Local Government TV

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Pa. Supremes Enjoin County Ban on Medical Marijuana by Probationers

Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has just issued an injunction to Lebanon County permitting probationers with prescriptions to use medical marijuana. In an Opinion written by Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor, the Court unanimously declares that while the Medical Marijuana Act permits counties to deny medical marijuana to those who are behind bars, this restriction has no application to those on probation. "[H]ad the General Assembly intended broader limitations, it would have been a straightforward matter for it to have said this."

What about federal law? Marijuana use, even for medicinal purposes, is illegal. Chief Justice Saylor, however, notes "the federal Controlled Substances Act does not (and could not) require states to enforce it." Moreover, "judges and/or probation officers should have some substantial reason to believe that a particular use is unlawful under the Act before haling a probationer into court."


  1. Lot of gullible people in the world.

    Anyway, Bethlehem to have 4th of July fireworks and social distancing won't be a problem because they can be viewed from almost anywhere in the city.
    HAHAHAHA Whose the asshole that made this statement for the city???
    I'm going just to see the 6' social distancing.

  2. 1146...Ever read about slave trade, Civil War and post war history ?
    Was 6th grade difficult before you quit ?
    Pls explain your racial hatred to us.'

  3. 7:11, I believe you missed the point of the poster with whom you're upset. And who is "us," fine arbiter of things racial? You may know history, but lack any sense of irony. Pity.

  4. Never heard the Jazz musician angle, but have heard the War On Drugs often called the New Jim Crow and with good reason. The lightest research will show the disparity of with more minorities jailed even tho usage and selling is the same as their white counterparts.


  5. 2:45 PM

    Really Karen?!?!


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