Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Should Biden Skip Debates?

I hope, but seriously doubt, that Bernie Sanders is ready to concede the Democratic Presidential nomination to Joe Biden. As I write this story, Biden has won three of the six states that conducted elections on Tuesday, with his biggest victory in battleground state Michigan. His appeal as a uniter who brings people together, as opposed to our Divider-in-Chief. But he's always been gaffe-prone. He has also proved to be an underwhelming debator, while Sanders is very strong. I see no reason why Biden should continue to participate in these circuses. Why give Bernie any ammo? For that matter, I'd skip any debates with Trump as well. Agree or disagree?


  1. Poor Joe, he’s spent his entire life courting this degree of success in presidential politics and he can’t be there to enjoy it.

  2. Personally I don't think any candidate should refuse to debate, at any time. I believe voters have a right to see and hear their candidate talk about current events. I thought that even when one was caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women in 2016 too - but it didn't have the outcome I expected. It showed me something about my neighbors in MAGAland. Something revolting, but at least I learned something.

  3. Uncle Joe is rapidly losing his mind. He would have a hard time debating a trash can. Traceable should keep a bed open for him in the Alzheimer's unit.

  4. The vetting process should continue including debates. It has been a circus of interference run on Bernie that has now consolidated, there is no one left to fill the time and hide behind, these debates are the real debates.

    However, if Biden is declining and losing the facilities required to debate and speak publicly for any length of time, and the party insists Biden remain the nominee, than hide him.

    Hide him as long as possibly, allow the coronavirus to take over the news cycle with endless commentary by Biden surrogates bashing Trump on his handling of this public health story. Then as fall approaches have the Biden machine harangue about the failings of the economy.

    If he pulls it off and wins the election shortly after his term begins acknowledge his condition and transfer the presidency over to his soon to be announced female prosecutor vice president.

  5. The female prosecutor will be one Republican elites will be comfortable with...

  6. Look, if the man can’t handle the debates, and appears physically and mentally in decline, he will NOT be expected to finish even one term without being propped up. What an awful selling point going into an election.

    To even consider running a cardboard image long enough to insert some unknown other person later, outside the reach of CITIZEN voter participation is the stuff of a sick, failed, and dangerous nation.

    Anyone suggesting this strategy is showing extreme desperation. Have Democrats fallen this far?

  7. Have Democrats fallen this far?

    Democrats aren't alone in such a scenario, not even by half.

  8. Grampy Joe needs to hang it up. He's an old washed up has been way past his prime. Hiding from the debates only makes him a coward.

  9. So we have to depend on an old 70 something guy way past his prime to lead us. The guy makes no sense, sounds senile and is obviously impaired. Sadly, that man is Trump and he must go.

  10. Trump will make joe look like the asshole he is.--also bring out the corrupt biden family

  11. That's funny. Hide Biden. Open Government Bernie, right? Hispanic shot in N.C. and they riot, burn an American flag. Arkansas cop killed and haven't heard a peep. Yep. Thanks Obumera. And Sleepy Joe wants to fill positions by dredging the swamp.

  12. Biden's more than gaffe prone. He has dementia. I watched my dad and father-in-law as they succumbed. I know what I'm seeing. The more important question, is who is his running mate? This is serious. He was never the smartest guy. But Joe is clearly failing. Who is his successor?

  13. This is how Hillary becomes president, as biden's vp and biden steps down in a year.

  14. Honestly...what kind of voter finds this charming?


    1. The kind that voted for Trump. Although Biden's verbal assault would be considered G rated child speak by Trump and his supporters.

  15. They have to hide Biden, he cannot compete in a fair and square debate with either Sanders or Trump, I expect there is another plan. Wheel poor Joe over the finish line for the primary. after he wins the nomination, either replace him due to some ill health report or put in a strong vice president. If you think Hillary has given up on this, dont.

    Is this any way to have an election, in this country? Biden is there as a figure head president to protect all the corruption in Washington.

  16. "Trump will make joe look like the asshole he is.--also bring out the corrupt biden family"

    Trump will look like the uncouth, dishonest, vulgar and thin-skinned boor he has always been. He will continue his divisiveness. I'd refuse to be part of his circus. The Democratic nominee, no matter who it is, should refuse to have anything to do with him.

    As for a Biden v. Sanders debate, the reason Biden should skip is political. He's ahead. He is a bad debater. Sanders is a good debater. Biden has a stutter that comes out at times. Sanders is a gifted orator. Biden has nothing to gain by debating.

    I am just saying what I would advise, but he has not called me, lol. Biden will debate and might surprise me.

  17. To knowingly use Biden as a placeholder should not only insult, but scare every American about the future of their families. This great nation will be lost.

    If nothing else, it’s a fraud on every Democrat voter.

  18. "Hide Biden. Open Government Bernie, right?" -This is politics, not government. How someone does in a debate is only one reflection on that person's ability. How one does in a one-on-one setting or in small groups are others, but you do not see that in a debate. Biden can only hurt himself by debating Bernie. That is why I would skip it. We've already had too many of them. As for Trump, I've already made clear why no one should be part of his circus.

  19. I find it quite amusing that posters here even assume that Biden will step down and this female woman -of color will take charge. Which dream is wetter: Female president, or Biden actually beating orange MAGA MAN? Chortle, chortle, Ha Ha Ha. lol

  20. Biden, if elected will be a figure head and the country will be run by the bureaucracy, We will not have a active decision making president.

  21. Joe has lost his mojo...even Obama can't find the balls to endorse him.

  22. I respect Bernie your wish to go from the "tweeter in chief" to the "sniffer in chief". It is so sad that we have only these two dielectrics to pick from. I foir one will avoid the hours long Lamont Line and stay at home. Trump will be reelected and the media once again set the dem's up for a fall with fake news and fake polls on both sides.

  23. Still waiting to hear OBama endorsed his VP.... All I hear is crickets chirping...

  24. These debates are pretty silly anyway. Softball questions thrown at some candidates, vicious hardballs at someone else. Hey, questions have been shown to a candidate in advance! The town hall format is just as bad as audience questions are pre-screened.

    If the voters have already chosen Biden, just get on with it. Even James Carville states that. But, make CLEAR now who the VP will be and send that team on the road. If you have someone dynamic and appealing as VP already in mind, put them out there and score points on your behalf.

  25. https://twitter.com/i/status/1237479693764431872

  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=197&v=qctzDaYig3M&feature=emb_logo

  27. Hokie Joe says...…

    Biden is looking for a VP.
    Well here it is...………….

    If nominated I will decline.....and...…
    if drafted I will refuse...……..

    It's going to take us a very long time to clean up the mess this president created. Can't the Republicans come up with a candidate that has some decency? Oh, and as for the Corona virus, JUST IGNORE IT AND IT WILL GO AWAY. It's all a Democratic hoax. It is spread by grabbing women in their crotch and not washing your hands. Everyone is safe except for people working in the Whorehouse. oops, I mean Whitehouse
    Don't cha just love America

  28. Can Sleepy Joe nominate his old butt buddy Barrack America to be his VP?

  29. You can be president as many times as you desire you just can't serve more than 10 consecutive years.

  30. 9:22 you are stupid PRESIDENT TRUMP inherited the swamp and hadf to deal with lifetime politicians who are corrupt as they come-he is making them wild and sick he is doing his job boy are you stupid... by the way Bernie--Biden and his family are so corrupt and you support this guy who is going crazy--look how he treats the voters like the guy control guy in Michigan--TRRRUMP never attacks individuals like that--by the way Biden does work for the taxpayers--Biden would destroy this country in 2 weeks TRRUMP IN A LANDSLIDE

  31. About the only two options left for Democrat voters who are obsessed with defeating Trump at any cost is

    1. Claim Trump CREATED the coronovirus on purpose and brought it here.
    2. Cheat like Hell on the November election.

    By the way, our Congress is going on RECESS for next week! So, how concerned is THAT group?

  32. "Still waiting to hear OBama endorsed his VP.... All I hear is crickets chirping..."

    Like the crickets between your ears? The dumbest thing Obama could do is endorse anyone before the party makes its choice clear, which is finally starting to happen. Democrats should be united in their effort to rid this country of the worst President to have ever infested this country.

  33. I don't always talk to democrats but when I do, I always ask for large fries.

  34. Anonymous said...
    I respect Bernie your wish to go from the "tweeter in chief" to the "sniffer in chief". It is so sad that we have only these two dielectrics to pick from. I foir one will avoid the hours long Lamont Line and stay at home. Trump will be reelected and the media once again set the dem's up for a fall with fake news and fake polls on both sides.
    March 11, 2020 at 8:25 AM

    Gee, and I thought he was the Grabber in Chief.

  35. Anonymous said...
    About the only two options left for Democrat voters who are obsessed with defeating Trump at any cost is

    1. Claim Trump CREATED the coronovirus on purpose and brought it here.
    2. Cheat like Hell on the November election.

    March 11, 2020 at 10:02 AM

    No need for either. Just let it emerge--and it is, and it will mlore--how badly Trump has botched, and is botching, the whole thing.

    He should've been on top of it, and he wasn't.

  36. Love reading the weak attempts at spin (Sleepy Joe is going senile!) and overall false confidence of Trump message board morons.

    For the sake of your own pride, start pivoting away from Trump now, you can still be a proud conservative and embrace those principals among your friends and family, but just start laying the ground work now by starting to disagree with Trump on some random small stuff over the next month or two, then around Memorial Day really start leaning into it by questioning his overall strategy for November so that by late summer you can effectively admit to your loved ones that the senile old VP is going to win in November. You'll look smart, save some face and still be able to whine and winge about Biden until 2024 without resorting to tinfoil hat conspiracy theories...

  37. I would guess no Demo what's to debate Trump

  38. Hillary for VP. Only way she could become President

  39. 11:04, These Trumpions are the same people who claimed Hillary was dying during her campaign. They vilify everyone, just like their false prophet. I feel sorry for my GOP friends who feel compelled to support this disgusting man.

  40. Biden may be off the hook, They are now considering proposing the whole election be postponed until the virus is contained.

  41. Biden is the result of a party that has exalted and embraced mediocrity.

  42. Trump really isn't that good of a debater, but he will know were he is, what day it is and what position he is campaigning for. He will also know which one of the women in the audience is is wife. It looks like the bar is not too high for anyone this year.

  43. News is now reporting that the DNC is considering cancelling the rest of their primaries.

  44. Trump is a wounded duck...gotta go after him.

  45. Commie Bernie presser 1pm

    All orchestrated bs... No one on one debates so slomojo doesn't show his dementia.

  46. Bernie: yes. Trump: no. Bernie is not completely out yet despite the constant put downs on the networks. I believe it could alienate some in the party if they feel Bernie was not at least given a fair chance.
    Trump on the other hand would treat it just like every other side show: Lies, Lies, Lies, and then of course, more lies. It would serve no purpose but to fool more of the brain dead. Also, Joe might not take too the creepy stalking around that Drumpf did to Hillary during the debate and might end up kickin the coward's ass.

  47. I'll take Biden's and his Alzheimer issues over Trump's syphilis addled functional retardation in a debate any day of the week. Hillary kicked the living shit out of Trump in all 3 debates, and then in a sign of things to come Trump went into little bitch blame mode and complained about media coverage, moderators, microphones and everything else for his poor performance. Trump is a skidmark on the underpants of society.

    1. And the whole democratic party is a diaper soiled from uncle Joe.

  48. I'm no Trumpian. I hate the guy and everything about him. But Biden has dementia. His campaign bobbles are more than pesky tongue twisters and his regular goofy stuff. I watched my dad and father-in-law. I know what I'm seeing and I know I'm not alone. It's tragic and I wouldn't wish it on any family. The important question remains: who'll be his VP?.

  49. Democrats on CNN encouraging Trump to call a national state of Emergency. What are they thinking?

  50. Biden, IF he goes on to win the Presidency, will be the target of an IMMEDIATE impeachment effort. Now, what slimy political party would even do such a thing?

  51. 1.17, Will Biden actually be the nominee or will he be replaced before the election.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Democrats on CNN encouraging Trump to call a national state of Emergency. What are they thinking?
    March 11, 2020 at 1:17 PM

    Ummm...that we have an emergency?

  53. Trump is a Con man to be sure.

    But Trump could never pull off the Con those who govern from the penthouse are pulling on the American population with this back and to the left strategy with a one term Biden.

    -fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again-

    #neverbiden Because some men like to see the world bern.

  54. Biden as well as his son should just roll over and fall in the grave. This being best for the Democrats because playing the Alzheimer's card will not fend well with the new justices. Haven't seen anything in the news of killarys disposition of Benghazi?

  55. So do the Trumps move to Moscow in December, or do they actually wait until January 2021?

    Who ends up in jail first Junior or Senior if they try to stay in Florida?

    No White House, plus minority in Senate AND House, what's CPAC going to be like next year? The Republican Blame Game is going to be fun to watch.

  56. 216. Are you on drugs?

  57. "Ummm...that we have an emergency"

    Why? Because we are out of toilet paper?

    Other than on tv, do you know anyone sick, or has anyone been sick or died? If you or anyone you know gets sick will you call 911 emergency to send out the hook and latter? Or just calmly go to the doctor to be tested where-by a positive result will most likely get you sent home to recover.

    The average age of death stands at 80 but will likely go down as younger seniors with pre-existing conditions get the corona flu.

    Be positive this could be the jobs program everyone wanted as supply chains are evaluated during this drill.

    The bright side is there will never be a better time to get a good deal on a new car or a durable good or a home, than over the next few months.

  58. I think Hillary slipped a micky in Biden's drink and that's why he's loopy now. It's all going according to her plan!

  59. Anonymous said...
    "Ummm...that we have an emergency"

    Why? Because we are out of toilet paper?

    Other than on tv, do you know anyone sick, or has anyone been sick or died? If you or anyone you know gets sick will you call 911 emergency to send out the hook and latter? Or just calmly go to the doctor to be tested where-by a positive result will most likely get you sent home to recover.

    The average age of death stands at 80 but will likely go down as younger seniors with pre-existing conditions get the corona flu.

    Be positive this could be the jobs program everyone wanted as supply chains are evaluated during this drill.

    The bright side is there will never be a better time to get a good deal on a new car or a durable good or a home, than over the next few months.

    March 11, 2020 at 2:45 PM

    Like Cadet Bone Spurs, you are trying to say "MOve along, nothing to see here."

    I've heard experts with impressive titles tell us on the TV to assume that we have coronavirus infection in our community. I just don't YET know anyone who's got it, but get back to me next week. Meanwhile, all the schools seems to be cancelling classes and NOW we've lost the St. Paddy's parade, which is outdoors! Good to know that you, like the Orange Idiot, know more than all the rest of us.

    And go get a test--are you KIDDING? Only the Complainer in Chief's political buddies can succeed with THAT. The rest of us get only promises.

  60. Trump needs to declare martial law, call out the national guard, and take control of the country.

  61. "Meanwhile, all the schools seems to be cancelling classes and NOW we've lost the St. Paddy's parade"

    Wow! So like the promise of affordable care, "this is a "big f***ing deal", ...or like a big snow storm complete with runs on stores and the corresponding restrictions on travel.

    If only we had a man with early onset dementia who could put his female prosecutor Vice President in charge to reduce fears and save us from medicare 4 all.

  62. Actually, why don't you dare to actually read something? The emergency declaration has to do with releasing FEMA funds.

    Sorry if I've interrupting your rant.

  63. 3:59 -

    That’s the point! Thank you for bringing it up.

    No one else, not Biden, not Michelle Obama, not even George Soros, could have PREVENTED this situation. Not just that, in what way would they have handled this crisis any differently than Trump? Don’t tell they would have responded sooner. Trump put things into motion 2 weeks after it took root in China, BEFORE any cases were reported here! Before the “spreading factor’ was fully understood.

    Go ahead. Tell all of us what your candidate would have done better.

  64. California governor Gavin Newsom said yesterday he spoke directly with Trump; that Trump said everything Newsom wanted to hear, that Trump pledged specific support and has followed through on every pledge. Newsom said they're doing a great job and it comes from the highest levels. They've been in regular contact with VP Pence. Newsom and Trump don't get along. But they realize it's time to be bigger and better than politics. Everyone needs to work together. Social media notwithstanding, it looks like that's starting to happen. Now, you may return to your regularly scheduled tribal sniping.....

  65. 4:06pm

    What would you like to see FEMA do with the funds?

    When the only actionable intelligence is that we wash are hands and stay home. How will FEMA funds assist with that effort?

  66. Gavin Newsom, as despicable as I find him to be, would make a MUCH tougher opponent for Trump than Biden or Sanders. So would Condeleza Rice. One way or another, I don’t think Biden will be the candidate.

  67. Anonymous said...

    What would you like to see FEMA do with the funds?

    When the only actionable intelligence is that we wash are hands and stay home. How will FEMA funds assist with that effort?

    March 11, 2020 at 4:37 PM

    "An emergency declaration would allow FEMA to provide disaster medical assistance teams, mobile hospitals and military transport, among other kinds of federal support" according to FEMA.

    You know, emergency stuff as needed. Food for those who can't or shouldn't get out, transportation for medical care, whatever. What happens when we run out of disinfectant and toilet paper?

  68. Anonymous said...
    3:59 -

    That’s the point! Thank you for bringing it up.

    No one else, not Biden, not Michelle Obama, not even George Soros, could have PREVENTED this situation. Not just that, in what way would they have handled this crisis any differently than Trump? Don’t tell they would have responded sooner. Trump put things into motion 2 weeks after it took root in China, BEFORE any cases were reported here! Before the “spreading factor’ was fully understood.

    Go ahead. Tell all of us what your candidate would have done better.
    March 11, 2020 at 4:13 PM

    As President, Trump is surrounded by experts. (The ones who were hired before he took office, not the unqualifieds he tends to appoint.) HE should've been the one to talk very early on about what needs to be done. The only early measure he took was banning Chinese travel here, and I suspect that could've and should've been done a lot sooner. It may well now be too late for "social distancing" to work, as the virus has a foothold. Not only are we still without the test kits that we need, but Trump continues to make "like the flu" happy talk. HE'S REACTED MUCH TOO SLOWLY.

  69. In November Republicans will take the house along with the Greatest President of all The Peoples President! I can see it all in my crystal ball the rolling on the floor frothing from the mouths for another 4yrs!

  70. Then maybe something can be done about you-all's punctuation.

    1. Than were will youz media men and grammar police hole a job?

  71. Well, this should be all good news to some. If most of the elderly die off, we wont need medicare for all or anyone else. Carbon emissions are going down, the earth may be saved after-all. It will be good news for bats snakes etc, they may not be too anxious to eat them in the future. There very well could be far fewer billionaires in the near future.

    In fact I wonder if it will make any difference in the extent of the death and destruction no matter what government policies are enacted. Most diseases run their course when all the weak and vulnerable die off.

    Guess what people the government can not save you. You are all gonna die.

  72. Stop politicizing this. If Newsom and Trump can work together, we should be encouraged.
    I'd donate blood to save any one of you lousy mfers - and I hate everyone. But I'm an American and that's what we do.

    "We had a private conversation, but he said, 'We're gonna do the right thing' and 'You have my support, all of our support, logistically and otherwise,'" Newsom told reporters at a Monday news conference.

    "He said everything I could have hoped for," the governor asserted. "And we had a very long conversation and every single thing he said, they followed through on," he noted.

    "Every single thing... has been consistent with expectation we'd repatriate these passengers and do it in a way that does justice to the spirit that defines the best of our country," the governor said.

    Newsom said that he has received "consistent" support from Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

  73. Hard to believe but several Democrats in Congress are proposing legislation to PROHIBIT President Trump from imposing travel bans on foreign nations! One proposal, from California Democrat Chu, seeks to REMOVE travel bans placed on China and Iran.Both loaded with Coronavirus!

  74. 6:15 PM
    "An emergency declaration would allow FEMA to provide disaster medical assistance teams, mobile hospitals and military transport, among other kinds of federal support" according to FEMA.

    Has any governor asked for these things and not received them?

  75. We should suspend all air-travel for four weeks. Nobody comes. Nobody goes. Empty arenas failed in Italy. Time to cancel games as Italy did. They reacted too late. We shouldn't.

  76. "I'd donate blood to save any one of you lousy mfers - and I hate everyone. But I'm an American and that's what we do."

    Amen brother I'm with you, and I appreciate the offer, but since folks think the cure is toilet paper, all I need is some freaking toilet paper....and some new flannels.

  77. In an effort to calm fears and court Bernie voters, the President has addressed the nation and through actions has denounced the private sector free market healthcare system as being incompetent in matters of public health and emergency preparedness, and has left our nation vulnerable.

    The president assured us, with no explanation of how he are going to pay for it, that he will begin the appropriate socialist measures.

  78. Should Biden Skip Debates?

    Answer: yes and save himself from having Trump beat him like a drum.

  79. I blame the Russians.

  80. Joe can run but he cannot hide his obvious mental decline, which the media will not be able to cover up for him because it's plainly visible for all to see. The Dems backed a walking dead horse.

  81. Anonymous said...
    6:15 PM
    "An emergency declaration would allow FEMA to provide disaster medical assistance teams, mobile hospitals and military transport, among other kinds of federal support" according to FEMA.

    Has any governor asked for these things and not received them?
    March 11, 2020 at 8:07 PM

    Washington certainly has, as they want to extend Medicaid and need the declaration to do so. Several states have declared their own emergencies. Clearly, we need to stop underestimating the situation and get rolling. The reports are that Dear Leader doesn't want a declaration to contradict his prior "What, me worry?" statements.

    This is going to come home to roost politically. Anyone with a brain can see that this virus is beyond the pale, and we need a president who will take every reasonable measure.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.