Local Government TV

Thursday, June 18, 2020

McClure Wants to End Hazard Pay on June 27

Corrections officers, Gracedale workers and even some caseworkers making home visits to Covid-19 infected homes have received $2 million in "hazard" pay. Executive Lamont McClure awarded this bonus when he had full emergency powers. Now that he's given up most of this authority, it will be up to County Council to authorize continued payment. Last night, McClure told Council he is recommending that hazard pay stop on June 27.

The reason he wants it to end is because he wishes to keep some cash in reserve in case there's a second wave. He added he's unsure whether the County will be reimbursed for this expenditure under the CARES Act.


  1. can citizens view the County Council meeting today via Zoom? Nothing on web site

  2. The meetings are on youtube. I have a link under local government tv on my left sidebar.

  3. Hazard pay, for what?

  4. Lamont will bestow raises, but will make council cut them back. #leadership

  5. No need for hazard pay to continue at this point. Its bad enough they didn't pay all of its employees that continued to work let alone only pay some and not others. Whatever happen to fair and equal treatment among employees?

  6. Ask the health care workers that work for an employer other than a government entity how much hazard pay they received.

  7. How much $ did the people get sitting at home. In some cases unemployment got $600 extra just to stay home.


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