Local Government TV

Friday, June 05, 2020

NorCo Hazard Pay

With the surrender of most of his emergency powers, Executive Lamont McClure has given up the right to award hazard pay, both at Gracedale and at the jail.  County Council has to pay attention here. At the jail and at Gracedale, this hazard pay should continue until Covid-19 is gone.


  1. It's about time...if your going to pay hazard pay to those working, pay the entire workforce that are required to work and not just the select few.

  2. You are already getting paid. The “select few” are those dealing with Covid-19. When you change the bedpans of someone with that infection, let us know.

  3. NYC reported zero new CoViD-19 deaths on Wednesday. If that's ground zero, this thing is over. I suspect the numbers are flawed, and/or any new deaths are being attributed to racism.

  4. 9:11 - the COVID-19 event is not only over, it was not really ‘here’ nor as heinous as reported. No doubt there was a new virus, but as time went on many came to realize the numbers were ‘worked’ to exacerbate the fear. When, and if, there is another virus season this Fall, we should be much better able to deal with it.

  5. It was certainly here and it was devastating at jails, nursing homes and LTCFs. The LTCFs were pretty much ignored by our state DOH, which actually suspended inspections there. But numerous businesses were shuttered, and to many of them, the blow is fatal. Moreover, many people who are out of work are still unable to get through to UC. The federal and state government responses were pathetic, and the media is guilty of sensationalizing the matter.

    The workers on the front lines - those at Gracedale and the Jail - deserve that hazard pay. McClure did absolutely the right thing in awarding it. When it ends, I really think Council should consider a small bonus to the corrections officers, so long as the union agrees. They really stepped up and without complaint. They should be recognized if the county can afford it.

  6. Certainly agree that our Pennsylvania State Government did a horrible job dealing with this situation. Really let our citizens down. I hope every voter takes a close look at the level of support they got from their incumbent Harrisburg politician. I’m not at all satisfied and will vote for any of their opponents when the opportunity arises.

  7. 10:27AM

    I have never seen the country so unified, cops hugging protesters, blacks marching with whites, old lives matter, black lives matter, we all matter, we are all exercising the politically correct courtesy of wearing our public masks. Even the MSM is reporting the same stories and similar narratives.

    Democrats and Republican working together on the C.A.R.E.S act, unanimously approving hundreds of the president's judge appointments, extending NDAA spying powers during this administration.

    Never in my life have I seen such coordination and cooperation even presidential debates are being deemed unnecessary. Right now, if the United States was a football team we would't need to huddle, everyone in the game knows the play being run.

  8. I know this, most of our daily news media outlets have made matters far worse than they needed to be. It continues today at what was a joyous White House Press Conference to announce surprisingly good economic indicators. The press in attendance was simply disgusting.

    The COVID-19 lock-downs and authoritarian edicts really only made sense until about mid-April. We needed that amount of time to prepare and replenish supplies. But, even now, we still have idiot, power-thirsty Governors and Mayors extending their grip on citizens and destroying their local economies. Somehow, they believe this will provide a political advantage when November gets here. I don’t think it will work as an increasing number of Americans have finally come to realize what’s going on.

    Through It all, including the current race relations crisis getting our attention, millions of Americans have stayed strong, and are working very hard to get through this, too.

  9. COs and Elections earned an "A." Everybody else gets an "F."

  10. In relinquishing his powers did he give up his Facebook addiction? The "County of Northampton" page?

  11. His use of Facebook,m Twitter and other social media outlets is a demonstration of transparency and accountability. What really bothers you is that this is also good politics.

  12. "Everybody else gets an "F."

    I would give an F to the entitled caseworkers in Human Services. Elections and COs certainly deserve an A, as do much of Gracedale's staff. 911 dispatchers worked hard and without incident and should be recognized, and so should county row offices that came to work, day after day. Deputy Sheriffs have been everywhere and deserve an A, too. So do PJ Michael Koury and Judge Abe Kassis.

  13. Let’s not lose the fact that all the medical facilities have employees that are working through the COVID crisis without being compensated with hazard pay. Some have even had a decrease in pay. Is it just because they are government employees that they are entitled to hazard
    pay ??

    1. True. The prison contracts out to Prime Care. They do not pay hazard pay.

  14. @9:11
    It isn't over. My daughter-in-law was just confirmed Covid-19 positive in another state. At 30 y/o she will survive, but is now bed-ridden, peaking with fever in the evening, racked with joint pain, and suffering through some breathing difficulty. Up until she was infected she believed it to be just a bad flu. Having it has changed her mind and the TV channel she followed. My son was sent home for two weeks from work because of the family member rule requiring quarantine. He and the kids were tested and came up negative, but will continue to be tested during her two-week isolation time.
    Covid-19 might subside, but it's still out there.

  15. 10:37 - yes, COVID-19 is still out there. At least, what we can still label as C0VID-19. Like most every virus, it mutates into something else and can be a problem for a newer group of people whose own unique immune system now has a battle on its hands. My sincere best wishes to your daughter-in-law and family.

    I firmly believe the COVID-19 matter as a nation disrupting, economy killing illness that can kill great numbers of people in America is over and now can be defeated in any next form it presents. We will never be totally free of fear from viruses.

  16. The COs were awesome, working while Wolf called those wishing to work, cowards. They left Wolf's couch-based battlefield like the cowards he and his supporters think working people are, and went to work. They left the battlefield. They are to be saluted for turning tail on commander Wolf and Dr Dress Guy. Our COs surrendered and Norco taxpayers should be thankful for these awesome cowards. They took care of business while our leaders hid, sniveling and sniping from behind closed doors.

  17. Unpopular as my opinion may be, I am very much opposed to “hazard pay” for doing one’s job. Yes, this was a new virus and yes, it was horrific for many, but in the healthcare field, there are many hazards and one knows that before taking the job. Where is hazard pay for firefighters who face any number of hazards when doing their jobs? How about hazard pay for highway workers who must work alongside speeding traffic that ignores reduced speed limits? There are risks in many jobs and singling out a few will create issues.

  18. So for those of you who think so highly of citizens who "think for themselves" by defying shutdown orders and the like, do you say the same about demonstrators who ignore curfews?

    Come on now, be honest...

  19. Anonymous said...
    Unpopular as my opinion may be, I am very much opposed to “hazard pay” for doing one’s job. Yes, this was a new virus and yes, it was horrific for many, but in the healthcare field, there are many hazards and one knows that before taking the job. Where is hazard pay for firefighters who face any number of hazards when doing their jobs? How about hazard pay for highway workers who must work alongside speeding traffic that ignores reduced speed limits? There are risks in many jobs and singling out a few will create issues.
    June 6, 2020 at 11:14 AM

    Do you disagree with an increased pay rate for overtime? For, say, calling out a plumber on a Sun.? Unless you do, then you're admitting that not all time spent at work is equal.

  20. "So for those of you who think so highly of citizens who "think for themselves" by defying shutdown orders and the like, do you say the same about demonstrators who ignore curfews?

    Come on now, be honest..."

    Absolutely. I support individual rights and take a dim view of any government that restricts them. I supported the lockdown protests and support the racial awareness protests. I do not mold my views depending on what tribe I belong to like you obviously do.

    It must annoy the hell out of you weekend trolls now that you are moderated.

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  22. You are off topic and hence deleted.


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