Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Please Vote By Mail on April 28

Pennsylvania's Presidential Primary is April 28. I have no way of knowing whether Covid-19 will still be a problem at that time. To be safe, I recommend that you all apply for a mail-in ballot. You can apply online here. This way you can vote without risking your health.

Note: This is my suggestion. I have heard officials in other jurisdictions encourage voters to exercise this option, but have not discussed it with NorCo officials.


  1. I think your headline should be encouraging people to vote by Mail-in Ballot not necessarily Absentee. I know a lot of news stories are using the two types of ballots interchangeably but there are differences. The PA DOS is still offering two different applications. The Mail-in ballot does not require you to justify why you don't want to go to the polling location. As far as I can tell the Absentee application (currently available online) requires you to explain why you are not voting in person.

  2. All the new and fixed electronics will work fine, but please mail in your ballots....not because the electronics may fail, but to keep from contracting the coronavirus....and also to keep lines smaller, decrease parking problems, increase stamp sales, improve handwriting skill..and save the earth..

  3. Remember to VOTE on election day or before. MY MOTTO IS "VOTE EARLY and VOTE OFTEN"

  4. 4:14, Changed my headline in accord with your suggestion.

  5. YEA. Joe Biden is now one vote ahead. I voted this morning

  6. "Never let a good crisis go to waste." joe "Alinsky" biden, the crisis that keeps on giving!

    U Da Man joey!

  7. This is what "Trauma based mind control" looks like.

  8. Anonymous said...
    "Never let a good crisis go to waste." joe "Alinsky" biden, the crisis that keeps on giving!

    U Da Man joey!
    March 10, 2020 at 10:53 AM

    By all means, tell us what you think you know about Saul Alinsky. Pretty please!

  9. Covid-19 can survive on a computer touchscreen for up to 96 hours. Will the machines work when touched by a latex gloved finger?

  10. 8:53 I just canceled out your vote I voted for Bernie.

  11. 3:38PM


  12. Any word on how many coronavirus test kits are available for Gracedale?

  13. Don’t panic and change your normal behavior about greeting others. What we could learn from the Spanish flu of 1919. Most media heads can’t even cite why it was called the Spanish flu . So - as an amateur historian, I will tell your viewers Bernie, During “The Great War “ Spain was neutral and their press was reporting this flu before other countries because the war countries involved were censoring content. See how historically relation
    to today is relevant?
    I was once an NBC , U.S.Army Officer . We would do mostly nuclear decontamination issues in practice. So pay attention, if an enemy of the state what’s to screw up a community , all they need is access to their water supply.

  14. Hey, it work just wonderful in California when a couple of hundred thousand people voted for people who were no longer running by the day of the primary election.
    What a fucking joke!

  15. I thought this was a good idea. I haven't voted by mail since I voted absentee in my first election in 1982, but you never know what the situation will be a month from now, especially with polling places in schools, etc. I figure, what is the harm, and applied this morning while eating breakfast. I also mentioned it to friends at work and family members. I did notice the site looks a little different on the phone vs the laptop, but most do. Thanks for the suggestion Bernie.

  16. My only question, especially in November assuming a heavy turnout, is when are the counted, and how long does it take to report them in along with the machine tallies? I understand the mail in ballots will be scanned, correct? Many states used to scan those punch cards and still report timely.

  17. Ovem, the new law requires the Registrar to keep the mail-in ballots secure until 8 pm on Election Day. After that, they are counted.Yes, they are scanned and that can be accomplished quickly. The problem is going to be opening two envelopes in which the ballot is contained and then unfolding it. That is a bear for me when I just have seven or eight. There will be thousands. It could be awhile. The machine results should come back quickly, and the mail-in ballots will take a bit longer. Amy Cozze is shooting to get it done on Election Night.

  18. That envelope opening is going to be a nightmare. Glad I don't have that job. Maybe CrAZY can be hired for it. Dees posted her salary from a few years ago playing parking deck DICK, and I'm sure she could use some supplementary income. For her, $500 would probably be considered a windfall. She could also use a suppository to help wash out that telephone pole she has shoved up there - good grief she is stalking Dees now. The balls she has to make someone else's employment history public when hers is such a glaring embarrassment is astonishing. Put those wrinkled fingers to work, granny.

  19. "Don’t panic and change your normal behavior about greeting others" Bernie didn't move to shake my hand when I recently ran into him - which I don't find insulting. After all, it's Bernie. No, sincerely, I am trying to not touch much at all when out in public, and that is where I saw him. I had someone refuse to shake my hand last week when I stuck it out. Maybe it's just no one wants to shake my hand - lol

  20. Don’t seal your mail-in ballot by licking the envelope. Use a wet sponge or cloth instead. That is useful advice to keep in mind since Pennsylvania now has new mail-in voting options that will be in place for the April 28th primary.

  21. How come the 2020 Census Employment Training that is happening NOW ALL WEEK in Allentown Pa (across from Dorney Park) is holding ALL DAY CLASSES this week and for many weeks going forward with people coming from 7 Counties to be trained. Those classes have MANY ELDERLY people in them who are 70 years old and ABOVE but need to work because of the money.... the Census should not ALLOW THEM TO BE IN THESE CLASSES and then for them to train others in other classes happening in 3 different locations in the Lehigh Valley! This is not the way to STOP the outbreak! The Government should b3 pro-active in stopping the spread and deaths of other people. How about the people who have been hired to start in April! These elderly employees should all be paid to stay home or have an alternate way of being trained like online web training classes?? High Schools and college are suspending classes and the Census is just starting up!

    Something and someone should address this concern about the 2020 Census starting on April 1st in our area! Maybe they should postpone it? Bernie, who can we call if we know people who have to report for training middle and end of April and are 77 and older and need the money?

    Thank you Bernie!


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