One is wearing an anti-Trump shirt, despite the fact that the George Floyd killing took place in the progressive utopia of Minneapolis, by a local (not federal) police officer."

    Would it bother you if that little boy were wearing a pro-Trump shirt?

    Shouldn't you be concerning yourself with the numerous divisive statements Trump has made over the years? Sure he has the bigots behind him, but many of his former supporters are waking up. His approval rating is now worse than Jimmy Carter's was.

    People may not be crazy about Biden but are sick of a man is both divisive and himself creates almost all of the chaos with which we deal.

    Enough already.

  7. "The tough part for many of you is recognizing President Trump didn’t create this mess. "

    What you fail to understand is that his divisiveness, his taunting tweets, his vulgarities and thin-skinned and mean-spirited behavior have certainly been a factor. People are beginning to wake up. Time for you to do so as well.

  8. No better than the Trumpers who broke lockdown and protested in Harrisburg. Take their names and deny them all CoViD-19 medical treatment as the second round of the virus surges. They are killing the elderly with their irresponsible behavior.

  9. Good for Nazareth, not all these Biden rallies have been this peaceful.

  10. So who knew that the progressive Borough of Bath in Northampton County would be ahead of the curve on defunding the police?

  11. Wait until it gets out that George Floyd actually was using a real $20 dollar bill, but was in the store twice without wearing a mask and the second time he was refused service using the guise of forgery/counterfeiting to call police.

    Where is the fake twenty?
    Why is there no investigation by Secret Service into the alleged counterfeiting?
    Because there is no fake twenty.

    The store succeeded where the Central Park Karen failed.

    George Floyd was murdered by police for not wearing a mask.

  12. Bernie, Trump was a factor in what we are witnessing, but not the cause. People do tend to seek the easy answer, the biggest target, particularly if it could help their personal objective. Changing nations through chaos and anarchy has been attempted since before Trump was even born. The ANTIFAs of the world, the ISIS, the Drug Cartels, are nothing new. This time, the target nation’s leader can not be intimidated.

    I have no idea if Trump can withstand the forces working against him from within and without this nation. I do know Trump’s America First mantra is genuine. Elsewhere, nations are crumbling under similar attacks. Trump represents exactly what this nation needs now . . . a strong defense. No ‘apology tour’ this time.

  13. “Good for Nazareth, not all these Biden rallies have been this peaceful.”

    Most have.

  14. Admittedly off subject here. But Google up Sarah Cooper does Trump. A series of lip sync videos that will have you in stitches! Trump always sounds like a babbling buffoon. But Cooper really makes you see how bat shit crazy he really is! Can't claim she's partisan or even anti Trump. She's lip synching his exact words! Comic relief at it's best.

  15. "I have no idea if Trump can withstand the forces working against him from within and without this nation. I do know Trump’s America First mantra is genuine. Elsewhere, nations are crumbling under similar attacks. Trump represents exactly what this nation needs now . . . a strong defense. No ‘apology tour’ this time."

    Trump detractors do not doubt that he can be self-centered and project that ono the rest of us.

    Our strength lies with alliances, not isolation.

  16. 121..what size is your tin hat? And, do you have a shrine to Joe McCarthy in your yard? Read Gen Colin Powell statement in news TODAY.
    His opinion is readily apparent.

  17. Good to see children involved in this protest prior to reaching the age of reason. A common practice in communist states which saves the kids the challenges of reasoning and thinking for themselves as they progress to maturity. Works very well in Russia, Cuba , Venezuela except they are not permitted to loot and destroy property.

  18. I see plenty of 65 yo people who have yet to reach the age of reason at Trump rallies, lol.

    Never saw people slammed before for sharing their lives with their kids. You must have never had any yourself.

  19. I think anyone who attends any rally without the promise of getting laid, is batshit crazy and has no life. The revolution will be televised. Steal a 60-inch and be safer at home.

  20. What could possibly go wrong? Minneapolis City Council has voted to disband it’s Police Department. Law and Order to be taken over by neighborhood groups, possibly including Social Workers, Clergy, and Window Replacement Specialists. Real estate bargains expected to increase. /sarc

  21. Bernie, do you support defunding/eliminating the Nazareth Borough PD? How about Allentown's, Bethlehem's, and Easton's for that matter. I've long supported defunding, although I fear defunding will result in blood-bathed ghettos in cities that also restrict the law-abiding from possessing/carrying weapons. That's been a nasty, subtle racism to keep minorities from becoming armed (the assumption being black communities can't be trusted with legal weapons). Will the left join libertarians who see most of the criminal justice system as a public jobs program that exists to harass citizens in order to maintain its lifeblood, a supply of warm bodies passing through courthouses and jails? I'd like every politician on the record with an answer to this question, before November. And I'm glad it's being raised.

  22. I would strongly oppose any attempt to defund a police department. Officers are no more (or less) racist than anyone. Should we eliminate schools bc some teachers are racist? Grocery stores bc some clerks are racist? Get real. I would support adoption of 8can't wait to minimize the possibility of police brutality.

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  28. Bernie O'Hare said

    "What you fail to understand is that his divisiveness, his taunting tweets, his vulgarities and thin-skinned and mean-spirited behavior have certainly been a factor."

    Newsflash: The only one actually reading his tweets are Left-wing whack-jobs and the media that caters to them. I haven't read one tweet from this President or any before him. He doesn't reside in my mind (rent-free) 24/7, like he does with the deranged minds that are obsessed with him.

    The reality is that you are far more likely to be a victim of police brutality in areas where democrats control the police force. Given that fact, I can certainly understand why the democrat party tries to blame this on Trump, white supremacists, or anyone else.

    They'll do whatever it takes to keep people from looking at the actual democrat record on this issue, like they do with so many others.

  29. I do not blame Trump for police brutality or racism,. I blame him for his divisiveness, his taunting tweets, his vulgarities and thin-skinned and mean-spirited behavior. I blame him for creating crisis after crisis, to a point where we are all now sick of him. He needs to go away and take his apologists with him.

  30. Media: If you support Trump, you are a racist.
    Media: If you don't support BLM, you are a racist.
    Media: If you support Trump, or don't support BLM publically, you will lose your job and your livelihood (Drew Brees, Grant Napear)

    Media: We're doing election polling in your state, do you support President Trump in 2020 Election?

    Media (AKA BOH): Donald Trump support at record low since Jimmy Carter!

    In an election, where people are free to vote for a candidate with no personal backlash, I believe you will see support for the President, also support for Law and Order and a vote against chaos. The reality of the numbers shows that the media fueled paranoia of the BLM movement is completely fabricated. (but yes, BOH, go ahead and call me racist because I don't agree with you.)

  31. @10:02 - Stop trying to out reason yourself and yet again make excuses for Trump. You don't read his tweets? Good for you, the whole place is a sewer and he certainly adds his fair share to it, but the fact that he does do it and does it regularly should absolutely disturb you if you want 4 more years. His tweets could very well only be troll jobs to agitate Democrats and the far left, but what point does that serve? He's not winning people over with it, he's just stroking a base that won't leave him regardless of what he does or says. Its self destructive behavior that will more or less guarantee he will not be reelected come November.

  32. Media: Trump calls improved jobs numbers "great day" for George Floyd (ABC News, Yahoo News, many other)

    This is exactly what President Trump said:
    "Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender or creed, they have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it. We all saw what happened last week. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, “This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.” This is a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality. It’s really what our constitution requires and it’s what our country is all about."

    This is an absolute hit-job.

  33. I have never accused Trump supporters of being racist simply for supporting him. I do believe many racists support him. Wonder why, but not too much.

  34. And believe me, you do not want to go into exactly what Trump has said over the years.

  35. BOH, so the media is acting responsibly in telling the American people the facts? Or has it all just fallen into one big opinion piece to support an agenda? Almost no one saw the speech I quoted. I didn't. I saw the headline and said, "No freaking way. Has he lost it?" I took the time to get the transcript and found out what he said and the context he said it in. The media lied. Millions saw the headline. Millions didn't take the next step and check if it was true or not. Millions were lied to and accepted those lies by our "Free Media".

  36. I saw the speech and it was quoted in several mainstream sources. But I agree the media have become very slanted and are unfair to Trump. This does not excuse his divisiveness, his taunting tweets, his vulgarities and thin-skinned and mean-spirited behavior, or for his creation of crisis after crisis. The only crisis not of his own making has been Covid-19, and his handling of that has been subpar. He has done some good things, but spent two months with his head in the sand. He is an embarrassment, not only as President, but as a human being.

  37. I do not blame you for him, but wish you'd wake up.

  38. "The only crisis not of his own making has been Covid-19"

    So explain how he was responsible for a police officer in Milwaukee who works for a Democratic led city council, democratic mayor, democratic governor? Explain how the world exploded against him because of this incident, incited by lockdowns and right wing and left wing lunatics and anarchists?
    Was he also responsible for the police brutality against Daniel Shaver and Tony Timpa?
    I get it, he's responsible for all the bad in the world. A guy who was never a politician. A guy who was celebrated by the democrats, and even many elite African Americans prior to running as a republican.
    How does a man, who wasn't in politics responsible for the years and years of politically motivated racial injustices and police brutality issues? But his presidential rival, who has been in politics and passing these equality bills is somehow not responsible?
    Please stop generalizing and being even more decisive. Give credit where due. He built an economy that picked up all American citizens, even more so for the minority communities. Yet last week, with all the financial rebounds, he is further vilified because African American unemployment ticked up 0.1% (before accounting for job creation).
    The media has exposed itself. If you side with them, you are blind or part of the problem.

  39. I blame him for his divisiveness, his taunting tweets, his vulgarities and thin-skinned and mean-spirited behavior. I blame him for creating crisis after crisis. Illegal immigration along the southern border a Trump Crisis? Coronavirus a Trump Crisis? Getting other nations to pony up for NATO a Trump Crisis? Best job's report in years a Trump Crisis? New trade agreements that actually support US trade good a Trump Crisis? Being a true friend to Israel a Trump Crisis? More money to Black Colleges a Trump Crisis? Finally having a President that acts if you cross the line in the sand a Trump Crisis? 401K's back in the black for working Americans's a Trump Crisis? If these Trump Crisis are bad, some me some good ones.

  40. Great to see peaceful protesters in our Lehigh Valley Communities. Maybe the rest of the Country could learn from our Lehigh Valley Leaders.

  41. The economy starts rolling again after the Covid lockdowns.
    Daily TV and news reports question whether Trump is wrong to start up the economy so soon.
    As we re-open our economies, protests and chaos breaks out, none following any CDC guidance for social distancing.

    Think the media will blame the protests or Trump for the second Covid wave when it hits? I'll wait...

  42. We never hear a logical explanation why Joe Biden would be better for the future of American families. It’s alway’s “We must get Trump out of office!” OK, tell us why Biden will be more effective with the Economy, or National Defense, or Job Creation, Reducing our taxes, Foreign Affairs, Trade Negotiations, Energy Independence, Reducing Government Corruption.

    President Trump has produced beneficial results for ALL Americans in all of these areas, plus more. Now, you tell me we’re really missing out by not having Barack Obama’s Vice President elected to the President? Convince me.

    Make the sale, Democrats! Until you do, I’ll stay with the man we already have in charge. Results matter.

  43. https://www.bitchute.com/video/uJ2ite2wRmVX/

    After hearing this you will see the need to vote for Joe Biden.

  44. This is a sad day in America. We are actually seriously talking about defunding police departments. The head of Minneapolis City Council just told CNN to "check your privilege" because Alysin Camerota had the audacity to ask who would come if someone was breaking into her house in the middle of the night! What happened to George Floyd was despicable, but he was not a nice person, held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach while participating in a home invasion. What happened is not the norm in America, not even close. Statistics tell the story, but facts do not matter anymore.

    Philly had 3 murders yesterday. They are on track to break the 2007 high mark of 391 murders, there have already been 172. The vast majority of those are black on black murders. Go ahead and defund the police, it's not going to hurt me here in suburbia, it's going to hurt the very people you're trying to help. Do you think anyone is going to Philadelphia or NYC to spend money at museums, Broadway shows, restaurants etc if it's not safe?

    Lastly, I think it's sad that the choices we have for President are a bloviating ego maniac and a man who doesn't appear to have his full range of cognitive ability. Joe Biden has told me we have truth over facts, shoot "an unarmed man, say a guy with a knife" in the leg, and said that 45 million americans are bad people. All in the last week LOL! This is crazy!

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  46. Thank you 1:28. Joe is the right choice.

  47. In a conference call with reporters, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Maj. Gen. William Walker, commander of the District of Columbia National Guard, defended the military deployment in the nation’s capital, saying the troops prevented protesters from getting onto the White House grounds.


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