Local Government TV

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bolton's Book

I have no admiration for Donald Trump, but I have even less regard for his former National Security Advisor, John Bolton. I have no intention of reading his tell-all book because he refused to say anything when it most mattered. CNN's Elie Honig, who says Bolton has offered a "staggering profile in cowardice," sums things up quite nicely.
"Bolton proclaims that Trump engaged in behavior that "looked like obstruction of justice as a way of life, which we couldn't accept." But apparently, Bolton was absolutely fine with accepting it. He saw this pattern of obstruction of justice as it happened, and he curled up in a ball until the dust settled and his book hit the shelves.
"Bolton could have changed the course of history. Instead, he will go down in a footnote as an enabler of corruption, a model of cowardice and an opportunist who put self above country."


  1. Bolton is potentially facing criminal prosecution if he publishes and releases a book that includes information of a national security nature without first receiving permission. Attorney General William Barr, during a press briefing a couple days ago to announce Trump’s Executive Order related to Law Enforcement, spoke to this matter when questioned by the press.

    A.G. Barr clearly stated the required legal process was not first completed by Bolton. Trump concurred, obviously. At the very least, this matter could lead to very heavy legal expenses on both sides.

    I suggest those interested in better understanding the elements at play here consider other sources beyond just CNN that has been shown to often be not trustworthy.

  2. Bolton is a deep state operative who would have us at war with half the world. He was not there to help Trump, but to control and manipulate him. He is no hero, just a tool of the entrenched bureaucracy.

  3. Totally agree Bernie..the guy is slime. Buyer beware even if it turns out to be mostly true.

  4. Agree about Bolton hiding behind the courts rather than coming forward voluntarily to spill what he knew about Trump's actions while he (Bolton) was serving as National Security Advisor. The information that he had may well have led to the conviction in the Senate of Trump and he'd be gone by now. Of course, that presumes the Republicans in the Senate would have been forced to find their spines by what additional damning evidence he offered. It also means we would have PencAgree about Bolton hiding behind the courts rather than coming forward voluntarily to spill what he knew about Trump's actions while he (Bolton) was serving as National Security Advisor. The information that he had may well have led to the conviction in the Senate of Trump and he'd be gone by now. Of course, that presumes the Republicans in the Senate would have been forced to find their spines by what additional damning evidence he offered. It also means we would have Pence who, while less divisive, is just as incompetent.e who, while less divisive, is just as incompetent.

  5. "Bolton is a deep state operative who would have us at war with half the world. "

    And Trump appointed him. What does that say about him?

  6. "Buyer beware even if it turns out to be mostly true."

    I have little doubt it is true, but Bolton has no credibility.

  7. "I have little doubt it is true, but Bolton has no credibility."


  8. So @12:41, sources other than CNN? You Faux news kool-aid drinkers have completely no idea of what other news sources report on. Because other news sources ask real questions, your liar in Chief will not accept any interviews from them. Why is that? Trump is a fool for many reasons and ag Barr will go down just like Trump as the worst administration in American history!

  9. Bolton always was scum however the press has already seen advanced copies so the cat is out of the bag no matter what. Bolton isn't the only scum here. So is Senate leader Mitch who blocked every attempt to subpoena Bolton forcing him testify. The best part, Bolton couldn't have profited off a book. Which is what I hope the court decides to do to Bolton. As far as the White House, they've had since December 2019 to review the book. None of these connivers should be anywhere near Washington. They all have a stink to them.

  10. I’m not about to purchase Bolton’s book, nor read parts of it online. In the end, whatever Bolton claims is just a ‘he said/he said.’ isn’t really going to move the needle in either direction.

    IF . . . Bolton really did something illegal by releasing protected information, Bolton should be prosecuted and spend some of his book advance money on lawyers. It’s not always about how many copies are sold. It’s about getting large sums of advance funds to people ‘on the team.’

  11. Breitbart News. Lot of truthful photos and videos to follow up their stories with.
    Russian collusion. HAHAHAHA CNNLOL.

  12. This CNN article is critical of a Trump antagonist, but you are unable to get past your own bias.

  13. Anyone who does not know that Finland is part of Russia’ is a dolt. King Orange of 5th is obviously incompetent but that does not make Bolton a patriot. Meanwhile it’s Thursday.

  14. 9:29. You mean NOT part of Russia right?

  15. This trajectory has been calculated by Bolton from the start. He is an old guard Republican who has seen the party hijacked by Trump and his enablers in the house and senate. Bolton wisely bounced the ball in their court to force him to testify. Bolton, if anything is a political survivor, just look at his history. Now if the administration shuts down the book he still wins. Its already out there so the damage is done. I believe his goal was to throw a grenade and watch the thing blow up. I don't think he will starve if the book money goes away.

  16. Ultimately, the blame for his entire Presidency will rest on Trump's own shoulders. No "EXECUTIVE" can do it alone. He/She needs able bodied senior staff capable of organizing and executing his/her vision, but more importantly staff that can effectively communicate back to the Executive.

    From the jump, starting with Steve Bannon and the parade of incompetents that followed he has surrounded himself with talkers who were only out for themselves and nothing more. People who were either unable or unwilling to do the work needed to package and sell ideas and more importantly build consensus behind them.

    People can whine about the media nitpicking, but you have to be honest that the roots of all that nitpicking were all of his own doing, then he would simply double down on those mistakes.

    Literally just go back to square one with the whole "Inauguration crowd" fiasco. A very simple, "Yeah the weather was terrible which didn't help things..." and MOVE ON.

    I do believe the whole Presidential run for him was just a vanity exercise to start and that he had no expectations beyond a few months of media coverage and maybe the hopes of building it into a FOX News type gig. Then it simply snowballed out of control because the country was hungry for something new and different from the usual establishment types.

    There is no denying he is a classic narcissist, and probably because of that he was just unprepared for the size and scope of the job beyond being a charismatic figure head. Understanding the nuts and bolts of American Government, the checks and balances that existed all seemed to surprise him at almost every turn.

    The good news for him and his family is this vanity project will all soon be over and he can finally get that FOX News show he was angling for at the start of all of this. I just feel bad for the millions of people who seem to have fallen in love with him.

  17. Trump supporters will call it fake news and those who have an open mind will take what they believe as fact to a reasonable conclusion and that is Trump does not want the truth to be revealed. We all know Trumps game plan...deny,attack,sue and then ignore the truth. The truth will be revealed !

  18. It does not matter! Trump will get 4 more tears!

  19. @12:33 - It does not matter! Trump will get 4 more tears!

    Freudian slip?

    Think it will be a lot more tears than that. The minute after he's left the White House he will be of absolute no use to sitting Republicans who will turn their backs on him, assuming they hold out that long and don't start scrambling for life rafts later this summer.

    The amount of filthy laundry that will pour out once there is nothing to be gained from protecting him seems to be a given. SDNY just sitting there waiting.

    All that plus Trump associates as a general rule don't seem to have a bottomless well of loyalty and allegiance for the guy.

  20. No prez wants his dirty laundry aired out. They all have lots. If you think Bush, Bush, Clinton, or Obama were any cleaner, you're naive or stupid. Although, as history just began this morning on your Facebook feed, you're probably both.

  21. Trump's insistence that COVID-19 is fading/going away and taking unpopular social equality positions (outside of his hard core base that is) are making a bad situation toxic for him. This Tulsa event will be a doozie I'm sure.

    The Bolton book and any of its "revelations" shouldn't really come as too much of a surprise at this stage.

    Trump's base will simply refuse to believe it, dismiss it as another sour grapes attack because that is just how conditioned they've become. They defend him like he's family and take it personally. Maybe nothing actually sticks, but the amount of smoke around the guy is ridiculous and should be impossible to ignore to anyone with a handful of brain cells.

  22. If Trump is walking on eggshells now just wait until his niece's book comes out.

  23. I have never been an admirer of John Bolton. Nonetheless, the real angle for you should be his unique position to be privy to the cabinet and his own assessment of this fool and his operation as President. Bolton as always been considered a brilliant analyst of foreign affairs. He offered to testify if subpoenaed, but the Republican Senate was not interested in hearing from him. Trump is an embarrassing baby throwing tantrums over ever criticism he has received and deserves. Don't provide him anymore cover than he already gets from his idolatrs.

  24. Presidents, Governors, Mayors etc. All have secrets they don't want to share. Executive branch leaders are use to loyalty and obedience. They all make sure you only get what they want you to get. That is and has always been the danger of leaders like that.

    They all have secrets and they all play the game. They hate when things are out of their hands or exposed.

  25. If you're looking for the book in the bookstore, it will be next to the Benedict Arnold Biographies .

  26. I have no doubt that what Bolton says in his book will be accurate, but I also have no respect for someone who refused to testify when it would have made a difference.

  27. cNN haters need to take a deep breath. All they do is report and comment on the daily lies of King Orange of 5th.Get over it and face the facts that he is a lame and intellectually unfit for the office.

  28. 10:38 got it right. I’m a Republican who is so ashamed at how the party traded its values for votes, both in the Administration and the Senate. So many party members enabled this moron just to keep the party in control since they couldn’t find a real candidate. Well we’ve made Trump and his family very wealthy. Wealthy enough to buy our souls.

  29. 8:59 There are more of us than you think. I'm just sad of how Toomey almost found his spine then thought better of sticking to principles and his oath of office. Now the trump supporters want him out because he dared to even think about going against their dear leader.

  30. 8:59 AM
    God you're an idiot, a RINO idiot.
    Why shouldn't the Trumps make some money.
    How did Pres Obama make his money? He bought a beach-front mansion for $16 million dollars. Where did that money come from? A book deal--RIGHT...

    You really don't see the red wave coming do you? Neither did the Brits.



    The modern Democracy party is 180 degrees out of phase, they are wrong! They are always wrong!! Consistently wrong!!!
    Frankly It's very clear to everyone that everything Democrats touch turns to shit!
    i.e. miniapolis, philly, LA, and New York...
    Poor New York City!
    Do you remember when NYC felt/was safe? It was run (well) by a republican--Rudy G...

  31. june 20 12:04 so true

  32. 12:04: "The modern Democracy party is 180 degrees out of phase"

    bit of a freudian slip there?


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